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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. P A P E R B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS. 53 November 30, 1894. Closed out Cabinets Furnishing: and h e a t i n g Nat. Hist. Hall Boilers and coal house E n g i n e e r i n g building Applied mechanics Civil engineering Psychology Botany Library Zoology Architectural d e p a r t m e n t Geology Chemical laboratory ventilation Building and grounds Mechanical engineering Electrical engineering Salaries for instruction P h a r m a c y desk Pedagogy Greek W o m a n ' s gymnasium Shop practice Unassigned Total Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History Received. Expended. $65,759 31 $65,759 31 1,000 00! 905 61 6,000 00! 5,330 81 6,500 00| 6,235 90| 160,000 00 120,455 94 472 00! 39 66 233 00 127 901 200 OOl 95 72 450 OOl 164 85 10,000 00 5,846 41 1,200 00 196 591 325 00 325 00 500 00 122 90 700 00 686 55' 2,100 00 1,083 69! 4,000 00 2,844 02 5,550 00 5,550 00) 11,209 85 11,209 85! 350 00 240 95 150 00 41 091 150 00 3 00 270 00 300 00 300 00 18,981 98 Balance. Assigned. $94 39 669 19 264 10 39,544 06 432 34 105 101 104 281 285 15 4,153 59| 1,003 41 377 10 13 45 1,016 31 1,155 98 109 05 108 91 147 00 270 00 18,981 98 669 19 264 10 39,544 06 432 34 105 10 104 28 285 15 4,153 59 1,003 41 377 10 13 45 1,016 31 1,155 98 i09 05 108 91 147 00 270 00 $296,401 14 $227,565 75; $68,835 39 $49,853 41 15,313 26 10,594 20 4,719 06! 2,475 06 P A P E R C—UNITED STATES FUND. Received. Expended. Year ending June 30, 1893. $17,663 09 250 00 86 91 $18,000 00 Year ending June 30, 1894. $14,550 00 $14,550 00 1,700 00 1,679 67 300 00 298 31 1,000 00 995 19 950 00 • 950 00 500 00 416 20 $19,000 00 Year ending June! 30, 1895. . $5,274 65 135 00 14,590 35 $20,000 00 $5,274 65 $5,274 65 $18,889 37 $17,663 09 153 55 81 68 $17,898 32 Balance. Assigned. Before reported on Agricultural lectures Veterinary d e p a r t m e n t Total $96 45 5 23 $101 68 $96 45 5 23 $101 68 Before reported on T e s t i n g laboratory Geology, Zoology Civil engineering Architecture Total $20 33 1 69 4 81 83 80 $110 63 $20 33 1 69 4 81 83 80 $110 63 'Salaries for instruction T e s t i n g laboratory Unassigned Total $135 00 14,590 35 $14,725 35 $135 00 $135 00 I reported to the Board November 15th the action of the local gas company upon the request of the University for a reduction in the price of gas. The Board is requested to make available for current use $5,000.00 of the reserve fund. Eespectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent.
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