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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 201 ferred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and subsequently upon the approval of that Committee was passed by the Board. The Business Agent, Professor S. W. Shattuck, presented his report. THE BUSINESS AGENT'S REPORT. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, December 10, 1895. Nelson W. Graham, President of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, SIR : I have the honor to hand you herewith the following* financial statement and reports: Payer A, a statement of the current appropriations for the three months •ending November 30, 1895. Paper B gives a showing of the state appropriations November 30, 1895. Paper C gives a similar one of the United States fund. P A P E R B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS. Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned. For the Years 1893-95. $121,646 14 $121,646 14 •Closed out 953 01 1,000 00 •Cabinets 6,000 00 5,936 16 Furnishing: and heating: N a t u r a l History H a l l . . 160,000 00 160,000 00 Engineering: building: 472 00 345 36 Applied mechanics 233 00 233 00 Civil engineering: 384 99 450 00 Botany 1,178 89 1,200 00 Zoology 500 00 500 00 *Geolegy 3,888 04 Mechanical engineering: 4,000 00 300 00 300 00 •Geology cases 127 16 150 00 Pedagogy 108 98 150 00 Greek. . 151 61 W o m a n ' s gymnasium 300 00 $296,401 14 $295,753 34 For the Years 1895-97, •Operating Biological Expenses Unassigned Experiment Station— $750 00 750 00 $1,500 00 Finishing and Furnishing Electric wiring Unassigned ; Engineering Hall— $1,194 03 2,288 64 1,517 33 $5,000 00 College of Engineering— Machine shops $15,000 00 10,000 00 $25,000 00 Astronomical Paving observatory $5,000 00 $9,300 00 $2,000 00 'Taxes on Minnesota lands $1,600 00 $765 87 $765 87 $1,191 77 1,166 84 $2,358 61 $9,540 36 2,840 90 $12,381 26 $26 00 $8,266 71 $296 49 $1,600 C O $750 00 $750 00 $2 26 1,121 80 1,517 33 $2,641 39 $5,459 64 7,159 10 $12,618 74 $4,974 00 $1,033 29 $1,703 51 $2 26 1,121 80 $1,124 06 $5,456 64 7,159 10 $12,618 74 $4,974 00 $1,033 29 $1,703 51 $46 99 63 84 126 64 65 01 21 11 111 96 22 84 41 02 148 39 $647 80 $46 99 63 84 126 64 65 01 21 11 111 96 22 84 41 02 148 39 $647 80 streets, etc
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