UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Today in the History of the University of Illinois

Welcome to the new "Today in the History of the University of Illinois" feature! This is an extremely experimental project to build a database of major events in the University's history, currently totaling more than 500,000. The current database below was compiled using software programs that identified all dates in the pages on this site and in its more than 70,000 pages of digitized historical material. Since all dates were 100% automatically identified, there may be errors, and many date references may refer to routine events. This is a work in progress, please contact University Archives with comments, questions, recommendations, etc. A total of 442 events are recorded for today.

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Page Matches
  • 2004: ...ed. By September 2004 enough people were asking to see the photographic collection that it had become apparent that I needed to make the images available on a Web site. At 6:45PM on September 19, 2004, the UIPhotos site made its debut to a selected audience, with more than 30,000 photographs. Finally, on October 24, 2004, the first draft of Voices from the Grave , my historical survey of campus, w... (About The UIHistories Site)

Digital Library Matches
  • 1834: ...nited States Navy Nonr 1834 34 United States Navy Nonr 1834 39 Velsicol Corp. Total With Whom E. T. Drewitch Plastering BOARD OF TRUSTEES Amount to be Paid to the University 2 413 00 September 19 Effective Date June 19, 1962 Purpose Counseling and guidance training institute Restricted Nuclear disintegration schemes and nuclear interactions of cosmic rays Luminescence of marine organisms Structure... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1854: 1 1785 Sept. 19 Barron Bros. Coal Co. National Engraving Co. 1786 .. do JamesM. White. 1787 ..do Harrison Fahrnkopf. 1788 .. do PaxtonMfg. Co 1789 do MorrisonPlummer Co. 1790 ..do Hoosier Mfg. Co. 1791 do 1792 . . d o . ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1862: ... his son Charles who had enlisted in the 68th regiment of Illinois volunteers and had fallen ill of typhoid, he became a warm friend of President Lincoln. In a letter to his wife of September 19, 1862, Turner wrote: "He Lincoln also told me that his only instruction in the English language he had from me, through the Green brothers of Tellula, Illinois, while they were students of Illinois College... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1878: ... absent members of such meeting. M E E T I N G AT F R E E P O R T . T h e Board of Trustees met at the Brewster House, in Freeport, Illinois, pursuant to adjournment, on Thursday, September 19th, 1878, at 7:30 P . M. Present, Messrs. Cobb, Gillham, Pickrell, Sabin, Gardner, Mason and McLean, President Cobb in the chair. T h e recording secretary being absent, on motion of Mr. Pickrell, J o h n W .... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878)
  • 1888: ...the case of those students who are under twenty years of age. CALENDAR FOR 1888-9. Examination for Admission First or Fall Terms begins First Term ends Monday September 17 Wednesday, September 19 Friday, December 21 WINTER VACATION. FOR 1889. Examination for Admission to Advanced Classes, Monday, January 7 Opening of the Second or Winter Term Wednesday, January 9 Second Term ends Wednesday, March ... (Course Catalog - 1887-1888)
  • 1891: , September 19, 1891. To the Honorable Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN: 1. I propose to furnish all materials and labor, as per amended drawings and specifications, for the natural science buil... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892)
  • 1892: ...ss this year, not only among the students, but among the population in general, and quite a number have been obliged to return home on t h a t account. Up to this day May 17th since September 19, 1892, the number of absences from drill on account of sickness has been, for the fall term, 145; winter term, 160; spring term, 45; total, 350. "The freshman class has had, this term, recitations in the s... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1894)
  • 1892: On September 19th, the freshman class was formed into two companies, C and D, and drilled on Mondays and Thursdays, from 4 to 5 p. m. For the instruction of these new companies in t h e school of the soldier, all the ser... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1894)
  • 1895: , Thursday, September 19, 1895, to consider the report of the architects upon designs submitted for the new library building, and to transact such other business as may be duly presented." T h e r e were p r e s e n t Messrs. A r ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896)
  • 1895: ... e r a l fund. P r e s i d e n t D r a p e r p r e s e n t e d t h e following r e p o r t with r e g a r d to t h e e x a m i n a t i o n of medical s t u d e n t s : URBANA, ILLINOIS, Sept. 19, 1895. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN: The undersigned committee, directed at your June meeting to report a plan for medical entrance examinations and suggestions in rela... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896)
  • 1898: ...ith and Mrs. Flower and Mrs. Carriel; nay, Mr. McKay. ,2 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. COMMUNICATIONS FROM PRESIDENT DRAPER, CHANGES IN CORPS INSTRUCTION. Sept. 20, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, September 19,1898. To the Board of Trustees: I recommend the following changes in the Corps of Instruction to take place as of September 1, 1898, viz.: 1. That Jacob Kinzer Shell, M. D., be appointed Professor of Phys... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
  • 1898: ...NESS MANAGER'S REPORT. T h e B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r made t h e following r e p o r t , which was r e ferred to t h e F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e . UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, September 19, 1898. F. M. McKay, Esq., President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the following financial statements: Paper A is a statement of the current appropria... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
  • 1899: ...89 70 August 10 Received from Treasurer State of Illinois, for credit of 120,100 00 general fund 22 Received from Treasurer State of Illinois, for credit of 11,739 9o general fund ii September 19 Received from Treasurer State of Illinois, interest on endowment fund, for credit of general fund 17,731 51 27 Received from S. W. Shattuck, paid warrants, for 5,178 93 credit of general fund Received fro... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
  • 1899: ...detail drawings for the buildings, and avoid any chance of delay on this account. The details for the terra cotta were delivered to the contractor by September 28th; the cut stone by September 19th; and the mill work details for outside work by September 28th; and inside work and for sheet metal work November 15th. The modeling for the terra cotta work was well advanced and considerable work press... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
  • 1901: Sept. 19, Wednesday. Instruction begins (Course Catalog - 1898-1899)
  • 1901: Sept. 19 Memorial Exercises for President McKinley; address by President Draper (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1902: Sept. 19, Wednesday. Instruction begins (Course Catalog - 1899-1900)
  • 1902: Sept. 19 Installation of Gamma Nu chapter of Sigma Nu (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1903: ...hattuck, the Business Manager, were to co-operate. The Board adjourned. W. L. PILLSBURY, FRED L. H A T C H , Secretary. President. ,228 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Sept. 19, MEETING O F SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met at the Auditorium Annex, Chicago, Illinois, Saturday, September 19, 1903, at 10 :oo o'clock a. m., in pursuance of the following call issued b... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: ... ,228 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Sept. 19, MEETING O F SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met at the Auditorium Annex, Chicago, Illinois, Saturday, September 19, 1903, at 10 :oo o'clock a. m., in pursuance of the following call issued by the Secretary September 13, 1903. At the call of the President, Mr. F . L. Hatch, there will be a special meeting of the Board o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: , Saturday, September 19, 1903, to consider the question of affiliation with the Chicago College of Dental Surgery and such other business as may be duly presented. There were present Messrs. Bullard, Hatch, Kerrick, McLean and Ni... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: ...Draper and the Business Manager, made a report as follows upon the matter of affiliating the Chicago College of Dental Surgery: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, P R E S I D E N T ' S OFFICE, September 19, 1903. To the Board of Trustees: The Committee on the College of Medicine with the President and Business Manager of the University, to which was referred the matter of acquiring the Chicago College of Den... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: ... Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Evans; absent, Governor Yates and Mr. Dickirson. President Draper was present. The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of September 8, 1903, and September 19, 1903. The minutes were approved. COMMUNICATION F R O M PRESIDENT DRAPER. To the Board of Trustees: I present the following recommendations: E X T E N S I O N OF ENGINEERING E Q U I P M E N T . The last le... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: Sept. 19, MEETING O F SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met at the Auditorium Annex, Chicago, Illinois, Saturday, September 19, 1903, at 10 :oo o'clock a. m., in pursuance of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: Sept. 19, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS ON THE PROPOSED AFFILIATION. The following was presented as action taken by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in reference to the proposed affiliation of the Colle... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: Sept. 19 Agreement to affiliate Chicago College of Dental Surgery adopted by the Board of Trustees (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1906: ... indicated above, but be a reminder that we are doing our best to encourage every one in the study of natural objects and especially beautiful plants and plantings. . Yours respectfully, Sept. 19,1906. J. C. B L A I R . Several times in t h e past Professor Blair h a s m a d e a n a t t e m p t to have provided for s t u d e n t s a n d o t h e r s s o m e w h e r e on t h e c a m p u s a place w ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1906: ...ipts a n d d i s b u r s e m e n t s J a n u a r y to J u n e 30, 1906. . Exhibit C Reconcilement of chief clerk's cash book b a l a n c e of J u n e 30, 1906, b r o u g h t d o w n t o Sept. 19, 1906, P . M. end of audit. Exhibit D Reconcilement of b a l a n c e of Mr. H. A. H a u g a n , t r e a s u r e r . Schedule 1 List of vouchers s h o w i n g e r r o r s a n d omissions. Schedule 2 List of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1906: ...ents, which of course represents twice 'that number of transactions in and out. Second The receiving of money on deposit practically a savings bank department which at close of business Sept. 19, 1906, amounted to 2,970.61, this amount being included in the cash on hand, although not showing on the books in any way, and constituting a heavy risk, to say nothing of the extra work involved. We would... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1906: 1906-7 Sept. 19 Large room in Burnham Hospital set aside as a Student Ward (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1907: ...t h e Mechanical E n g i n e e r i n g Department, beginning November 1, 1907, a t a salary of 60.00 a month. Neva E. Dolson, Stenographer in Professor P a r r ' s office, beginning September 19, 1907, at a salary of 40.00 a month. A. D. E m m e t t , Research Assistant in Animal Chemistry in the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, for ten m o n t h s beginning October 1, 1907, at a salary of 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: ...ent of the said bonds which are issued in exchange for the said first mortgage bonds; c to the payment of the said second mortgage bonds, giving first prefer- ,234 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Sept. 19, ence to the " p r e f e r r e d " bonds, provided, that until the maturity of the first mortgage bonds the net earnings of the Dental College shall be held by the Treasurer of the University of Illinois ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1908: ...m Dundee to Yorkville, and a preliminary report of the various pollutional conditions found, as illustrated by the plant and animal contents of the stream, was made to the commission September 19. The Illinois River work has been in immediate charge, as heretofore, of Mr, B. E. Richardson, Biologist of the Laboratory, ,1914 PROCEEDIKGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 159 The water analyses have been mad... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1908: Sept. 19 President James arrived in New York from his tour of investigation of the veterinary schools of Europe (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1910: 'CHICAGO, Sept. 19, 1910. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: A special committee of the board which was appointed to recommend a candidate for the office of secretary of the Board of Trustees to succeed ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1910: ...to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Chicago. INSPECTION OF N E I G H B O R I N G COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE. The Committee on Agriculture presented the following report: CHICAGO, Sept. 19, 1910. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: WHEREAS, a committee of representative farmers is being appointed to inquire into the needs of the College of Agriculture, not only with refer... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1910: , Sept. 19, 1910. W. G. Zimmerman, Chicago, III.: I enclose herewith a bond received from V. Jobst and Sons, to protect the University from any obligations arising on account of the failure of F. H. Norton. This bond... