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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ALUMNI QUARTERLY. I'll 13. I desire to submit the following communication from Professor Ira O. Baker, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association: "I am directed by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association to ask you to recommend to the board of trustees the appropriation of $1,000 for the publication of the Alumni Quarterly The reasons for this request are as follows: The first number of the Alumni Quarterly issued in January, has met with so considerable an amount of favor with the alumni that the usefulness of the publication seems unquestionable. ' The present lack of close, organization in the association seems to show the necessity of the magazine itself in order that the alumni may be more closely united, and their interests in the institution and themselves be more thoroughly awakened; and also that some kind of financial basis must be furnished in order that the Quarterly may be successfully published until such time as the interest which it will arouse shall furnish a list of subscribers sufficient to make the magazine self supporting The Executive Committee, therefore, requests that the Trustees of the University be asked to set aside $1,000 a year for the use of the Alumni Quarterly, to be paid in quarterly installments at the time of publication. In return for this the publication committee agrees to give the following returns for the money: First, to carry the one page of advertising on the back of the magazine. Second to send at least one copy a year to every alumnus. Third, to publish the Annual Alumni Association report. Fourth, to keep up to date the records and mailing lists of both graduates and non-graduates, as far as possible, and to make these lists available for all official University purposes. This request we consider worthy of favorable action of the trustees for the following reasons: First, Other institutions support similar publications in a similar way. The University of Michigan pays $2,000 a year to the Michigan Alumnus -for a somewhat similar return. Second, This enables the University to reach the alumni directly and regularly, something which has not been possible in the past. ' Third, The amount asked for is moderate. At present the trustees are paying about $250 a year to have the Alumni Association report printed and distributed, and considerable sums of money in printing, mimeographing, and postage which could be saved by this arrangement. The committee believes that at the end of one year, the Quarterly can be put into such a condition as to make it possible with the same sum of money to extend •its influence and become a constantly increasing factor in the effort to amalgamate the alumni into a useful and tangible body. Very truly yours, Chairman Executive Committee Alumni IRA O. BAKER,, Association. Voted that the desired appropriation of $1,000 for the year 1907-08 be made. 14. The librarian, submits a request for an appropriation of $294 for the purchase of catalog trays, to take care of the library cards from the Library of Congress. * Voted that said appropriation be made. CREDITS FOR STUDENTS NOT IN RESIDENCE. 15. The council of administration recommends that if an undergraduate who is not in residence at the University desires to receive credit toward graduation, he must first register at the University and pay the registration fees. He may then receive such credits under the same conditions as do other students. Voted that said recommendation be approved. 16. Assistant Professor B. WiBrenneman tenders his resignation as instructor in the University to take effect at the close of the present academic year.
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