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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

173 But our relief is not to be sought wholly in the increase ofourfund.it is equally important at the present moment, at least, i hat we curtail all needless expenses. I know of no points, however, where such expenses can be found, if it-is not in some of the incidentals, the expenditures for lights, for fuel and for the merely subordinate services of jan tors. The expenditure for gas and fuel can be lessened, to the University, at least, by requiring the literary societies to pay, as they do in all other universities and colleges, for the lighting and warming of their halls. The arrangement can easily be made for this, and the effect may be further useful by leading them to practice economy in these items such as they now seem quite disinclined to. ft is also believed that we are paying more for the mere sweeping and care of the buildings than su€h unskilled labor demands. There are several candidates for this work who are well recommended, and who are anxious to take the places for much less than is now paid. At least three hundred dollars a year can be saved on the care of the main building alone. Our higher necessities compel me to call your attention to this subject. UNIVEESITY EXAMINATIONS. In accordance with the plan proposed at the March meeting, I have made the necessary correspondence to open, if you so order, summer examinations for candidates for the University in several parts of the State. The places proposed are Chicago, Eockford, Eock Island, Quincy, Peoria, Paxton, Sringfleld, Belleville, DuQuoin, and Olney. Aurora and Ottawa are also under consideration. Some of these points may need to be changed, on further correspondence. The meetings should be held as soon as they can be sufficiently advertised, perhaps the last two weeks in July and the first two in August. Each examination should be attended by two members of the faculty, and should continue in session two days, at least. J. M. GEEGOEY, Regent. Treasurer J. W. Bunn read the financial report; which, on motion was received and placed on file: JOHN W. BUNN, TBEASUEEB, In account with Illinois Industrial DK. 1879. March 12.. TO balance amount received on account, Fees and room rents March 31.. " " " Tuition in preparatory department University. $12,313 23 $926 00 1,450 00 1,376 00 $1,250 00 450 00 1,700 00 $407 27 650 55 1,632 13 292 23 388 91 51 10 1 00 100 00 107 55 358 35 1,056 28 465 00 5,510 37 $20,899 60 April 1 May 31.... interest on Sangamon county bonds Douglas county school district bonds amount rec'don account of Architectural Department. Mechanical '•• ** Agricultural " " " Horticultural " " " Chemical " " " Buildings and grounds " " " Library " " " Printing and stationery " " " Fuel and lights 111. Cent. E. E. donation Fees and room rent •' " " Tuition in preparatory department 1879. May 31.... By amount paid for Board expense " Salaries Fuel and lights '• " Stationery and printing.. " *' " Building and grounds " " " Incidental expense , " " " Furniture and fixtures.... " ** " Library and apparatus... Mechanical Department. Architectural . " " " " Agricultural " •' " Horticultural Chemical " " " Military " " '* Physical Laboratory Cabinets " Preparatory Department Illini CE. $89 95 7,771 94 501 33] 374 14 22 95 39 18 93 481 11 61 692 59 474 95! 1,214 49 248 32 397 32 40 53 33 1 90 485 00 56 97 $12,529 85
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