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1910: Sept. 19 Registration day (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1911: ...ity. UBBANA, I I I . , Sept. 20, 1911. President MY E. J. James, University of Illinois: DEAR PRESIDENT J A M E S A t a m e e t i n g of t h e Council of A d m i n i s t r a t i o n held Sept. 19, Dean Davenport called t h e a t t e n t i o n of t h e council to t h e lack of police service supplied by t h e local a u t h o r i t i e s t o t h e vicinity of t h e University. After some discussion ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1911: ...1. Mr. G. M. McOonn, Secretary, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Uroana, Illinois: DEAR SIR The Executive Committee of the Board held a meeting in Chicago on the evening of September 19. Present: Messrs. Hatch and Abbott; also, Doctors Steele, Quine. and Pusey. President James was also present. NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE COLLEGE GEONS. OF PHYSICIANS AND SUR- The purpose of the meeting was to ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1911: do 184 Sept. 19 D. A. K. Steele, actuary Bills paid 185 ..do p . A. K. Steele, actuary r Rebates paid 186 . .do Sanitary Drinking Cup Company Cups 187 .. do Knickerbocker Ice Company Ice..: 188 .. do The Fair I Cups 189 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1912: ...in Urbana, on Tuesday, September 10, 1912, beginning at 9 A.M. There being no quorum present, the board adjourned to meet at the La Salle Hotel, in the city of Chicago, on Thursday, September 19, 1912, at 12:30 P.M. W. L. ABBOTT, President. C. M. MCCONN, Secretary. ADJOURNED SESSION, SEPTEMBER 19, 1912. Pursuant to the adjournment taken at the quarterly meeting of September 10, 1912, the Board of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ... adjourned to meet at the La Salle Hotel, in the city of Chicago, on Thursday, September 19, 1912, at 12:30 P.M. W. L. ABBOTT, President. C. M. MCCONN, Secretary. ADJOURNED SESSION, SEPTEMBER 19, 1912. Pursuant to the adjournment taken at the quarterly meeting of September 10, 1912, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met at the La Salle Hotel, in the city of Chicago, on Thursday, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...adjournment taken at the quarterly meeting of September 10, 1912, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met at the La Salle Hotel, in the city of Chicago, on Thursday, September 19, 1912, beginning at 12:30 P.M. The following members were present: Mr. Abbott, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit. President James was present. VEGETABLE GREENHOUSES: BIDS ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ... Pharmacy might be made without term, or, in other words, until further notice, instead of for one year beginning September 1, 1912, as it stands by the action of the board taken on September 19, 1912 p. 119 ; this recommendation being made for the reason that the Internal Revenue omcer in charge of the department in which the city of Chicago is located objects to the limited term of appointment. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...OR STOCK JUDGING PAVILION APPROVED: BIDS AUTHORIZED. 1 The detailed plans for the Stock Judging Pavilion, worked out in accordance with the general plans submitted at the meeting of September 19, 1912 p. 117 ; accompanied by a request from the State Architect for authority to call for bids. On motion of Mr. Blair, it was voted to approve the plans as submitted and to authorize the State Architect ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: .... Hoit, Mr. Meeker, Mr. Moore. President James was present. MINUTES APPROVED. The secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of September 10, 1912 with the adjourned session of September 19, 1912 , October 8, 1912, and December 10, 1912, which, on motion of Mrs. Evans, were approved. REPORTS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Commit... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...d's appreciation of. the services of Dr. T. J. Burrill and Dr. S. W. Shattuck; these resolutions having been drafted by the special committee authorized by an action of the board on September 19, 1912 p. 121 , and consisting of Messrs. Blair and Hatch. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. In accepting the resignation of Dr. T. J. Burrill and Dr. Samuel W.' Shattuck, the Board of Trustees desi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ... , expressed its deep interest in this proposition, and after it was made evident that the alumni were really in earnest with their proposed plan, the Trustees of the University, on September 19, 1912, voted as follows: "That the Board of Trustees will accept the property of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, provided that all the stock has been secured and donated to the University on or bef... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...ebruary 12, If the Board of Trustees desire at this meeting to accept the property now tendered by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in accordance with the vote of the board of September 19, 1912, it would seem proper to adopt the following resolutions: 1. That the Board, of Trustees hereby accept the gift of the real and personal property of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the city... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...on, ex-offlcio a member of the board, and from Mr. Allen F . Moore, neither of whom could be present at this meeting but both of whom were present at the meeting of the board held on September 19,1912 at which the vote in regard to the acceptance of the property of the College of Physicians and Surgeons referred to in the president's statement was taken. EVENING SESSION, FEBRUARY 12, 1913. "When t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...fect that the Transportation Building be formally accepted from V. Jobst Sons, the contractors. This action on my part is in accordance with an action of the Board of Trustees taken September 19, 1912 p. 120 , providing for the settlement t of this contract "on the receipt of certificates from the supervising architect, the State Architect, and the Dean of the College of Engineering that the contr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...endorsed in blank and witnessed, were then and there given to the President of the Board and by him accepted for the board in fulfillment of the board's action taken a t its meeting September 19, 1912 page , prescribing the terms under which the board would accept the capital stock of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. After counting and accepting the stock certificates, the President of the ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...y would furnish a legal certificate to that effect. The Executive Committee approved the action of the president in accepting the stock for the board in fulfillment of its action of September 19, 1912, ana requested the officers of the Board of Directors of the College of Physicians and Surgeons to make out new certificates of stock in the names of the members of their Board of Directors and have ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: do 3371 Sept. 19 B. E. Powell.. . . . Lambs 3372 ,318 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. GENERAL UNIVERSITY WARRANTS Continued (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: September 19, No. Date. 1912. To whom. For what. Amount. 9 3373 Sept. 1 1 A. F. Gustafson. 3374 ..do p . R. Lee. 33751 ...do, The Burr Co. 3376 Sept. 20 E. P. Lielich. 3377 . . d o . A. F. Kreuger. 3378 . . d o . . . ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1912: ...and Surgeons if the alumni and other friends of medical education would secure the stock of the corporation and present the property to the trustees. After mature deliberation, upon September 19, 1912, the trustees voted that they would accept the property if the stock should be delivered in a block on or before the first day of February, 1913. On January 31,1913, the chairman of the committee whi... (Book - 16 Years (Edmund James))
  • 1912: ...interested in medical education. It was then offered in a block to the board of trustees, on the 31st day of January, 1913; so that the conditions set by the board at its meeting on September 19, 1912, were fully met. The trustees at their meeting held on February 12, 1913, voted to accept the property of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and authorized the President of the University to reo... (Dedication - Chicago Medical Center Reopening)
  • 1912: September 19 Trustees voted to take over College of Physicians and Surgeons in Chicago as nucleus for College of Medicine. Dr. Madison Bentley took charge of Department of Psychology (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1913: September 19, 1913. , Brothers, E. D., Lecturer on Dental Jurisprudence in the College of Dentistry, for the academic year 1913-14, at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 for the year, payable when his course of lectur... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: September 19, 1913. Pair, Sue M., Stenographer in the Office of the Dean of Men, for twelve months beginning October 1, 1913, at a salary of eighty dollars 80 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: 0 1763 Sept. 19Parke, Davis Co Supplies ..do Mass Bros 0 1764 ..do....... 0 1765 ..do... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1914: September 19, 1914. Falls, Frederik B., Instructor in Obstetrics, without salary, for the academic year 1914-15 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1914: September 19, 1914. Feldkamp, Amelia, Clerk in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, beginning November 1, 1914, and continuing until further notice, at a salary of fifty-five dollars a month, subject to the rules of the ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1914: September 19, 1914. von Tessmar, Otto, Technician in Grass Anatomy, beginning October 1, 1914, and continuing until June 30, 1915, at a salary of fifty-five dollars 55 a month; this appointment superseding his former a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1917: September 19, 1917 . Benedict, M. R., Assistant in Dairy Husbandry, College and Station, with salary at the rate of twelve hundred dollars 1200 a year, work and salary to begin when he reports for duty and to terminate... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1917: September 19, 1917 . Hatton, Marcia, Filing Clerk in the Registrar's Office, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month, beginning October 1, 1917, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Se... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1917: September 19, 1917 . Huber, Marie, Stenographer in the office of the President of the Academic Board of the School of Military Aeronautics, on part time, at a salary of forty dollars 40 a month, beginning September 1, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1917: September 19, 1917 . Scheele, A. G., instructor in Free-hand Drawing at a salary of one hundred sixty dollars 160 a month, beginning when he reports for duty and continuing until June 30, 1918 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1917: September 19, 1917 . Turner, Maude, Stenographer, rank II, in the Registrar's Office, at a salary of fifty dollars 50 a month, beginning October 1, 1917, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: ...f twenty-two hundred dollars 2200 a year. August 2, 1918 . Cord, Joy S., Mailing Clerk in the Engineering Experiment Station, at a salary of forty-five dollars 45 a month, beginning September 19, 1918, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. September 20, 1918 . Craig, Eleanor, Assistant in English, for nine months, beginning October 1,1918, at a ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1918: September 19, 1918 . Curtis, C. C , Instructor in Gunnery, in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 a month, beginning July 24, 1918, and continuing until further noti... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1918: September 19, 1918 . Krieg, Amelia, Assistant in the Library, for two and one-third months, beginning July 1, 1918, at a salary of sixty-five dollars 65 for the period (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1918: September 19, 1918 . Leisy, E. E., Instructor in English, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1918, at a salary of thirteen hundred dollars 1300 for the period (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1918: September 19, 1918 . Notestein, Lucy L., Instructor in English, for ten months beginning September 1, 1918, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars 1200 for the period (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1918: September 19, 1918 . Rentfro, J. L., Instructor in English, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1918, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars 1200 for the period (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1918: September 19, 1918 . Rinaker, Clarissa, Associate in English, for one year, beginning September 1, 1918, at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars 1500 for the year; this appointment superseding her previous appointment. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1918: September 19, 1918 . Turnquist, E. N., Assistant in Physics, from September 18,1918, to June 30,1919, at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1921: DAVENPORT September 19, 1921 President David Kinley, 355 Administration DEAR PRESIDENT KINLEY: In compliance with the instructions of the Board of Trustees Page 23, Minutes of August 1, 1921 , for certain reccommendations about ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...ty dollars 180 a month. September 6,1921; 3 Hallauer, W. E., Junior Architectural Draftsman, in the Office of the Supervising Architect, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a week, from September 19,1921, to about February 1, 1922, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. September 8,1921 3 Hamilton, Mrs. Alice V., Secretary to the Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture, at a salar... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...Fellow in Chemistry, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, with a stipendium of eight hundred dollars 800 . September 22, 1921 Blessing, Robert, Assistant in Pediatrics, from September 19, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. September 22, 1921 2 Bloom, Margaret, Stenographer in the department of Administration, in the College of Education, at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 a mo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...natomy, on one-half time, for eight months, beginning October 1, 1921, at a salary of seventy-five dollars 75 a month. September 28, 1921 Gerty, F. J., Assistant in Pediatrics, from September 19, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. September 22, 1921 ,1921 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 113 Goff, J. A., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...ssistant in English, for nine months, beginning October 1, 1921, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars 150 a month. October 6, 1921 Reichert, J. L., Assistant in Obstetrics, from September 19, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. September 27, 1921 Reichert, J. L., Graduate Assistant in the Department of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...he Library School, for nine months, beginning September 21, 1921, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five 125 a month. September 22, 1921 Sherry, I, L., Assistant in Pediatrics, from September 19, 1921, to September ,1921 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 115 1, 1922, without salary. September 22, 1921 Stead, K. M., Instructor in Piano and Voice, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of one... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...r duty and continuing until August 31, 1922, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars 125 a month. November 5, 1921 Hartung, Adolph, Assistant Professor of Roentgenology, from September 19, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. October 27, 1921 H'Doubler, F. T., Assistant in Surgery, from October 12, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. This is in addition to his position as Ins... