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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

34 On motion of Trustee Cobb the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, For the past year there has been a gradual shrinkage in the value of all kinds of produce in the markets of the country, thereby decreasing the income from the farms of this institution, and from the indications of the future there seems to be no certainty of a speedy rise in the market for farm products; therefore be it Resolved, That the farm committee and heads of the agricultural and horticultural departments be and are hereby requested to make a proportionate reduction in the price of labor which may be necessary to properly carry on their several departments. Resolved, That all matters of expenditure on the farms of this institution be and is hereby declared to be subject to the supervision and control of the farm committee. The appointed time having arrived the Board proceeded to the election of officers. The following were elected for one year: S. M. Millard, President of the Board; Prof. E. Snyder, Becording Secretary; Prof. T. J. Burrill, Corresponding Secretary. The following were elected for two years: S. H. Peabody, Begent; J. W. Bunn, Treasurer. The President appointed the following standing committees: Executive Committee—Millard, Cobb, Pearman. Farm Committee—Pearman, Bennett, Cobb. Buildings and Grounds—McLean, Follansbee, Earle. Finance Committee—Bennett, Follansbee, Paden. Auditing Committee—Paden, Bennett, Earle. It was moved and carried that the bond of the Treasurer be $100,000, to be approved by the Executive Committee and reported to the Board at the next meeting. The following report of the Auditing Committee was read, and on motion adopted: To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: Your Auditing Committee would respectfully report that so much of the Business Agent's report covering the vouchers from No. 151 to 383, both inclusive, has been duly examined and found correct. E. N. PADEN, E. COBB. J . T. PEARMAN, Committee. The following appropriations from current funds were made for the six months ending September 1, 1885: CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS. Board expense SalariesInstruction Services Buildings and grounds Fuel and lights Stationary and printing Nebraska lands Library and apparatus Incidental expenses Mechanical department Architectural department. .*. Agricultural department Horticultural department Chemical department Military department Sundries— Griggs farm Physical laboratory Cabinets Gymnasium Engraving, etc., for report Library case for card catalogue Drawing and photos architectural deparlftient Rubber stamps engineering department $325 30 16,010 00 1,210 00 50 00 1,000 00 650 00 100 00 150 00 200 00 500 00 800 00 800 00 500 00 400 00 50 00 100 00 25 00 25 00 140 00 65 00 30 00 50 00 20 00 $23,200 30
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