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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
118 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. P A P E R C—UNITED STATES FUND. Received. Expended. Year ending June 30, 1893. Before reported on Agricultural lectures Salaries for instruction Total Year ending Before reported on Architecture June 30, 1894. $18,500 00 500 00 $19,000 00 Year ending Salaries for instruction T e s t i n g laboratory Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g Total June 30, 1895. $18,865 00 $18,865 00 135 00 $134 48 1,000 00 1,000 00 $20,000 00 $19,999 48 $18,500 00 470 03 $18,970 03 $17,750 00 $17,750 00 226 06 226 06 23 94 23 94 $18,000 00 $18,000 00 Balance. Assigned. $29 97 $29 97 $29 97 $29 97 $6 52 $0 52 $0 52 $0 52 Papers G and H are bills for which appropriations are requested, if approved. Paper I is a communication from Yeager & Schultz, requesting a payment of $1,775, as due them on contract. I must draw the attention of the Board to the fact that there will be a balance in the state appropriation of only $580.97 to pay this account, after paying out the other contract, as estimated by the architect. In this connection I present Paper K, an estimate for repairs of the roof of Engineering Hall. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent, The list of warrants with vouchers was referred to the Finance Committee. Appropriations were made as follows in accordance with recommendations of the Business Agent: S u n d r y balances—Paper A Board expenses Salaries for instruction and P r e s i d e n t Salaries for services Buildings and grounds F u e l and lights Stationery, printing, and catalogue Mechanical, architectural, horticultural, and military d e p a r t m e n t s . Laboratories L i b r a r y and a p p a r a t u s Incidentals Heating apparatus F u r n i t u r e and fixtures Military scholarships £k>mmen£ement.... — Minnesota lands W a t e r supply Total. $1,669 20^ 500 00? 20,000 00" 2,000 00 600 00 2,000 00 1,500 00* 500 00* 1,000 00 50 00 400 00 500 00 300 00' 285 oo 200 00 100 00 250 00 $31,854 20
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