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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

38 The following named persons, on recommendation of the faculty, have received from his excellency, Governor Ogiesby, commissions as captains, by brevet, in the Illinois National Guard: Alfred N. Abbott, Milo F. Lantz, Judson Lattin. Sherman L. Marshall, E. Leland Morse, George W. Eichards, William H. Stockham. I present the report from the professor of agriculture. I respectfully suggest that a meeting be arranged with Mr. Jaques in behalf of the Champaign and Urbana railroad company, with reference to the construction of a half way house and other subjects connected therewith. Also Mr. Pleasant Vance desires to communicate with you concerning his proposition to prospect for a gas well. I ask leave to extend this report at your future meeting. Respectfully submitted, Urbana, June 9,1885. S. H. PEABODY, Regent. The following report from the agricultural department was submitted : CHAMPAIGN, June 6,1885. Dr. S. H. Peabddy, Regent: SIB: The sales from the University farm for the last three months aggregate $1,066 10. The expenses were $1,077 41. The extreme cold weather of last winter caused greater consumption of grain by the farm stock than was anticipated, making purchase of food necessary. ;It is believed that a profitable return has been made for all food fed. The farm work is in fair state of advancement, the season being a late one. The wheat of which we had thirty-five to thirty-seven acres, was so badly injured during the winter that the ground was sown to oats this spring except about two acres. Of oats we have about seventy acres,promising a good crop, Except two or three acres all the land in oats was also sown with timothy and clover. Of corn we have planted 105 acres. On the greater part we have secured a good stand, but some replanting has been necessary. We were fortunate in having good seed for the larger part of the ground. We have sold a considerable quantity of corn for seed, most of it giving good satisfaction. A part, although having sufficient vitality to grow when tested in the green-house, failed under less favorable conditions in the field. Grass, both in meadows and pastures is now doing well, although somewhat shortened by lack of rain until recently. In general the live stock is in good condition. We have seven fine colts and fillies dropped this spring. The cattle are doing well with very few exceptions. We have sold nearly all of our young bulls at moderate prices. There has been less than usual inquiry for cattle. We can now supply either pure bred or high grade short-horn cows and heifers. Respectfully submitted, G. E. MORROW, Professor of Agriculture. On motion the report was referred to the Farm committee. The committee on Nebraska lands submitted the following report, which was adopted: To the Trustee of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN : Your committee on the sale of Nebraska lands report as follows: The sales since your last meeting have been: No. Name. Tract. NE. SE. SE. NE. SW. NE. Price. 2,240 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 Cash. $514 560 500 500 500 500 50 00 00 00 00 00 32 Patrick C. O'Brien 33 Christian Hesse 34 Joseph Swoboda and H. John Swoboda. 35 John and William Losey 36E.&C. O.Fothergill 37 Wm. H.Gibler Sales before reported TotaLsales Proposals have been accepted forDavid W. Gilmore 5 30 35 34 27 10 2 8 $2,054 00 3 8 5 8 3 8 3 8 2 8 $65,062 57 $16,265 64 77,356 57 18,840 14 N W . 26 3 8 $2,000 00 $500 00 When this sale [is complete the total sales will be $79,356 57. Seven quarter sections have been leased for the summer for $175 00. They will be used for grazing. Respectfully submitted, S. H. PEABODY. Urbana, June 9,1885. CHAS. BENNETT.
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