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: September 19, 1922 Bailey, LaForce, Assistant Professor of Architecture, for twelve months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars 2500 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 19, 1922 Brock, I. M., Assistant in Education, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of seventy dollars 70 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 19, 1922 Van Sandt, Eileen, Assistant in Romance Languages, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars 150 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 19, 1922 1 Andrews, J. W., Assistant in Chemistry, on three-fourths time, for nine and one-third months, beginning September 20, 1922, at a salary of one hundred seven dollars and fourteen cents 3107.14 a mon... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 19, 1922 McNeill, J. R., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of ten dollars 10 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Bassett, Vera V., Assistant in the Bureau of Educational Research, on one-half time, for one year, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary offifty-eightand onethird dollars 58.33 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Cohen, H. D., Assistant in Dermatology, in the College of Medicine, beginning June ;, 1923, and continuing until September I, 1923, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: Sept. 19, 1923 Creighton, Elma, Instructor in Voice, in the School of Music, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars 150 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Howe, C. B,, Assistant in Agricultural Economics, in the College of Commerce, for ten months, beginning September I, 1923, at a salary of one hundred twenty dollars 120 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Kissinger, C. A., Instructor in Architecture, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of one hundred eighty dollars 180 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Madsen, G. S., Instructor in General Engineering Drawing, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of one hundred eighty dollars 180 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Mosher, M . L., Associate in Farm Organization and Management Extension, in the College of Agriculture, for one year, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of three hundred twelve and one-half dol... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Platin, Eva, Technician in the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology, in the College of Medicine, for one year, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of eighty dollars 80 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 'Appointment T,, MechanicianBabcock. Pope, W . made by Provost for Research W o r k in Civil Engineering, in the 3Appointment made by Station, Engineering Experiment Dean Clark. beginning September 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: ...tment supersedes his previous one. July 26, 1923 Skoglund, Herbert, Assistant in Pharmacy for one year, beginning September 15, 1923, at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 a month; September 19, 1923 Small, Dee, Assistant in Dairy Economy, in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, for one year, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Stidham, Melissa G., Assistant In English, on one-third time, for ten months, beginning September I, 1923, at a salary of forty dollars 40 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Toy, Lois, Stenographer in the Bursar's Office, for one year, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of ninety dollars 90 a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. This appoint... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Crile, D. R. W., Instructor in Topographical Anatomy, on one-half time for two semesters, beginning October 1,1923, with a salary of one hundred twelve and one-half dollars 112.50 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Dalinsky, M . S., Student Officer in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September r, 1923, at a salary of ten dollars 10 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Griffin, E. D., Student Assistant in Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, on dollars 55 a for eight months, beginning November I, 1923, at a salary offifty-five one-half time, month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, 1923 Pinckney, H . M., Student Assistant in the department of Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of ten dollars 10 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 19, Rector, Mirra, Technician in X-Ray Department, in the Dispensary, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months, beginning October 1, 1923, at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 1 Cooper, Dr. A. R., Assistant Professor of Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of sixty-six and two-thirds dollars 66.66 a m... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 Cotter, John R., Assistant in English, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of seventy dollars 70 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 Ets, H. N., Technical Assistant in Medicine, for one year, beginning September I, 1924, at a salary of one hundredfiftydollars 150 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 Kamplain, J. C , Assistant in Mathematics, on two-thirds time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ninety-three and one-half dollars 93.50 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 Moore, E. S., Director of Dispensary, in the College of Medicine, on three-fourths time, for one year, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of thirty-five hundred dollars 3,500 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 Schell, Mary I., Instructor in Art and Design, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred eighty dollars 180 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 Smith, Mary M., Record Clerk in the Registrar's Office, for one year, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of eighty dollars 80 a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 3 Tupy, L. T., Assistant in Accountancy, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1924: September 19, 1924 ,74 board of trustees September 26, Westman, A. E. R., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, for one year, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of two ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19,1925 Berchtold, W . E., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars jSioo (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Bousquqt, E. W., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of three hundred dollars 300 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Brown, C. A., Associate in Dairy Economy, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for ten months beginning November 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars 2000 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Byrne, Frankie, Assistant in Zoology, on one-fourth time, for nine months beginning October I, 1925, at a cash compensation of three hundred dollars 300 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Davidson, Glenn, Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars 100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Jacobson, Phillmore, Assistant in Architecture, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousand eight hundred dollars 1800 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Johnson, Doris V., Technician in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousand one hundred dollars gnoo (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Pletta, D. H., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars 100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 ,1925 U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 453 Propst, D. W., Associate in Medicine, in the College of Medicine, on onefourth time, for nine months beginning October I, 1925, at a cash compensation of th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Reno, R. R-, Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars 100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Seed, Lindon, Instructor in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, on threefourths time, for one year beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars 2000 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 'Declined. J. H., Assistant in Zoology, on one-half time, for ten months beginSwanson, ning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Trummel, R. G., Assistant in Farm Organization and Management, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred ten dollars 1210 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 19, 1925 Twigg, C. E., Assistant in Geology, on three-fourths time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousandfiftydollars 1050 . This supersedes his previous appointme... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: ...the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at beginning October i, of eight the to forty dollars 840 . Station, for one 1925 a cash compensation 1925, subject Agricultural Experiment September 19, year ,1925 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 4Si Koucky, J. D., Instructor in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, on threefourths time, for one year beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two thous... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1927: ...f Agriculture, I recommend that Miss Margaret Utley, Specialist in office organization and management in the College of Agriculture, be granted a leave of absence for one month from September 19, 1927, without pay. O n m o t i o n of M r s . Grigsby, this leave w a s granted. FEE FOR DAIRY MANUFACTURING SHORT COURSE 21 Dean Mumford, of the College of Agriculture, recommends that a fee of 10 be est... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: ...pensation of one thousand one hundred forty dollars 1140 . September 3, 1927 Gere, G. E., Junior Accountant in the Auditing and Accounting Division of the Business Office, beginning September 19, 1927, and continuing until August 31, 1928, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred twenty-five dollars 125 a month. September 21, 927 Gerla... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: ...al J. L. Sanderson Quoted WalEngineering to be rendered toPrice Hay y Coal Quoted Price 1560.00 Husbandry McComb Coal Companter W Anderson for one year, be9-20-27 Plant Physical ginning Sept. 19, 1927. 9-23-27 1245.92 Woman's Eisner Grocery Groceries Quoted Price Residence Company Regular instruction in College of Hall L. A. and S. to be Quoted Price rendered to 1691.39 Woman's Oakford and Groceri... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: ...mount Date Item State Board for Voca- Regular Fees September 26, 1927 Regular instruction in Coltional Education lege of Law to be rendered to Earl R. Jackson for one year beginning September 19, 1927 Contract executed under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting, August 19, 1927, page 428: Name Amount Date Item Public Service Company 81000 October 18, 1927 Deposit to cover elec... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1928: ...ested 12 17 Total proceeds of Illinois Power and Light 7 Preferred stock retired, July 2, 1928 105 000 00 SCHEDULE B P U R C H A S E S OF McKINLEY E N D O W M E N T SECURITIES as at September 19, 1928 Purchased Accrued Security Par Cost Interest Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 4 due July I, 1948 7M gij 3M Q2 SM Q2 and commission 15 000 00 13 872 50 224 45 Detroit Edison 5 due January 1, 1933 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 19, 1928 President David Kinley, SSS Administration Building Dear President Kinley: I send you herewith a financial report of our two large Woman's Residence Halls as of September 12, 1928, which is approxima... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: ...nning October I, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars 60 a month. September 28, 1928 Schaede, Frank W., Laboratory Helper in the Department of Botany, beginning September 19, 1928, and continuing until September I, I92g, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of ninety dollars 90 a month. September 22, 1928 Schlots, Fred Emerso... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: ...W O L F E ,624 BOARD OF TRUSTEES February ir There is also submitted a report on the structural condition of this building made a t the request of the President of the University on September 19, 1928, by three engineers on the faculty, Dean M. S. Ketchum now deceased , Professor A. N . Talbot retired , and Professor W. M. Wilson of the Department of Civil Engineering. September 19, 1928 President... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1928: September 19, 1928 President David Kinley, 555 Administration D E A R PRESIDENT K I N L E Y : West At your request we have made an examination of the present condition of University Hall and herewith present our report... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1929: ...f the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars J 100 a month. October 4, 1929 Compton, Richard Kenneth, Assistant in Psychology, beginning September 19, 1929, and continuing until June 30, 1930, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred sixty dollars J160 a month. September 24, 1929 Conner, H. A., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-fourth time, beginn... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1929: ...ntil June 30, 1930, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred twenty dollars Jno a month. September 24, 1929 Kayser, Evelyn Marie, Assistant in the Library School, beginning September 19, 1929, and continuing until June 30, 1930, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred fifty dollars J150 a month. September 20, 1929 Kelly, Arthur Randolph, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, in t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1930: ...Date Engineering to be rendered to Illinois State Board for Regular fees August 4. 1930 Mr. Wayne Vicfclund beginning Vocational Education Leases executed under general regulations: September 19, 1930 Rental to be received by Date Tenure Leased to Property University July 21, 1930 One year from Peter Scholl Dwelling at 1207 W . 45 per month August 15, 1930 Leased from Stoughton St., U. 1000 per ye... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: ...ion in College of Illinois State Board for Vo- Regular Fees Agriculture to be rendered to cational Education1 Henry Black for one year from Illinois State Board for Vo- Regular Fees September 19, 1930 cational Education1 Sept. 19, 1930 Regular instruction in College of Commerce to be rendered to Contracts executed at the request of the Board for Vocational James Sporleder for one year Education. L... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: ...ard for Vo- Regular Fees Agriculture to be rendered to cational Education1 Henry Black for one year from Illinois State Board for Vo- Regular Fees September 19, 1930 cational Education1 Sept. 19, 1930 Regular instruction in College of Commerce to be rendered to Contracts executed at the request of the Board for Vocational James Sporleder for one year Education. Lloyd Morey, 1930 from September io ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Bevis, Neva Audra, Stenographer and Clerk, in H o m e Economics Extension, in the Agricultural Extension Service, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1930, at a cash compensation at the rate of on... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Hopperstad, Marcia, Clerk and Stenographer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, beginning September 8, 1930, and continuing until August 31, 1931, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Co... