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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
304 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Feb. 14, Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount, $1 50 1 20 52 80 1653 Feb. 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1664 1665 1966 1667 1668 1669 1670 1571 1672 1673 1674! 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 16881 1689 1690 16911 16921 16931 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 Feb. 17021 1703! 1704 1705 1706| 1707 17081 1709 1710 1711 17121 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726| 1727 17281 Regulator A. E. Wuesteman Lead tubing Walsh& Heuck Toilet paper, etc H. Swannell The Electric Arc Light Co Globes, carbons, e}c Queen & Co Pyrometer, etc The Broadway Rubber boots P. E.Taintor Cement Twin City Ice & Cold St'r'ge Co Ice Library Bureau Decimal classification, etc Henry Trevett Pipe, galvanized iron, etc Cosm'p'lt'n Incan.Gas Light Co Lights, chimneys, etc Walch & Wyeth Magnesia pipe covering Manning, Maxwell & Moore Pump E.Henry Brooms, soap, etc Twin City Electric Co Brackets, shades, etc Popular Astronomy Lantern slides Bausch & Lomb Optical Co Knives, labels, jars, etc Eimer & Amend Chemical apparatus, etc William Cox Computers Kenyon News & Postal Sub. Co Subscriptions Keuffel & Esser Co Dividers Burrow Bros. Co Books Western Electric Co Cells, battery, jars, etc T. H.Trevett Shovels, galvanized iron, etc. Wm. J. Bohm Repairs on pump Eugene Dietzgen & Co Paper, cloth, etc H. McFadden& Bro Bran, straw, etc Western News Co Subscription Raoul Renault Whiteside Co. Farmers' Inst... Advertisement E. S. Blakeslee Electric motor Blackboards W. A. Olmsted A. P. Carman Expenses Chas. A. Besore Lumber and coal.. Brunswick-Balke Collender Co Oak desk H W. Lynch Coal Odin Coal Co Pipe fittings, etc Crane Company Jar$, bottles, apparatus, etc Whitall, Tatum & Co Gustav E. Stechert Books W. W. Lindley , Postage Ozias Riley Postage stamps A. W. Palmer Expenses E. H. Renner & Bro. Hauling coal, etc S. W. Shattuck, business mgr. Ocean freight, etc Expressage Pay rolls, students, January, 1898. Pay rolls, men, January, 1898 Salary for February, 1898 28 A. S. Draper T, J. Burrill S. W. Shattuck N. C. Ricker Ira O. Baker S. A. Forbes C. W. Rolfe D. Mcintosh A. N. Talbott A.' W. Palmer F. F. Frederick S. W. Parr H. J. Barton Chas. M. Moss D.K.Dodge L. P. Breckenridge David Kinley Eugene Davenport. Arnold Tompkins.. A. P. Carman Walter H. Jones ... E. B. Greene Geo. E, Gardner C. C.Pickett Katharine L. Sharp Geo. T. Kemp Geo. W. Myers Edgar J. Townsend 18 01 14 75 9 00 3 50 3 76 87 50 68 05 21 50 6 34 6 00 38 3a 20 43 11 25 28 11 100 48 20 6& 5 50 17 50 11 24 25 56 29 03 3 50' 19 5a 12 45 33 00 1 50 1 00 10 00 14 40 14 61 219 05< 267 76 357 01 101 28 172 56 189 86 18 00 38 00 8 25 116 29 94 51 50 80 251 98> 851 43 583 33 200 00' 166 66 191 66 187 50' 83 33 175 00 50 00' 175 00 175 00 158 33 175 00 175 00 175 00 166 66 187 50 187 50 95 83" 166 (6 187 50 100 00 141 66 166 66 125 00-' 166 66 166 66 150 00 137 50 io oa
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