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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

220 The two ladies continue to do excellent work. Mrs. Wilkinson tenders her resignation, to take effect at the end of the next term. The lands in Gage Co.. Nebraska, belonging to the University have been advertised for sale, agreeably to your order. A special report will be presented by the eommittee which has the matter in charge. A special report of the business transactions of the several departments of the University during the year ending March 1, is presented, at the request of the Executive Committee. The quarterly report of the Agricultural department is herewith presented. Attention is invited to a communication from Prof. Burrill, asking authority to institute a series of experiments in silk-raising and in the examination of the evil in bee-hives, known as/m/i brood. Both these*subjects seem eminently fit for investigation here, and 1 hope the limited means asked for prosecuting research will be granted. Professor McMurtrie presents a list of chemicals and apparatus needed for the year 1884-5. The appropriation and leave to purchase is asked for thus early in the season, ir* order that opportunity may be given for procuring the articles by importation. The quality of the goods will probably be improved, and the price will be very materially lessened in this way, as all imports can be made free of duty. The plan is in the interest of economy' and should be adopted. The American Educational Association holds its annual session in July next, at Madison, Wisconsin. An extensive exhibit will be made then of all educational methods and appliances, especial attention being given to the products of schools of technology and manual training. The Faculty has considered the question whether this University should be represented there, and respectfully suggests that the College of Engineering be authorized to make an exhibit of its drawing, designing and shopwork, and that an appropriation be made for the expenses of such an exhibit. Provision should be made at this meeting for issuing the Annual Catalogue. The book entitled "From the Lakes to the Gulf" has been issued. Some of the illustrations to the article en the University will be available for the catalogue. The photographs from which the pictures were made were taken by Mr. Stratton, of the Senior class, and his expense in making them should be paid. The questions at issue concerning the Illini, which were before you at the last meeting, have been adjusted. The rules of the Faculty affirming general authority of control and supervision are accepted by the students, while the wishes of the students as to method of electing the managers of the paper have been gratified. The Business Manager of the Illini renews his request for aid from the Trustees to buy anew font of type, and I recommend that $75 be appropriated for that purpose. I have been obliged to employ a student as assistant in the Physical Laboratory, and I ask that an appropriation of $7.50 per month for the winter and spring terms be made for this purpose. Respectfully submitted, S. H. PEABODY, Regent The reports from Prof. T. J. Burrill, of the Horticultural JDepartment, and from Professor G. E. Morrow, of the Agricultural Department, were received, and ordered on file. A request from Professor Wm. McMurtrie, of the Chemical Department, for the purchase of chemicals and apparatus for the next academic year, not to exceed $514.60, was granted. The request of Executive Committee "that the Eegent should make out a report of the work of the different departments of the University," was read, and the following report presented by the Eegent: To 8. II. Pedbody, Regent of the Illinois Industrial University: DEAR SIR—The Board of Trustees have long felt the need of some more definite knowledge of the methods of operating the various departments of the University—the work accomplished as well as the cost of such work. The Executive Committee therefore respectfully request that you call to your aid the heads of the several departments, and collate, in some convenient form, the work accomplished, the cost to the respective departments, the methods of work, giving results for such a. period as will demonstrate the real work of each department, together with such suggestions as may be of use to the Board. Such facts and suggestions the committee would be pleased to have before the March meeting of the Board, 1884. Eespectfully yours, S. M. MILLARD, CHAS. BENNETT, J T. PEARMAN. . Executive Committee,
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