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Huegy, Harvey Wilborn, Assistant in Business Organization and Operation, for ten months beginning September 1, 1930, at a cash compensation of one thousand eight hundred dollars 1800 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Jewett, George Edgar, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1930, and continuing until June 30, 1932, not including July and August, at a cash compensation ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Koucky, J. D., Associate in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1930, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Longmire, Francis Edward,'Assistant State Leader of Farm Advisers with the rank of Assistant Professor , in the Agricultural Extension Service, beginning November 1, 1930 or as soon thereafter as he ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Overgard, Graham T., Assistant in Military Bands, on one-fourth time, and Assistant in Public School Music, on one-third time, for ten months beginning September i, 1930, at a cash compensation of on... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Parmacek, L., Instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1930, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred doll... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: September 19, 1930 Vaile, Mrs. Lora Frances, Assistant in Romance Languages, on one-half time, beginning October 15, 1930, and continuing until June 30, 1931, at a cash compensation of five hundred fifty dollars 550 . ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: ... Dote Item Illinois State Board for Regular Fees November Regular instruction in Pre-Medical Vocational Education 14. 1930 course to be rendered to Theodore Taylor for one year from September 19, 1930 Lloyd Morbt, Comptroller PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN NOVEMBER NOT OTHERWISE REPORTED Appropriation Made in Vendor Item Amount Department Budget For Procedure TheVilterMan- Equipment for 3000 Engineerin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: ...eral regulations: 1, 1930 to Sept. 30, I93 Rental to be One year from received by Nov. 1, 1930 Leased to Property University Date S. S. White Dental Manu- Booth A in Dental 450 per annum Sept. 19, facturing Co. Building 1930 C. L. Frame Dental Supply Booth B in Dental 450 per annum Sept. 19, Company Building 1930 E.A.Moore Sherwood House 20 per month Sept. 18, south of Mili1930 tary stables Lease ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1930: ...eased to Property University Date S. S. White Dental Manu- Booth A in Dental 450 per annum Sept. 19, facturing Co. Building 1930 C. L. Frame Dental Supply Booth B in Dental 450 per annum Sept. 19, Company Building 1930 E.A.Moore Sherwood House 20 per month Sept. 18, south of Mili1930 tary stables Lease to the University executed under general regulations: Rental to be paid annum Aug. 4, Continuous... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1931: September 19, 1931 1 'The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President the University. ,1931 U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 451 Austin, P. R., Instructor in Chemistry, on part-ti... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1931: September 19, 1931 Freedman, John, Roentgen Operator and Assistant in Radiology, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1931, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred dollars 1200 . S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1931: ...ndred dollars 700 . June 29, 1931 , . . . . Singh, Ranbir, Research Assistant in the Division of Agricultural Economics, in the Cortege of Agriculture, on one-fourth time, beginning September 19, 1931, and continuing until August 31, 1932, at a cash compensation at the rate of thirty dollars 30 a month. September 24, 1931 Smith, Paul W., Instructor in Physiology, in the College of Medicine, on thr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1932: ...s supersedes his previous appointment . September 26, 1932 White, Mrs. Florence Roy, Research Assistant in Home Economics, in the College of Agriculture, on one-half time, beginning September 19, 1932, and continuing until July 18, 1933, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars 60 a month. September 23, 1932 Worthington, Major H., Lecturer in Hospital Organization and Administration, in... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1932: ...r fees to the University for instruction to be rendered as follows: To Whom William J. Gilliland Instruction in Liberal Arts and Sciences Date December 10, 1932 Tenure One year from September 19, 1932 This report was received for record. BONO COVERING PURCHASE OF ALCOHOL FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS 13 A request from the Comptroller that the following resolution be adopted authorizing th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1932: ...tember 21, September 21, 1032 Octol iber4, 1032 Tenure Four years from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 20, 1932 1932 1932 J932 1932 1932 1932 ,I932 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I39 Lease of University property executed under general regulations of the Board of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1932: ...2 Octol iber4, 1032 Tenure Four years from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 20, 1932 1932 1932 J932 1932 1932 1932 ,I932 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I39 Lease of University property executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: Leased to E. A. M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 19, 1933 Jaffray, D. S., Assistant and Second Junior Resident in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1933, at a cash compensation of five hundred seventy dollars 570 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 19, 1933 Palmer, Mahlon Phelps, Instructor in Ophthalmology, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September I, 1933, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 19, 1933 Smith, Mrs. Mabel P., Director of Social Activities in the West Residence Hall, for ten months beginning September I, 1933, at a cash compensation of eight hundred fifty-five dollars 855 , with maint... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 19, 1933 Steck, Isadore E., Assistant in Physiology, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1933, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 19, 1933 Wolf, Samuel, Associate in Ophthalmology, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1933, at a cash compensation of five hundred seventy dollars 570 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 19, 1933 Wolff, John Robert, Assistant and In Patient Resident in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning July 1, 1933, at a cash compensation of nine h... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: 00 per September 19,1933 One year from November i, House south month 1933 of Military Stables Extension of lease in accordance with options: Rental to be received by Property University Date Tenure South CarterOne-half of cr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ... o the B o a r d of T r u s t e e s in m e e t i n g o f S e p t e m b e r 26, 1933: Partnership with Purpose Pate University of Chicago and Publication of "The Illinois Law Review" September 19, 1933 Northwestern University Leased to Harry P. Irvin This report was received for record. BURKS PATENT CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF WATER, CASE 1 12 A report from Judge Johnson that the Patent Office has reject... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ...wards, Mississippi. Mildred Victoria Kress, B.S. '32, reference librarian, Library division, Minnesota State Department of Education, St. Paul, Minnesota, since 1927. was married on September 19, 1933, to Mr. Ralph Adams Sunergren. They are living in Hanover, Massachusetts. Lola W. Lampe, B.S. '32, is assistant in the circulation department o j f the University of Iowa Library, Iowa City. Delia Ma... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 19)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Duggleby, Esther Irene, Student Cataloger in the Library, on two-thirds time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Krause, Charles E., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, in the College of Engineering, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1,1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand one hundre... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Smith, Janice M., Laboratory Technician in Home Economics, in the College of Agriculture, and in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Theimer, Mary Eleanor, Physiotherapist in the Department of Orthopaedics, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand six hundred thir... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...19, 1934 1 year from September 19, ' 9 3 4 1 year from September 19, '934 1 year from September 19, '934 1 year from September 19, '934 1 year from September 19, ' 9 3 4 1 year from September 19, 1934 r year from September 19, 934 Agreement for cooperative investigation as approved by the Board of Trustees in meeting of September 22, 1934: Name New York, Chicago St. Louis Railway Amount to be rece... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ember 1, 1934, at a cash compensation at the rate of twenty-eight dollars fifty cents 28.50 a month. October 4, 1934 Cassidy, E., Assistant in History, on one-fourth time, beginning September 19, 1934, and continuing until February 1, 1935, at a cash compensation at the rate of twenty-eight dollars fifty cents 28.50 a month. October 4, 1934 Chanler, Josephine Hughes, Assistant in Mathematics, for ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ure year from September 19,1934 year from September 19,1934 year from September 19,1934 year from September 19, 1934 yearfrom September 19, 1934 year from September 19,1934 yearfrom September 19, 1934 year from September 19, 1934 Lease renewal executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: Leased to Elvin A. Moore Property Sherwood Tenure 1 year Amount to be received by Ike Universit... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...34 year from September 19,1934 year from September 19,1934 year from September 19, 1934 yearfrom September 19, 1934 year from September 19,1934 yearfrom September 19, 1934 year from September 19, 1934 Lease renewal executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: Leased to Elvin A. Moore Property Sherwood Tenure 1 year Amount to be received by Ike University 20.00 per month Date Octobe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...tional Education to pay regular fees to the University for instruction to be rendered as follows: For whom Instruction in Date Tenure LeRoy Welter Law September 18, 1934 1 year from September 19, 1934 Agreement for the purchase of coal, as authorized by the Board of Trustees in meetings of September 11, 1934 Minutes, page 26 and October 12, 1934 Minutes, page 52 : With whom For Amount Date Brown C... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...nstruction in Date Tenure William Schwab Liberal Arts Sciences December 10. 1934 One year from February 6, 1935 Joseph F. Houdek Liberal Arts Sciences September 13,193 One year from September 19, 1934 This report was received for record. ,98 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S January 19 SURVEY OF THE BUDGET 18 A statement concerning the proposed independent survey of the University budget. T h i s m a t t e... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ndered as follows: For whom Wayne L. Vicklund Eleanor Mielke Instruction in Liberal Arts Sciences Liberal Arts Sciences Date September 13, 1934 January 24, 193s Tenure One year from September 19, 1934 One semester from February 6, 1935 Agreement for cooperative investigation as authorized by Board of Trustees in meeting of December 15, 1934 Minutes, page 79 : Name U . S . Bureau of Public Roads Am... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Duggleby, Esther Irene, Student Cataloger in the Library, on two-thirds time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Krause, Charles E., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, in the College of Engineering, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1,1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand one hundre... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Smith, Janice M., Laboratory Technician in Home Economics, in the College of Agriculture, and in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 19, 1934 Theimer, Mary Eleanor, Physiotherapist in the Department of Orthopaedics, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand six hundred thir... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...19, 1934 1 year from September 19, ' 9 3 4 1 year from September 19, '934 1 year from September 19, '934 1 year from September 19, '934 1 year from September 19, ' 9 3 4 1 year from September 19, 1934 r year from September 19, 934 Agreement for cooperative investigation as approved by the Board of Trustees in meeting of September 22, 1934: Name New York, Chicago St. Louis Railway Amount to be rece... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ember 1, 1934, at a cash compensation at the rate of twenty-eight dollars fifty cents 28.50 a month. October 4, 1934 Cassidy, E., Assistant in History, on one-fourth time, beginning September 19, 1934, and continuing until February 1, 1935, at a cash compensation at the rate of twenty-eight dollars fifty cents 28.50 a month. October 4, 1934 Chanler, Josephine Hughes, Assistant in Mathematics, for ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...m September 19,1934 1 year from September 19,1934 1 year from September 19,1934 1 year from September 19, 1934 I yearfrom September 19, 1934 1 year from September 19,1934 1 yearfrom September 19, 1934 1 year from September 19, 1934 Lease renewal executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: Leased to Elvin A. Moore Property Sherwood Tenure 1 year Amount to be received by Ike Univers... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ... September 19,1934 1 year from September 19,1934 1 year from September 19, 1934 I yearfrom September 19, 1934 1 year from September 19,1934 1 yearfrom September 19, 1934 1 year from September 19, 1934 Lease renewal executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: Leased to Elvin A. Moore Property Sherwood Tenure 1 year Amount to be received by Ike University 20.00 per month Date Octobe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...tional Education to pay regular fees to the University for instruction to be rendered as follows: For whom Instruction in Date Tenure LeRoy Welter Law September 18, 1934 1 year from September 19, 1934 Agreement for the purchase of coal, as authorized by the Board of Trustees in meetings of September 11, 1934 Minutes, page 26 and October 12, 1934 Minutes, page 52 : With whom For Amount Date Brown C... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...nstruction in Date Tenure William Schwab Liberal Arts Sciences December 10. 1934 One year from February 6, 1935 Joseph F. Houdek Liberal Arts Sciences September 13,193 One year from September 19, 1934 This report was received for record. ,98 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S J a n u a r y 19 SURVEY O F T H E BUDGET 18 A statement concerning the proposed independent survey of the University budget. T h i s... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ndered as follows: For whom Wayne L. Vicklund Eleanor Mielke Instruction in Liberal Arts Sciences Liberal Arts Sciences Date September 13, 1934 January 24, 193s Tenure One year from September 19, 1934 One semester from February 6, 1935 Agreement for cooperative investigation as authorized by Board of Trustees in meeting of December 15, 1934 Minutes, page 79 : Name U . S . Bureau of Public Roads Am... