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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 83 Paper F, an estimate for the three months ending June 1, 1895. Paper G, a list of appropriations the Board is requested to make at this time. P A P E R A—CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS. December 5,1894, and J a n u a r y 10 and F e b r u a r y 12, 1895. Board expense Cu (Cu r r e n t Salaries for instruction V S. fund . and for P r e s i d e n t (St: State Salaries for services Buildings and grounds . . . F u e l and lights Stationery and p r i n t i n g . . . P r e p a r a t o r y School Mechanical d e p a r t m e n t . . . Architectural department H o r t i c u l t u r a l department. Military d e p a r t m e n t Laboratories L i b r a r y and a p p a r a t u s Incidentals SundriesWater supply F u r n i t u r e and fixtures Heating apparatus Advertising Biological Station Art department P r e s i d e n t ' s office Accredited schools Band i n s t r u m e n t s Illini The Technograph Junior Annual Gymnasium Moving into E n g i n e e r i n g Hall I n a u g u r a t i o n and dedication Publication of exercises Publication of T r u s t e e s ' address.. C h a s e property S u m m e r school South and Griggs farms Typewriter and cabinet Music fees Appropriated. Receipts appro- Expended. priated. $384 13 2,036 37 8,631 37 12,018 17 2,018 29 138 88 3,035 631 389 58j 1,314 22 612 291 1,276 99 103 68 3*961 871 17 17 761 444 98 125 00 219 10 261 06 450 22 188 06| 30 21 27 101 259 40 13 77 128 571 110 84 171 135 2 43 1,620 00 133 40 65 164 130 133 00 56 20 10 251 08! 34 001 00 40 $600 00 22,734 00 3,005 00 200 00 3,000 00 400 00 200 00 255 00 270 00 75 00 50 00 400 00 50 00 450 00 125 00 317 41 300 00 608 10 915 52 102 39 27 10 382 34 16 68 357 15 100 OOi 110 00 100 00 300 00 135 10 300 00 250 00 7,000 00 1,000 00 240 98 130 00 $198 75 1,168 358 801 37 50 65 27 85 554 66 P A P E R B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS. F e b r u a r y 28, 1895. Closed out Cabinets F u r n i s h i n g and h e a t i n g N a t u r a l History Hall E n g i n e e r i n g building Applied mechanics Civil engineering Psychology Botany Library Zoology Geology Buildings a n d g r o u n d s Mechanical engineering Municipal a n d sanitary engineering Salaries for instruction Geology cases , Pedagogy Greek Woman's gymnasium Shop practice Unassigned Total. Illinois State Laboratory of N a t u r a l History.. Received. Expended. $90,694 16 $90,694 16 953 01 1,000 00 5,361 991 6,000 00 160,000 00 153,725 05 472 00 39 66| 179 60 233 00[ 200 001 190 70 450 00 176 15 10,000 00 8,852 03 1,200 00 421 66 500 00 197 10 2,100 00 1,717 34l 4,000 00 3,175 65| 1 901 50 00 12,018 17 12,018 17 286 00| 300 001 115 53 150 00 50 65 150 00 43 00 300 00 300 001 300 00| 6,283 81 Balance. Assigned. $46 99 638 01 6,274 95 432 34 53 40 9 301 273 85 1,147 97 778 34 302 90j 382 66 824 351 48 10 14 34 99 257 00 47 35 00 14 34 99 257 00 47 35 00 6,283 81 $2,904 61 $296,401 14 $278,499 35| $17,901 79| $15,313 26 $12,408 65
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