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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
84 UNIVEKSITY. OF I L L I N O I S ; P A P E R C—UNITED STATES FUND. Received. Expendedi Year ending June 30, 1893. Before reported on Veterinary d e p a r t m e n t Total Year ending June 30, 1894. Before 1reported on Testing laboratory Geology Zoology Architecture Total Year ending June 30, 1895. Salaries for instruction T e s t i n g laboratory Electrical engineering Unassigned Total $13,906 28 $13,906 28 125 60 135 00 946 68 1,000 00 4,958 72 $20,000 00 $14,958 56 $15,500 00 $15,500 00 1,700 00 1,700 00 300 00 300 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 459 53 500 00 $19,000 00 $18,959 53 $17,663 09 $17,663 09 156 93 250 00 86 91 86 91 $18,000 00 $17,906 93 Balance. Assigned. $93 07 $93 07 $93 07 $93 07 $40 47 $40 47 $40 47 $40 47 $9 40 53 32 4,958 72 $5,021 44 $9 40 53 32 $62 72 With this paper I also connect a bill for $112.69, presented by Charles W. Spalding, Treasurer. By the custom of many years, the appropriations from current funds become inoperative if not used within the quarter that they are made. Hence it will be necessary to take action again in the matter of the Chase property purchase, if it is to be paid for. I have not included an item for that purpose in the list of appropriations of paper Gr, as the assignments before made from the State and United States funds, together with the usual appropriations for the three months, exceed the available funds, including the $8,000 of the reserve fund. It will be necessary to put off a part of the usual payments of May and June till the July interest on the endowment is received. The attention of the [Board was drawn to the condition of the finances at its meeting in September last (see report of meeting, page 31). Since then it has appropriated a large amount outside of the budget presented by the Business Agent. The Board is requested to make the following assignments: F r o m t h e State appropriations— For shop practice F o r salaries for i n s t r u c t i o n F r o m t h e United States fund— F o r salaries for instruction I t is also requested to m a k e available for c u r r e n t use the balance of the re serve fund — $300 00 5,983 81 5,154 98 8,000 00 Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, assignments of state appropriations and of United States fund, were made as requested in the Business Agent's report. (See above.)
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