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 19, 1935 Halevy, A r t h u r A., Instructor in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October I, 1935, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 19, 1935 Waltz, Waldo E., Assistant in Political Science, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1935, at a cash compensation of four hundred dollars 400 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ...nder the Trustees: Amount to be With Whom paid by the University Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 9.00 per month Remington Rand, Inc. gi8.oo per month Tenure Date One year from March 1, 1936 Sept. 19, 1935 One year from March 1, 19.16 Sept. 19, 1935 general regulations of the Board of Purpose Date Rental of one program supply cir- July 19, 1935 cuit for Radio Station WILL Rental of Dexigraph equipment ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: 16 Sept. 19, 1935 general regulations of the Board of Purpose Date Rental of one program supply cir- July 19, 1935 cuit for Radio Station WILL Rental of Dexigraph equipment August 6, 1935 for Registrar's Office This r... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ... dollars ninety cents 155.90 a month this supersedes his previous appointment . October 2, 1935 Hansen, Lydia Elvira, Stenographer in the Bureau of Institutional Research, beginning September 19, 1935, and continuing until September 1, 1936, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred five dollars 105 a month. October 4, 1935 Haskell, Gle... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 19, 1935 Halevy, A r t h u r A., Instructor in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October I, 1935, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 19, 1935 Waltz, Waldo E., Assistant in Political Science, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1935, at a cash compensation of four hundred dollars 400 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ...nder the Trustees: Amount to be With Whom paid by the University Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 9.00 per month Remington Rand, Inc. gi8.oo per month Tenure Date One year from March 1, 1936 Sept. 19, 1935 One year from March 1, 19.16 Sept. 19, 1935 general regulations of the Board of Purpose Date Rental of one program supply cir- July 19, 1935 cuit for Radio Station WILL Rental of Dexigraph equipment ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: 16 Sept. 19, 1935 general regulations of the Board of Purpose Date Rental of one program supply cir- July 19, 1935 cuit for Radio Station WILL Rental of Dexigraph equipment August 6, 1935 for Registrar's Office This r... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ... dollars ninety cents 155.90 a month this supersedes his previous appointment . October 2, 1935 Hansen, Lydia Elvira, Stenographer in the Bureau of Institutional Research, beginning September 19, 1935, and continuing until September 1, 1936, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred five dollars 105 a month. October 4, 1935 Haskell, Gle... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: September 19, 1936 H a r n i s h , W . E., Teacher in the University H i g h School in the Summer Session of 1936, on 83 100 time, beginning J u n e 15, 1936, and ending August 8, 1936, at a cash compensation of three ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1936: September 19, 1936 P a r k e r , E d w a r d A., Special Research Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1936, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1936: September 19, 1936 Waltemade, H . J., Assistant in the O r d e r Department of the Library, on four-fifths time, beginning September 15, 1936, and continuing through August 31, 1937, at a cash compensation at the rate ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1937: ... 1938, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundred fifty dollars 250 a month. September 11, 1937 Moorehead, D. F., Laboratory Helper in the Department of Physiology, beginning September 19, 1937, and continuing through August 31, 1938, subject ,518 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 27 to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy-five dollars 75 a mont... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: ...t this point, Mr. Moschel, for the Finance Committee, presented the following report of sales and purchases of securities representing investments of endowment funds from July 13 to September 19, 1938: SALES Price Book value at which at time of sold sale Amount realized from sale Par 1 000 5 000 12 300 Description Alpha Kappa Lambda, 1st mortgage note, due June I, 1938 Net profit G R O U P INVESTM... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: ...ut salary this supersedes his previous appointment . September 7, 1938 Burridge, Martha Elizabeth, Assistant in the Order Department of the Library, on three-fourths time, beginning September 19, 1938, and continuing through August 31, 1939, at a cash compensation at the rate of one thousand fifty dollars 1,050 a year. September 15, 1938 Bushman, John Conrad, Assistant in English, on two-thirds ti... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 Card, Leslie Ellsworth, Professor of Poultry Husbandry, in the Department of Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, and Chief in Poultry Husbandry, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 Hanson, John O., Assistant in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1938, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 ,1938 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 75 Hayner, Charlotte Irene, Associate in Library Science, for one year beginning September I, 1938, at a cash compensation of two thousand eight hundred dollars 2,800 . A... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 Larsen, Robert Peter, Instructor in Psychology and Psychometrist in the Personnel Bureau, in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, for one year beginning September 1, 1938, at a cash compensation... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 Luckman, Cyril Edmund, Assistant in Zoology, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1938, a t a cash compensation of three hundred dollars 300 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 Luke, Edwin Devere, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, in the College of Engineering, for ten months beginning September 1, 1938, at a cash compensation of one thousand eight hundred dollars 1,800... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 Weinmann, Joseph Peter, Assistant in Operative Dentistry, in the College of Dentistry, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1938, a t a cash compensation of one thousand dollars 1,00... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 19, 1938 Wodniak, Emily, Registered Nurse in the Dispensary, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1938, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: ...39 T h e Comptroller reports the following sale of securities representing investments of endowment funds authorized by the Board since the last report was made: SALES OF SECURITIES SEPTEMBER 19, 1938, TO OCTOBER I I , 1938 Par 3 000 Description Detroit Edison Co. 5 bonds due 1952 called as at October I, 1938 Price at which sold 105 Book value at time of sale 3 172 74 Amount realized from sale 3 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: ...lled as at October I, 1938 Price at which sold 105 Book value at time of sale 3 172 74 Amount realized from sale 3 150 00 Net loss 22 74 Purchases for reinvestment were made prior to September 19 in anticipation of this call. No purchases have been made during this time. This report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER 40 The report of the Comptroller to the Board of Truste... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: ...W 111 JMftlWl 1 6 M UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS REGULATIONS APPLYING TO : . UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 4 ' K - . T l 1 fl , I THE LIBRARY OF THE SEP 19 1938 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 8KPTBMBER, 1931 , M y H J ' - r ' I - M MP CONTENTS L P Registration Physical Education Military Fees Absences Discipline Library Regulations Examinations Grades Scholastic Del... (Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1938)
  • 1938: ... Unsatisfactory woik. reporting on. 13 Vacation , aUsenee bcf f ami alter, 9 Vifitnr . registration o i . 3 ithdrawal . 4 Withdraw m K thi n 1 1 three wtv t THE UBRARY OF Thfr ii iitt l 16 SEP 19 1938 ... (Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1938)
  • 1939: September 19, 1939 Hosmer, Elizabeth Ruth, Assistant in English, for ten months beginning September I, 1939, at a cash compensation of one thousand five hundred dollars 1,500 this supersedes her previous appointment . ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: September 19, 1939 Rosbe, Robert Lee, Assistant P r o t e s s o r of Accountancy, for one year beginning September I, 1939, at a cash compensation of two thousand seven hundred dollars 2,700 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: September 19, 1939 Snapp, Roscoe Raymond, Professor of Beef Cattle Husbandry, in the D e partment of Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, and Chief in ,604 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 30 Beef Cattle Husband... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ...9 Change Order No. 2, contract with Economy Plumbing and Heating Company for plumbing work. Provide valves on water supply branches instead of risers in accordance with quotation of September 19, 1939 Add Change Order No. 7, contract with the W . E. O'Neil Construction Company for general work. Provide shelving, shutters, and counter for projection booth in accordance with quotation of September 9... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ...beginning September 1, 1939, at a cash compensation of three thousand dollars 3,000 . October 4, 1939 Reynolds, John T., Instructor in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, beginning September 19, 1939, and continuing through August 31, 1940, without salary. October 4, 1939 Ritter, Israel I., Instructor in Medicine, in the College of Medicine, beginning October 1, 1939, and continuing through Augus... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ...e Order No. 9, contract with English Brothers for General Work. 1 Replace with new, present lintels in second story at openings to present stacks to increase head room, quotation of September 19, 1939 Add 133 50 2 Omit cutting lintels for two fourth story openings shown on drawings, quotation of September 19, 1939 Deduct 53 40 Net Addition 80 10 Change Order No. 1, contract with W . B. Read and Co... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ... at openings to present stacks to increase head room, quotation of September 19, 1939 Add 133 50 2 Omit cutting lintels for two fourth story openings shown on drawings, quotation of September 19, 1939 Deduct 53 40 Net Addition 80 10 Change Order No. 1, contract with W . B. Read and Company for Equipment, Group I I . Increase length of 98 cubicle table tops to 48" but holding maximum over-all dimen... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 ANDERSON, HARRIET A N N , Secretary in the Personnel Bureau of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, for one year beginning September 1, 1940, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 BERG, KENNETH B., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Business Research, 1 The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was mane by the President of the University. ,1940 UNIVERSITY O... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 BEYER, W I L M A CHARLOTTE, Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1940, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 DRIGOT, JOSEPHINE, Technician and Operator of Electrocardiograph, in the Department of Medicine, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year beginning September I, 1940, at a cash comp... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 FLYNN, RICHARD HARRIS, Assistant in Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1940, at a cash compensation of seven hundred... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 ,78 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 27 JOEHNKE, FREDERICK EDWARD, Assistant in Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1940, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: ...ptember 1, 1940, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 . July 23, 1940 MCINNF.S, ADAH FLORENCE, Stenographer in the Department of Physical Education for Women, beginning September 19, 1940, and continuing through August 31, 1941, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars 100 a month this supersedes her previous appoi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 NELSON, MILTON N., Visiting Professor of Economics, for one year beginning September 1, 1940, at a cash compensation of four thousand five hundred dollars 4,500 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 19, 1940 STRICKER, THOMAS A., Assistant in Physiology, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1940, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 CLANCY, MARGARET C , University Graduate Stenographer in the Office of the Executive Dean of the Chicago Colleges, for one year beginning September 1, 1941, subject t o t h e rules of the Civil Servi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 FLORES, JOSEPH S., Assistant in Spanish, for ten months beginning September 1, 1941, at a salary of one thousand four hundred dollars 1,400 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 GOTTLIEB, JACK MARTIN, Assistant in Botany, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1941, at a salary of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 HINDSLEY, MARK H., Assistant Professor of Music, on one-half time, and Assistant Director of Military Bands, on one-half time, for two years beginning September 1, 1941, at a salary of three thousand... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 H I N O , J U N , Research Assistant in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1941, at a salary of six h... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 K N A P P , CHARLES RICHARD, J R . , Junior Library Assistant in Law, for one year beginning September 1, 1941, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, a t a salary of one thousand four... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 LOHRER, ALICE MARV, Instructor in Library Science, for ten months beginning September 1, 1941, at a salary of two thousand one hundred dollars 2,100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 PALMER, MAHLON P., Associate in Ophthalmology, in the College of Medicine, on one-fourth time, for one year beginning September 1, 1941, at a salary of three hundred sixty dollars 360 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 SCHMIDT, WILLIAM HOWARD, Assistant in Bacteriology, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1941, at a salary of six hundred dollars 600 this supersedes his previous appointment (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: September 19, 1941 SCOTT, SAMUEL J., Head Counselor in Illini Hall, beginning September 15, 1941, and continuing through June 15, 1942, at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 ; for the convenience of the University he ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: ...istant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, from November 21, 1941, to October 28, 1942. L. J. Armalavage, Assistant and Second-Year Resident in Orthopaedics, from September 19, 1941, through June 30, 1942. John C. Mergener, Assistant in the Department of Psychiatry, from October I, 1941, through August 31, 1942. On motion of Mr. Davis, these leaves were granted as recommended. C... