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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 [PAGE 60]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874
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Report of the

Mr. Gardner reported the work on sidewalks completed, presenting bill of $110. The report was accepted and bill allowed. An additional appropriation of $30 was made for the purchase of gymnastic apparatus. The Board then adjourned, to meet at the Duane House, at 7:30 o'clock P. M.


Board re-assembled at 8 o'clock. The President read a statement, recommending the acceptance of the same, of Mr. J. M. Yan Osdel, Esq., in regard to the completion of the new University building, which the contractor, Mr. S. H. Gehlman, wishes accepted and settlement made. He also read the report of the Arbitrating Committee, consisting of Messrs. J. H. Bice, A. Grannis, J. Dickerson, awarding the amount of $858 65 to the contractor, S. H. Gehlman, for extra work done on the new building. On motion, Mr. S. H. Gehlman was allowed to remove the nails from the new building, but no other material. The following, presented by Mr. Brown, was accepted:

WHEREAS, the Architect (Mr. Van Osdell) of the new University building has this day reported to this Board that the said building has been completed, according to contract: Resolved, That a warrant be drawn in favor of the contractor for the balance due him on his contract, viz : $3,328 85, less the amount of unsettled claims of JST. Diedrich & Co. and S. Thomas, viz : $1,736 20. AND WHEREAS, a matter of difference between this Board and the said contractor, in relation to extra work done on said building, has been referred to arbitration, and the arbitrators have decided that the Board pay to said contractor the further sum of $858 65 : Resolved, That the warrant drawn, as by the first resolution, include also said additional sum of $858 65.

Prof. S. W. Shattuck was appointed Business Agent and Book-keeper, at a compensation of $65 00 per month, with authority to employ assistance, and to provide for the teaching of the book-keeping classes. The reports of Prof. Shattuck were read and approved :

HON. EMERY COBB, President of the Board of Trustees of the I.I. U.:

SIR—I have the honor to make the following report, as superintendent of construction : Since the last meeting of the Board, the work on the building has been pushed rapidly forward, more so, in some respects, than is good for it. The attention of the architect was drawn to the matter at his visit on the 17th inst. Your attention is called to the action of Mr. G-ehlman in placing extra locks on some six of the doors, thus marring the building and causiug great inconvenience to the University. He has refused to repair the roof or replace the broken glass of the building, though it was understood, until recently, that he would. I have caused a portion ef the glass to be put in. Mr. Gehlman has removed a large portion of the refuse lumber from the grounds, though such a course is contrary to the contract, as I understand it. The work on the heating apparatus is going on satisfactorily, under the circumstances. I t is expected that we will be able to start up steam by the last of this week, though there will be some delay in the full completion of the apparatus, on account of the condition of the building. The fence on south side of Green street has been moved to the proposed line, and the sidewalk made. Further provision for a walk from the street railroad to Green street seems necessary ; also a plank walk from Green street to the building. Considerable work has been done on the grounds, cutting weeds, plowing, grading, etc. Respectfully submitted. S. W. SHATTUCK. To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: MESSRS—I beg leave to make the following report, as Superintendent of Operations at t h e building: The sewer and drains'from the building have been completed for the amount assigned to the purpose, I believe, though it is a little difficult to determine their exact cost. The drive to the building is nearly completed, the walk on the street started, some preparatory work for fence done. Unless otherwise ordered, the present gate will be used on the new line and stiles made on each side. Only students labor and University teams are being used, since Sept. 1st, except men building the walk. Some fifty windows have been cleaned, the carpets partly made, the supply pipe for the water closets, etc., put in.