Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

86 Eor feed cutter and freight 4 ' rope for check-rowing ' 4 cider mill 4 ' root or vegetable cutter 4 ' freight (express) 1 ' steam boxes, saw frame, etc., account of carpenter department 4 ' hardware, bill for fixture for engine, belting, etc Total The hay and grain fed the fine stock is accounted for as "sold." STATEMENTS OE COST AND YALUE OE FAEM CROPS. $39 55 5 00 45 00 16 00 6 85 53 42 38 39 $776 21 1.—COST AND VALUE OF 70 ACRES CORN. To breaking stalks, 25 acres 1 ' plowing~70 acres, $1 50 ;-r' harrowing and leveling 7 days . 4 ' seed 4 ' planting 9 days " ' harrowing 25 acres 4 ' replanting * 4 ' cultivating three times 4 ' gathering 5,200 bus., 4 cts 4 ' wTear of tools, etc. ....... Balance found (net profit)... By value of 5,200 bus. in crib, 20c . 4 ' value of stalks, after fuel, etc . S3 105 21 4 27 6 8 105 208 25 568 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $1, 080 00 2 . - -COST AND VALUE OF 10 ACRES RYE. Plowing 10 acres, $1 50 To harrowing ] day 4 ' drilling 1 day 4 ' seed, 10 bus., 60c 4 ' harvesting, $2 50 per acre 4 ' slacking 4 ' threshing 210 bus., 10c 44 marketing Balance found (net profit). By value 210 bus., 60c. 44 value straw $15 3 3 6 22 9 21 4 57 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 00 fill 00 3.—COST AND VALUE OF 47 STEERS. To purchase money '444 pasture value of food (corn and fodder). Net profit (balance) By 15 head sold 4 ' 32 head on hand. $1, 481 16 220 00 592 00 444 62 $2, 737 78 4.—COST AND VALUE OF HOG CROP. To 52 stock hogs, 7,800 lbs., 3|c . 4 ' 1,165 bus. corn, 20c 4 * value of pasture Net profit (balance) By cash sales 44 5,575 lbs. on hand, 3|c . $273 233 20 136 00 00 00 00 $662 00 5.—COST AND VALUE OF 120 ACRES MEADOW. To mowing 120 acres, 50c.. 4 ' raking, 20c 44 cocking 150 tons, 25c . . . 4 '4 hauling 4 marketing at barn Net profit (balance). B y value of 130 tons timothy, $8 . 4 ' value of 20 tons mixed, $4 $60 24 37 150 37 811 00 00 50 00 50 00 $1,120 00