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: ..., at a salary at the rate of fifty dollars 50 a month. October 14, 1941 KINNEAR, ROBERT THOMAS, Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, beginning September 19, 1941, and continuing through August 31, 1942, a t a salary a t t h e rate of ninety dollars 90 a month. October 2, 1941 KINSINGER, K E N N E T H EDWARD, Assistant in F a r m Management, in the De- partmen... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: ...linical Assistant Professor BERSON, ROBERT C , A.B., M.D., Assistant Professor on leave of absence BOIKAN, WILLIAM S., M.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor ,n82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 BREUHAUS, HERBERT C , B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor Rush BYFIELD, GEORGE V., M.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor CARTER, JAY B., M.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor R u s h DEUSS, HUG... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1941: ...RICKE, ALBERT F., M.D., Clinical Assistant Also Resident in Medicine at Research and Educational Hospital. Also Resident in Medicine at Presbyterian Hospital. ,1184 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 HALL, F . RICHARD, A.B., M.D., Clinical Assistant R u s h HARTMAN, CHARLES F., M.D., Clinical Assistant R u s h HAVRANEK, JAMES C , B.S., M.D., Clinical Assistant HIRSCHMANN, JEROME H., B.S., M.D., Clinic... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1941: ...ical Assistant Rush Pharmacology SCHIFFRIN, MILTON ., Ph.D., Lecturer, with rank of Assistant Professor 1 Also Resident at Research and Educational Hospital. ,1190 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 19 Physiology DARROW, CHESTER W . , Ph.D., Associate Professor CRANDALL, L A T H A N A., J R . , Ph.D., M.D., Lecturer, with rank of Professor HOFFMAN, W I L L I A M S., Ph.D., M.D., Lecturer, with rank of P... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1941: ...Professor i EED, LINDON, M.S., M.D., Clinical Associate Professor Also Resident at Presbyterian Hospital. 2 Also Resident at Research and Educational Hospital. ,H92 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 SPIVACK, JULIUS L., LL.D., M.D., Clinical Associate Professor STROHL, EVERETT L., M.S., M.D., Clinical Associate Professor V A N PROHASKA, JOHN, B.S., M.D., Clinical Associate Professor THOREK, P H I L I ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1941: ...t less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed and not less than the ,1202 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work to all laborers, workmen and mechanics engaged in construction work on this project. The owner has made an investigation and h... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 BYERRUM, RICHARD U., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 CHANCE, CHARLES JACKSON, Assistant in Physiology, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of one thousand five dollars 1500 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: ...ndred sixty dollars 1260 this supersedes her previous appointment . September 1, 1942 DOLAN, CATHARINE, Senior Clerk-Stenographer in the Office of the High School Visitor, beginning September 19, 1942, and continuing through August 31, 1943, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars 1500 a year this supersedes her previous appointment .... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 HOLLENBECK, H E L E N MARIE, Assistant Clerk-Typist in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, for eleven months beginning October 1, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 LAPP, JOHN CLARKE, Instructor in French, for ten months beginning September 3, 1942, at a salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars 1800 this supersedes his previous appointment (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 LOCKHART, H A I N E S BOOTS, Special Research Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, beginning September 25, 1942, and continuing through June 30, 1943, at a salary at the rate of sixty dollars 60... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 MAGILL, L E W I S MALCOLM, JR., Assistant in English, on one-third time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of five hundred dollars 500 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 MAYOL, MARY JOAN, Assistant Clerk-Typist in the Print Shop, for eleven months beginning October I, 1942, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand twenty doll... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 MEISNER, DONALD FRANKLIN, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1942, at a salary of six hundred dollars 600 this supersedes his previous appointment (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 OSBORN, HAROLD MARION, Assistant in Physical Education for Men, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of nine hundred dollars 900 , in addition to six hundred dollars 600 paid by th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 SAWYER, M R S (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 SCHACHT, OTTO WILLIAM, JR., Student Assistant in General Engineering Drawing, in the College of Engineering, on one-third time, beginning September 1, 1942, and continuing through January 31, 1943, a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 SCHLEGEL, RICHARD T., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 STANLEY, WILLIAM O., Visiting Assistant Professor of Education, for one year beginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of three thousand two hundred dollars 3200 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 STINSON, CHARLES HENRY, Special Research Assistant in Soil Fertility, in the Department of Agronomy, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, beginning September I, 1942, and continu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 WELCH, HELEN MARGARET, Junior Library Assistant in the Acquisition Department of the Library, beginning September 21, 1942, and continuing through August 31, 1943, subject to University Civil Service... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 W I L K I N S , CHARLES THOMPSON, Assistant in English, for ten months be- ginning September 1, 1942, at a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars 1500 this supersedes his previous appointment . ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 19, 1942 WINDHOLZ, FRANZ, Assistant in Radiology, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1942, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: ...0, who has been promoted to captain is now stationed at Camp Hulen, Texas, where he is with the Coast Artillery Anti-aircraft. Joseph B. Grubb. B.S 42, was inducted into the army on September 19, 1942, and is now located at Camp Grant, Illinois. Robert W. Kidder, B.S.'41, who resigned his position at the University of Illinois to join the army is in the U. S. Army Signal Corps, School of Cryptogra... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 31)
  • 1943: ...erk in the Print Shop resignation effective November 1, 1943. BURRELL, MRS. MARY, Junior Account Clerk in the Chicago Division of the Physical Plant Department resignation effective September 19, 1943. DAVIES, M A Y A., Associate in Anaesthesia R u s h , in the Department of Surgery, in the College of Medicine cancellation effective September 1, 1943. DIEHL, R U T H A N N , Junior Clerk-Stenograph... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: ...o n JACK GARRETT ANDERSON W h e a t o n RAYMOND T H O M A S ANDERSON Chicago DONALD JOSEPH BACHNER Bellwood W I L L I A M T H O M A S BARKER R i v e r d a l e ,884 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 19 HARLAN JAMES B E H N K E Chicago JOHNSTON BARBER BELL A r l i n g t o n Heights P A U L BERNSTEIN E v a n s t o n ERNEST JOHN BERTOLINO D o w n e r s Grove STEVE P A U L BINTINGER Chicago RICHARD ALBERT B... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1943: ...Y GOODMAN R I O , B.S., 1956 Sciences In Sociology Baptist DOUGLAS ALAN CLARK, B.S., Wheaton College, 1940; B.D., Eastern Theological Seminary, 1943 ,908 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Spanish September 19 ISABEL ELIZABETH LAWLESS, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1928 A N N E M A R I E POTTHAST, A.B., 1953 RICHARD LEO STARIN, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1952 R U T H ELIZABETH STRAW, A.B., E u r e k a College... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1944: September 19, 1944 BERDAHL, M R S . EVELYN, T O give instruction in English, in the Summer Semester of 1944, beginning August 7, 1944, and continuing through October 28, 1944, at a salary of four hundred ninety-five do... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1944: September 19, 1944 CLARK, K E I T H STEWARD, Assistant in Physical Education for Men, on one- half time, in the School of Physical Education, and on one-half time, in the University High School; for ten months beginnin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1944: September 19, 1944 JOHNSON, RALPH HARRY, TO give instruction in Physical Education for Men, in the Summer Semester of 1944, beginning September 3, and continuing through September 30, 1944, at a salary of two hundred e... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1944: ...in order of urgency. T h e accompanying list of projects, arranged in this manner, was prepared by the Building Program Committee on September 18, approved by President Livingston on September 19, and transmitted to the Commission later the same day. This list, together with corresponding lists from other State agencies, is to be sent soon to all members of the Priorities Committee of the Commissi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: ...rmal University, 1939 THELMA MARIE RIGGIN, A.B., 1945 KENT WILLIAM ROBINSON, B.S., Northern Illinois State Teachers College DARLENE MARIE SCHAEFER, A.B., 194s ,1238 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 JEANETTE FRANCES SHEFFER, B.S., Bradley University, 1943 DELLA CAROLINE SIMMONS, A.B., MacMurray College, 1948 IDA HARPER SIMMONS A.B., MacMurray College, 1948 SISTER MARY AGNES BURKE, Ph.B., DePaul Unive... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1945: ...ege, 1948 EDWARD JAMES GEBHARDT, B.Ed., Northern Illinois State Teachers College, 1943 BARTLEY JAY GREENWOOD, JR., B.S., Eastern Illinois State College, 1945 ,1242 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 19 THOMAS EDWARD GREGORY, JR., B.S., Eastern Illinois State College, 1947 BETTY JANE HALBERG, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State College, 1937 LEROY A L B I N HALBERG, B.S., 1937 ALBERT LANDRUM HARLOW, B.S., West... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1946: ...s received from the Comptroller a report of bids secured by the Purchasing Agent on hospital and medical service insurance in the Urbana-Champaign departments for the year beginning September 19, 1946. Total premiums were stated on the basis of uniform benefits the same as in past years but with the following additions: 1. Extension of insurance to cover confinement in the individual's residence l... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: ...an beginning September 27, 1946, and continuing through August 31, 1947, at an annual salary of 8,000. MAURICE J. GALBRAITH, to the position of Director of Student Welfare beginning September 19, 1946, and continuing through June 30, 1947, at an annual salary of 4,800. LEWIS O. KEEWOOD, to the position of Examiner and Recorder in the Registrar's Office beginning October I, 1946, and continuing thr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: ...logy yi , September 1, 1946-January 31, 1947, 45 a month 10-3-46 . ,1946 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 135 GALBRAITH, M. J., Director, Student Welfare Undergraduate Division in Galesburg , September 19, 1946-June 30, 1947, 400 a month 9-28-46 . GALLO, J. A., Instructor, Naval Science and Tactics, September 1, 1946, until further notice, without salary 9-16-46 . GARDNER, R. V., Assistant, Sociology, ten m... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: ...A LOMONACO ANDREWS, B.Ed., National College of Education, 1953 SHIRLEY A N N ARMSTRONG, B.S., 1953 HENRY MORALIS BARDELL, B.S., S o u t h e r n University, 1946 ,9H BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 HOWARD EUGENE BARNES, B.S., Eastern Illinois State College, 1949 FRANKLIN TRUMAN BARR, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1953 GERALD L E E BARTHEL, A.B., Westminster College, 1950 A N I T A BRADY BERKOW... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1949: ...contracts specified 2,700 tons of coal to be delivered during the month of September; however due to the miners' three-day work week slow down and the strike, which was effective on September 19, 1949, only 2,073.4 tons were delivered. Coal samples for each of the three weeks in which coal was delivered were sent to the State Geological Survey in Urbana for analysis, and were found to fall within ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1949: ...RICIA A N N B A S T KATHERINE HOOFLE CASKEY MARION CHANDLER CLEO ALFREDA H A L L , with H o n o r s ,1248 W I L M A L A V E R N E CLUVER BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Home Economics Education September 19 COLLEGE O F ENGINEERING D e g r e e of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical Engineering HENRY W A Y N E FRAZER JOHN RICHARD GEIST ELMER HENRY SCHIRMER, JR. DAVID WIEBOLDT SIECK In Agricultural KENNETH GLYN... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1950: ...nt, Architectural Division, Superintendent's Section, and for the Visual Aids Section of the Division of University Extension, to the following contractors with ,94 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 whom the University has standing, cost-plus contracts for the fiscal year 1962-63 for such work: C. A. Petry and Sons, Inc., Champaign 16 750 00 Potter Electric Service, Inc., Urbana 9 018 00 David W. Rei... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1950: ...e, 1958 VIRGIL ALFRED EWING, A.B., Greenville College, 1955 WILFRED HENRY FAULKNER, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1954 VICTOR MORTON F U N K , B.S., 1950 ,148 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 IRENE ELIZABETH GABOR, B.S., 1960 R U F U S M C K I N L E Y G A N T , J R . , B.S., Hampton Institute, 1950 M A R Y J A N E GARDINER-ATKINSON, B.S., 1958 CARL SUMNER GORSLIN, A.B., Olivet Nazarene College... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1950: ...easible and it is a matter of purchasing coal wherever it is available as a protection against curtailing power plant operations further. Immediately after the coal strike started on September 19 all Physical Plant operations were reviewed in order to reduce to a minimum the use of steam and electric power. I recommend approval as an emergency measure, and that further purchases be authorized betw... