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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Treasurer's 1895. February Report—Concluded. $14 00 200 00 14 00 120 00 67 20 3 50 150 00 400 00 30 50 1,543 50 140 50 1,000 00 93 20 2,000 00 5,000 00 1,976 18 412 45 362 64 $34,883 50 $179,918 17 $17,289 53 50,505 37 1,920 64 8,441 74 3,241 05 953 20 5,000 00 $17,790 81 11,334 84 5,126 57 4,629 75 8,022 18 41,664 90 3,395 50 602 09 $92,566 64 $179,918 17 $87,351 53 \ 4 Received 4 " 4 '' 4 4 4 '' 6 '' 6 '' 6 '' 18 " 18 23 '' 23 *' 25 25 " 28 28 28 " interest, contract No. 77, W m . Buethe principal, " No. 78, W m . Buethe interest, '' No. 78, W m . Buethe principal, " No. 80,Wm. Buethe, assignee interest, " No. 80,Wm. Buethe, assignee account interest on Buethe contracts Mattoon coupons due Feb. 1,1895 principal, contract No. 67, J . A. DuBois, assignee interest, '' No. 67, J . A. DuBois, assignee principal, " No. 32, P . C. O'Brien interest, * * No. 32, P . C. O'Brien principal, '' No. 95, Mars & Simpson interest, '' No. 95, Mars & Simpson . ,, from S. W. Shattuck on general fund by t r a n s f e r of 5 Kankakee bonds to endowm e n t fund from S. W. Shattuck on general fund interest to date at 4 p e r cent, on endowment fund interest to date at 2*2 p e r cent, on ail other funds Cr. F e b r u a r y 28 By amount paid out of general fund as per list of warr a n t s attached hereto 28 By amount paid out of state appropriations as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached thereto 28 By amount paid out of State Laboratory of N a t u r a l History fund, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 28 By amount paid out LT. S. fund, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 28 By amount paid out of IT. S. E x p e r i m e n t Station fund, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 28 By amount paid out of U. S. E x p e r i m e n t Station farm fund, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 28 By amount paid out of endowment fund for Kankakee bonds Balances; State a p p r o p r i a t i o n s C u r r e n t fund E n g i n e e r i n g Hall Other appropriations General fund U. S. fund E n d o w m e n t fund , U. S. E x p e r i m e n t Station fund U. S. E x p e r i m e n t Station farm fund account Professor Shattuck presented his report as business agent BUSINESS AGENT'S REPORT. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, March 12, 1895. Nelson W. Grahum, President of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, S I R : I have the honor to present you herewith the following" financial statements: Paper A, a showing of the current appropriations from Dec. 1, 1894, to Feb. 28, 1895. Paper B, the condition of the state appropriations Feb. 28, 1895. Paper C, the United States fund Feb. 28, 1895. Paper D, a list of vouchers, presented for audit, being Nos. 1,551 to 2,125 of old series, and Nos. 1 to 500, new series. Paper E, an estimate of receipts and expenses for the six months ending: Sept. 1, 1895.
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