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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PEOCEEDINGS OF BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 119 An appropriation of $100 was made to be used as might be needed in making repairs on the roof of Engineering Hall. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds was instructed to cause some modification of the window sills in the third story of Engineering Hall, so as to prevent the rain drip from defacing and injuring the building. The Board adjourned. N. W. GRAHAM, W. L. PILLSBURY, President. Secretary. ADJOURNED SESSION, CHICAGO, J U N E 27, 1895. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met, pursuant to adjournment, at 9 o'clock a. m., June 27, 1895, at the Palmer House, in Chicago. The members present when the Board was called to order were Messrs. Bullard, Graham, McLean, Morgan, Morrison, Raymond, Dr. Julia Holmes Smith, and Mrs. Flower; Mr. Armstrong came in a little later; those absent were Governor Altgeld and Messrs. Judy and Inglis. Mr. Morgan, chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, stated that the Committee had not yet sent out a call for designs because it was not deemed advisible to do this till the site of the library had been fixed and some other preliminaries determined. A communication from the Illinois Bee Keepers' Association, presented by President Draper, was, on motion of Mr. McLean, referred to Professor Davenport, Dean of the College of Agriculture, for report at the next meeting of the Board. A communication from Mr. G. W. Parker, asking to be appointed superintendent of buildings and grounds, was referred to a special committee appointed at the last meeting, to consider and report upon the duties of a superintendent. A communication from Professor Davenport with regard to expenditures upon the house occupied by him, was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to act. Dr. J. W. Scott, Secretary of the State Board of Health, by invitation conferred with the Board at some length with regard to a vaccine farm which the University is to establish, in accordance with an act recently passed by the legislature, and also with regard to the University's conducting for the Board of Health some examinations of candidates for admission to medical schools in this state.
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