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1950: ...Dentistry leave of absence, without salary, August l-August 31, 1950. PAGE, MRS. JANET L., Assistant, Animal Nutrition Animal Science S leave of absence, without salary, September I-September 19, 1950. SWANK, IRMA L., Serial Cataloger, with the rank of Instructor, Library leave of absence, without salary, July i-August 31, 1950. T h e Board adjourned. A. J. JANATA K E N N E Y E. WILLIAMSON Secreta... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1950: ...yment of the rental will come from income derived from the rental of the films to Illinois schools. The Comptroller recommends that the contracts be approved. ,1220 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute these contracts. O n motion of M r . Nickell, these contracts were authorized. FEES FOR SHORT COURSES IN... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1950: ...5 Agronomy Nutrition In Animal KENDALL W A Y N E BARBEE A.B., Blackburn College, 1950 JOHN T I T U S SIME, A.B., North Central College, 1950 ,1240 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Animal Science September 19 CHARLES ROGER ADAMS, B.S., Rutgers University, 1950 MARDEN BROADBENT, B.S., Utah State Agricultural College, 1937 BHUPENDRA CHANDRA D A S , B.S., Cornell University, 1049 ELMER LEO RICE, B.S., 1041 JOHN A... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1950: ...S., Eastern Illinois State College, 1950 JOSEPH F R A N K SINKIAWIC, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1947 HERBERT SLUTSKY, B.S., 1950 ,1244 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Geology Economics September 19 NORMAN FREDERICK SOHL, B.S., 1949 In Home MARGARET GRACE BAKER, B.S., 1941 EDITH ALGOE BRAMBLE, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1937 HARRYETT JANE MILLER, B.S., Bob Jones University, 1949 RACHEL ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1950: ...IN EDGAR K E H E , A.B., Albion College, 1950 N Y E L E E L A B A W , B.S., 1949 GERALD BERT LEMON, A.B., Knox College, 1943 EDWIN CHARLES LUNDIEN, B.S., 1950 ,1246 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 KENNETH RODNEY MCGUIRE, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University. 1940 RAYMOND EDWIN MEYER, B.S., Kansas State Teachers College Emporia , 1942 FRED SCHARF, B.S., James Millikin University, 1941 IRA EDWARD SCOT... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...d. SEPTEMBER MEETING O F T H E BOARD O n motion of M r . Johnston, the Board voted to dispense with a regular meeting in August and to hold its next meeting in Chicago, Illinois, on September 19, 1951, the h o u r and place to be determined by the President of the Board. SECRETARY'S REPORTS T h e Secretary presented for record the following lists: 1 appointments made by t h e President; 2 fellows;... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...Y OF ILLINOIS S e p t e m b e r 19, 1951 The September meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, September 19, 1951, beginning at 11:00 a.m. C.D.S.T. . The following members of the Board were present: President Livingston, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Grange, Mr. Herrick, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Nickell, and Mrs. Watkins;... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...tional facilities for the expanding R.O.T.C. program at the Chicago Undergraduate Division. Funds are available in an appropriation made for this purpose by the Board of Trustees on September 19, 1951. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. O n motion of M r s . Holt, this contract was authorized. RENTAL OF ROOMS FOR UNIVE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...yd Morey, Comptroller, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board. MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of July 25 and September 19, 1951, press proof copies of which had been sent to all members of the Board in advance of this meeting, On motion of Mr. Johnston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 833 to 1252, inclusive. 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...rs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Stevenson. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TELEVISION Mr. Livingston, Chairman of the special Committee on Television appointed by the Board on September 19, 1951, reported that the Committee had held meetings on October 18 and November 23, 1951. At its initial meeting, the Committee agreed that the University should take all appropriate measures to secure a c... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ... REPORT O F T H E FINANCE COMMITTEE O N REQUEST OF MRS. SARAH GRIMM Mr. Fornof, for the Finance Committee, presented the following report. At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 19, 1951, Mr. Herrick reported that Mr. Marshall Miller, Attorney, Champaign, representing Mrs. Sarah Grimm, sister of the late Professor George A. Miller, had called on him to ask that the Board of Trustees ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...to all members of the Board in advance of this meeting. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 734 to 831, inclusive. 1177 ,1178 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 AWARD O F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES 1 T h e Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 104... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...ecommends the reappointment for terms of three years of the following as memtew of the Institute's advisory committee: John E . Cassidy, representing the pub- ,1196 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 lie; Clinton Bush, representing labor; and G. W. Hoelscher, representing management. These three members were appointed to the committee for two-year terms in July, 1949, when the present rotation plan wa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...de from the" General Reserve Fund. On motion of Mr. Fornof, these funds were appropriated, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Grange, ,1200 BOARD OF TKUSTEES September 19 Mr. Herrick, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Hickman, Mr. Megran, Mr. Stevenson. APPROPRIATIONS BY T H E ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 14 The Board of Dire... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...1951 August 16, 1951 August 16, 1951 August 17, 1951 Clyde E . Gates Reliable Plumbing and H e a t i n g Co. T h i s report was received for record. 1 Deduct. ,1210 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 QUARTERLY REPORT OF T H E COMPTROLLER 27 The Comptroller presents his quarterly report to the Board as of June 30, 1951- This report was received for record and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...rch on sulfhydril compounds in cellular respiration, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the direction of Dr. Leon L. Gershbein. ,I2i6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 i n . Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1,000 for research on intravenous gelatin, in the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. C. W . Vermeulen. 112. VioBin Corporat... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...ing to the plan and under the conditions recommended to the Board on July 25, 1951 Minutes, page 843 ; Mrs. Holt and Mr. Nickell voted "no." ,1222 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TELEVISION POLICY September 19 Mr. Fornof asked that consideration be given by the Board to establishing a long range, comprehensive policy for the development of television facilities by the University and the telecasting of education... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...ciate in Oral Pathology, in the College of Dentistry, one year beginning July 1, 1951, 4620 on leave of absence without salary for the month of July 8-15-51 . ,1228 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 MILLER, ADAH W., JR., Research Assistant in Psychology, in the Graduate College, one year beginning September 1, 1951, 3800 8-29-51 . MITTEKLING, PHILIP I., Assistant in History of Civilization, in the Di... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...in Pharmacology, in the College of Medicine declination effective 7 I 5 I MOORE, FREDERICK T., Assistant Professor of Economics resignation effective 8-31-51. ,1234 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 MUSCRAVE, STANLEY D., Assistant Professor of Dairy Production Dairy Science C and S declination effective 9-1-51. NICKELS, WALTER A., Flight Instructor in the Institute of Aviation declination effective 9... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1951: ...oard of Trustees as a candidate for the LL.B. degree. Since this is a clerical error, the Secretary of the Board requests that the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 19, 1951, in which the degrees conferred as of August 20, 1951, are listed, be amended on page 1247 to show that Mrs. Mary Hull Naumoff has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Law. O n m o t i o n of M r . H... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1952: ...ate Normal University, 1955 ELEANOR STASELL TUCKER, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 ESTHER TANNER TURLEY, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1952 ,150 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 A N N A WAGNER VOGT, B.S., Northwestern University, 1952 NEWMAN ARTHUR VOSBURY, B.Ed., University of Miami, 1953 ELAINE FRETTE WALTERS, B.S., 1942 GEORGIA M. WALTON, B.S., Northwestern University, 1953 P ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1952: ...cine Building, and the extension of Goodwin Avenue will require grading and seeding of the campus areas in the vicinity of those buildings. The Physical Plant ,1204 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 Department had planned to defer all landscaping work until the spring of 1952, but construction progress has been better than anticipated so that it is possible to grade and seed a large part of these are... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1952: ..., Wis,. RCA, Chicago Physics ,I2O6 Item One permanent magnet assembly and mounting magnetized to 3500 gauss 1 0 per cent including six castings BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Chemistry September 19 Cost 3 801 16 f.o.b. Valparaiso, Ind. Vendor Indiana Steel Products Co., Valparaiso, Ind. On motion of Mr. Herrick, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has propo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1952: ... 1, 1951, 3200 8-25-51 . GUSTAFSON, LEVARL M., Research Assistant in Psychology, in the Graduate College, August 1, 1951-August 31, 1952, 3440 a year 8-9-51 . ,1226 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 GYARFAS, KALMAN, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, on three-fifths time, June 15-August 31, 1951, 4000 a year 7-24-51 . H A A S , L E W I S L., Assistant Professor of Radiolog... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1952: ...ant in Neurology, in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, in the College of Medicine, August I, 1951August 31, 1952, without salary 8-27-51 . ,1230 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 STEITZ, CHARLOTTE E., Instructor in Occupational Therapy, in the College of Medicine, July 23, 1951-August 31, 1952, 4000 a year 7-3I-5 1 STENDERUP, MARGIT R., Acquisition Assistant in the Library, one ye... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1952: ...ARET, A N N , United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, September 1, 1951-June 19, 1952, 250 a month 8-7-51 . ,1232 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 MAGARET, A N N , United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, June 20-August 31, 1951, 250 a month 7-24-51 . PIAZZA, S A L L., Smith, Kline, and French Resear... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1952: ...offered the resolution: following WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is the owner of the following described common stocks: p pgr Marke Approximate Prices, September 19, 1952 206 shs. B. F. Goodrich Co 66 300 shs. Procter Gamble 64 15 shs. Merck Co 25 6 shs. Minnesota Mining Manufacturing 41 8 shs. Standard Oil Co. of California 55K 100 shs. Union Carbide Carbon 64 400 sh... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1952: ... Company, Cisco, the lowest bidder, for the construction of machine sheds on Allerton Farms Nos. 3 and 6. The shed on F a r m No. 6 was destroyed by fire when struck by lightning on September 19, 1952. T h e shed on F a r m No. 3 is inadequate in size and is in poor ,434 BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 24 structural condition. Plans for new 40' by 65' pole frame buildings were prepared with the assistan... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1953: ...e, 1961 MARJORIE JANE JOHNSON, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1959 M A T A - M A R I E HENRIETTA EGAN JOHNSON, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1953 ,144 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 H E L E N AUGUSTA SWIERCZEK LERITZ, A.B., 1927 GRACE LEOLA LESSEN, B.S., M.S., 1942, 1947 JOHN MARSHALL LINDSEY, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1951; LL.B., 1958 ALICE L E E NORTON, A.B., Wellesley C... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1953: ... of Alberta, 1954 CARYLL ROBBINS W H I P P L E , B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1950; B.C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1953 ,9io BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Commercial Teaching September 19 BERNARD CHARLES REINWALD, B.S., Loyola University, 1951 In Dairy Science LAWRENCE ROBERT COUTURIER, B.S., University of Maine, 1954 In Economics RONALD EDWIN CARRIER, B.S., East Tennessee State College, 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1953: ... ROBERT NORMAN SCOTT, A.B., Evansville College, 1955 THOMAS AGRIPPA SCOTT, J R . , B.S., 1956 ROBERT CHARLES SERGENT, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1953 ,916 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 19 MAHGARETTE KELLY SHIELDS, A.B., University of W y o m i n g , 1950 W I L M A D A V I S SHULL, B.S., 1953 SISTER M. MARGARET CONWAY, B.Ed., Rosary College, 1936 SISTER MARY MERCEDES CRANE, Ph.B., D e P a u... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1953: ...nd continuing through February 28, 1954, on account of illness. YALE, SEYMOUR H., Assistant Professor in the Admitting Clinic, in the College of Dentistry leave of absence beginning September 19, 1953, and continuing through August 31, 1954, for military service. DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the following list of degrees conferred at Urbana on October 15, 1953, and at the C... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1953: ...tary service. DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the following list of degrees conferred at Urbana on October 15, 1953, and at the Chicago Professional Colleges on September 19, 1953. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Education Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Education Total, Graduate College Baccalaureate Degr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1953: ...igh Honors Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Industrial Design RICHARD GLEN GEBSCH Degrees Conferred in Chicago SCHOOL OF NURSING Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Conferred September 19, 1953 PHYLLIS VIRGINIA BRUNING DOLORES ROCHELLE GOLDSTEIN ARDATH EMILY HENSEL EVALYNE JEAN JACKSON LORRAINE ANNA KRATOCHVIL NANCY WIEBE MILES TOH CHEEN TAN ANNA MURIEL WILLIAMS LAW BUILDING PLANS As part o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1953: ...ISE REYNOLDS JANICE MERLE SOTAN BEVERLY JOAN TAYLOR B E T H RICHTER W E I N E R NANCY A N N W I L L I A M S SUZANNE JONES W I L L I A M S D e g r e e of Doctor of Medicine Conferred September 19, 1953 DAVID GORDON DAEHLER, B.S., 1950, 1951 Conferred IRVING JACK ADATTO, B.S., 1952 JAMES AARON ALBRIGHT, B.S., 1952 CHARLES CLYDE ANDERSON, A.B., State June 18, 1954 ROBERT ARTHUR CONKLIN, B.S., North- ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1954: .... ADE, RALPH D., Lederle Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20September 19, 1954, 600 6-22-54 . ARONSON, ALAN R., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20-September 19, 1954, 450 6-10-54 . BORKE, MITCHELL L., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, July i-August 31, 1954, 300 6 - 1 0 - 5 4 . COWAN, ROBERT E., Armco Steel Corporation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, ni... