Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Illinois Industrial University. 123 Statement of Endowment Fund August 31, 1874. Securities. A mount. Pike " 10 '' " . $115, 000 50, 000 25. 000 30, 000 30, 000 13, 000 25, 000 31, 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $319,000 00 Three hundred and nineteen thousand dollars invested as above, and an uninvested balance of one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty-seven cents (#178 87) on baud. List of Warrants, Nos. 1 to 310, inclusive>, drawn from March 1 to August 31, 1873. REC APITUL ATION. Board expense Salaries Fnel and light Stationery and printing Building, repairing and grounds Incidental expense Mechanical department Carpenter department Horticultural department Agricultural department Chemical department , Library and cabinet New University building Military department and gymnasium Experiments and lectures—State appropriation. Taxes on lands—State appropriation Total $1 006 65 13, 149 09 904 82 378 03 400 09 513 30 1, 394 29 880 18 2, 802 21 4,201 18 233 91 010 21 1,137 42 07 05 343 80 2,060 49 72 $30, 814 72 | 1 ! i LIST OF WARRANTS. So 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 19 Date. 1873 March 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 12.. To whom. For what. Amount. J. P . Reynolds M. C. G o l t r a W . C. F J a g g D. Johnson A. M. Brown. B. P u l l e n O. B . G a l u s h a S. E d w a r d s J . P Slade O.Huse J . J . Bird P . R. W r i g h t R. B . M a s o n A.E.Smith Salary i« n <« ii 11 i ( i i it 11 « << < H . i i i < < i ( . i n 1 I I > < < H 1 < H t i ii 14 I . t t < ( ti ii it $5 50 17 00 125 00 14 50 27 50 23 50 15 50 10 30 13 00 20 30 24 60 17 00 22 00 21 00 23 95 14 80 12 00 24 10 12 25 22 15 11 00