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1954: ...rmco Steel Corporation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months beginning September 16, 1954, 1,500 6-17-54 CRANDALL, EARL E., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20-September 19, 1954, 450 6-10-54 . DICKINSON, PETER H., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, one year beginning July I, 1954, 1,800 6-10-54 . ELLIOTT, HAROLD E., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1954: ...-54 . ELLIOTT, HAROLD E., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20September 19, 1954, 450 6-10-54 . ELLIS, DAVID T., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20-September 19, 1954, 450 6-10-54 . ENGLAND, RODNEY W., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20September 19, 1954, 450 6-10-54 . FEIWELL, EARL W., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20-Septemb... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1954: ...0 6-10-54 . HERSMAN, MARION F., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months beginning September 16, 1954, 1,250 6-30-54 . HUNCKE, BRIAN H., Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20-September 19, 1954, 450 6-10-54 . HUNSAKER, A N N , Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, one year beginning September 1, 1954, 1,200 6-10-54 . JOHNSTON, GORDON R., Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation National A... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1954: ...ALEH, MAHMOUD A L I , Booth Fellow in Food Technology, September 16, 1954January 31, 1955, 550 7-8-54 SCHWARTZ, MAURICE, Lederle Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges, June 20-September 19, 1954, 600 6-22-54 . TENNERY, VICTOR J., Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months beginning September 16, 1954, 1,300 6-17-54 . UETA, MASAYASU, Postdoctoral Fellow in ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1955: ...CZ, JEANNE L., Assistant in Preventive Medicine Medicine , one year from September I, 1955, 3660 9-17-55 . JOHNSON, MRS. LORNA R., Research Assistant in Chemistry Graduate College , September 19, 1955-August 31, 1956, 4000 a year 10-4-55 . JOHNSON, ROBERT B., Lecturer in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering C , time, September 16, 1955-January 31, 1956, 222.22 a month 9-27-55 - ,852 BOARD OF TRUST... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1955: ...ogy, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning November 7, 1955, at an annual salary of 7,200 B Y . 4. JACK D . HULL, Assistant Professor of Hygiene in the Health Service, beginning September 19, 1955, at a salary of 1,170 E 1 5 . 5. THOMAS W . KELSO, Assistant Professor of Hygiene in the Health Service, beginning September 19, 1055, at a salary of 1,140 E 1 5 . 6. AKIRA OMACHI, Lecturer in Physio... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1955: ...ureau of Educational Research, beginning October 1, 1955, at an annual salary of 6,000 D Y . 10. CLARENCE H . WALTON, Assistant Professor of Hygiene in the Health Service, beginning September 19, 1955, at a salary of 1,140 E 1 5 . O n m o t i o n of M r . H e r r i c k , t h e s e a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e confirmed. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 T h e Dean of the College of Pharm... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1956: On September 19, 1956, the Secretary of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners wrote the Secretary of the Board of Trustees as follows: "Please be advised that on the 5th day of September, 1956, at a regular meeting o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1956: ...EDRICK BAUMAN, B.S., City College of N e w York, 1956 EUGENE THOMAS CALLAHAN, B.S., 1953 FRED EDWARD CHAPPELEAR, B.S., 1952 DENNIS F R A N K CUDIA, A.B., 1956 ,912 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 19 RICHARD BRUCE H I C K M A N , A.B., W a b a s h College, 1956 CHARLES FREDERICK KOCH, B.S., Union College, 1953 RICHARD MAURICE R A U , B.S., 1953 CLYDE LOVETTE SYDNOR, B.S., 1956 In Mechanical Engineerin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...VERSITY OF ILLINOIS September 19, 1 9 5 7 The September meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, September 19, 1957, beginning at 11:00 a.m., Central Daylight Saving Time. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Cushman B. Bissell, Mr. Wirt Herrick, Mrs. Doris S. Holt, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...MEETING O F EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE O N S E P T E M B E R 1 9 , 1 9 5 7 Ihe Executive Committee of the Board of T r u s t e e s met in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, September 19, 1957, at 12:30 p.m., Central Daysight Saving Time. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. P a r k Living- ,904 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 ston, Chairman, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, and M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...such sale. This resolution was adopted. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS Mr. Williamson, Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, reported that the Committee at a meeting held on September 19, 1957, received reports and recommendations from the Director of the Physical Plant Department and the President of the University for the employment of architects as follows: Art Museum Ambrose M. Richard... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...e and Professor of Hygiene Chicago Undergraduate Division leave of absence, with full pay, from September 1 to September 18, inclusive, 1957; and leave of absence, without pay, from September 19, 1957, to September 1, 1959, on account of disability. GRIFFITH, COLEMAN R., Professor of Education leave of absence, without pay, for the first semester of the academic year 1957-58, so that he may comple... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...apeutics Dentistry , 2 time, indefinite tenure, from September 1, 1957, 6700 a year, supersedes 10-14-57 . JAUNZEMIS, MAITA B., Apprentice Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy Pharmacy , September 19, 1957-August 31, 1958, 4800 a year 10-2-57 . JENSEN, J A Y W., Assistant Professor of Journalism and Head of the Division, October 1, 1957-August 31, 1959, to render service during each academic year, 8000... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...c Information; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 863 ,864 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED September 19 The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on June 20, 1957, press proof copies of which had been sent to all members of the Board in advance. On motion of Mr. Johnston, t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...Assistant Professor HARRY J. YELLEN, Clinical Assistant Professor SIMON ZIVIN, Clinical Assistant Professor EUGENE GROSZ, Clinical Associate, Emeritus ,870 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Emeritus September 19 J. L I S L E W I L L I A M S , Associate, THOMAS A. BAIRD, Clinical Associate R u s h RAYMOND M. GALT, Clinical Associate WILLIAM J. KIRBY, Clinical Associate Rush BERTHE E. ARMSTRONG, Clinical Instructor... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...cal Assistant ALLEN D. MEYER, Assistant one year from July 1, 1957 1 ROBERT L. PARSONS, Assistant one year from July 1, 1957 DEAN S. ROSSET, Clinical Assistant ,872 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 W I L L G. RYAN, Assistant one year from July 1, 1957 1 ROGER R. SCHUESSLER, Assistant one year from July 1, 1957 2 JACK W . SHIELDS, Clinical Assistant HAROLD B. SHRIFTER, Clinical Assistant on leave of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...l Pathologist, Emerita LARL APPLE, Clinical Associate Professor JOSEPH S. H A A S , Clinical Associate Professor DANIEL SNYDACKER, Clinical Associate Professor ,874 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 THEODORE N. ZEKMAN, Clinical Associate Professor JAMES W . CLARK, Clinical Assistant Professor L o u i s FEINBERG, Clinical Assistant Professor N A T H A N H . FOX, Clinical Assistant Professor ROBERT R. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...Clinical Instructor UOYD F . O ' N E I L , Clinical Instructor 1 JOSEPH J. ORRICO, Clinical Instructor MILTON E. KURTH, Clinical Instructor in Plastic Surgery ,876 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 19 ARTHUR L. RATKO, Clinical Instructor KARL H . SIEDENTOP, Clinical Instructor W I L L I A M A. SMILEY, Clinical Instructor KURT SPRINGER, Clinical Instructor JOHN A. WEIDEMANN, Clinical Instructor CHARLES ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...ofessor VICTOR A. DRILL, Lecturer with rank of Professor WILLIAM H . FUNDERBURK, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor ,878 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation September 19 H . WORLEY KENDELL, Clinical Professor EDWARD E. GORDON, Clinical Associate Professor MAXWELL D. FLANK, Clinical Assistant Professor Physiology LATHAN A. CRANDALL, J R . , Lecturer with rank of Professor ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ..., Clinical Assistant Professor RICHARD E. BUENGER, Assistant Professor FRANK R. HENDRICKSON, Assistant Professor SAMUEL A. LEADER, Clinical Assistant Professor ,88o BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 NATHAN M. STARKMAN, Clinical Assistant Professor AUDREY WILSON, Clinical Assistant Professor RICHARD E . L E W I S , I n s t r u c t o r 1 P A U L B. SAVORY, Instructor 2 LEON H . STEINBERG, Instructor 1 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ... H U N T E R , Assistant 1 HERBERT F . IKNAYAN, Assistant one year from July 1, 1957 ' FERNLY E. JOHNSON, Clinical Assistant MALCOLM R. L E W I S , Assistant 1 ,882 BOARD OF TKUSTEES September 19 CARL E. LORENTSON, Assistant 1 JESUS I. MATTOS, Assistant 2 GEORGE A. MCDERMOTT, Clinical Assistant RICHARD H . MEYER, Assistant on leave of absence for military service tive July 1, 1957 FRANCISCO MORALE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...nt 7 400 Bacteriology, special equipment 25 Botany, special equipment 80 English Building, remodeling 235 English, special equipment 3 4J7 1 Deduct, overdraft. ,888 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 Geography, special equipment 170 Psychology, special equipment 2 560 Illini Hall, improvements in room 331 1 295 Zoology, laboratory equipment 8 650 Supply facilities, expansion 5 000 Quonset No. 8 10 000... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...of Mr. Johnston, these recommendations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mrs. W a t k i n s ; no, n o n e ; absent, none. ,902 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 Resignation of Dr. Lester M. D y k e 3 Dr. Lester M. Dyke has submitted his resignation as Professor of Hygiene on indefinite tenure and as Director of Health Services, effective December 31, 1957, and ha... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...llinois, on Thursday, September 19, 1957, at 12:30 p.m., Central Daysight Saving Time. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. P a r k Living- ,904 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 ston, Chairman, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, and Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. Also present was Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board. T h e Secretary of the Board presented the following recommendation on behalf... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...ion contracts. Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Building Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White, Chicago, at a fee of 6 per cent of construction costs. ,906 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 Development of a general design policy for buildings to be constructed on the South Campus H o w a r d L. Cheney, Chicago, on the basis of a per diem of 100, plus travel expenses or a t t h e rate of 15.0... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...BERT DONALD M C M U L L I N ARLENE ELIZABETH W O L F ,922 BOARD OF TRUSTEES C O L L E G E O F FINE AND A P P L I E D A R T S D e g r e e of B a c h e l o r of A r c h i t e c t u r e September 19 D U A I N FRANKLYN CLAIBORNE CHARLES SHERFEY SHOEMAKER EDWARD ADAM SOLNER D e g r e e of B a c h e l o r of F i n e A r t s In Advertising N I N A GRACE COLLINS JOANN R E Z N Y KOENIG Design D U A N E L O... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...demic year, 6500 a year 8-13-57 . - 1UNOZ, TOMAS I., Assistant in Surgery Division of Anesthesia Medicine , one year from July 1, 1957, without salary 8-9-57 . ,930 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 MUNRO, DAVID A., Instructor in English Chicago Undergraduate Division academic year beginning September 1, 1957, 5000 7-12-57 . MYERS, JOHN J., Research Associate in the Control Systems Laboratory S July ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...e year from September 1, 1957, 5500, supersedes 8-2-57 . SHAW, JOAN P., Instructor in Music, Y time, academic year beginning September x . 1957, 2400 7-30-57 - ,932 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 SHOULDERS, B E N A., Spectroscopist in Chemistry, one year from September i 1957, 5200 8-22-57 . SIMMONS, R. O., Research Associate in Physics C , one year from September 1, 1957, 6000 7-19-57 SIMPSON, RO... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...supersedes 7-8-57 . IOSHIDA, SHO, Visiting Research Professor of Physics and Metallurgy C , l i time, three months from June 16, 1957, 444.44 a month 7-26-57 . ,934 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 YOUNG, JAMES R., Instructor in Electrical Engineering C , l 2 time, academic year beginning September i, 1957, 2700, supersedes 8-13-57 . ZARATZIAN, VIRGINIA L., Research Associate in Pharmacology Medicin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ... Division declination effective September 16, 1957. UEBOIS, MRS. BENNIE L., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy resignation effective September 1, 1957. ,936 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 DICKINSON, FRANK N., Research Assistant in Dairy Science resignation effective July 1, 1957. ENDLEMAN, ROBERT, Assistant Professor of Social Sciences Chicago Undergraduate Division , Summer Session only r... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...edicine resignation effective September 1, 1957. ZIMMERMAN, H Y M A N J., Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine Medicine resignation effective July I, 1957. ,938 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 LEAVES OF ABSENCE BAILEY, LAFORCE, Professor of A r t leave of absence effective September i, I 957 on account of disability. BHALERAO, VASANT R., Research Assistant in Food Technology extension of leave ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1958: ...NALD MORTON MILLER, A.B., 1960 Physiology AVON LEO ARBO, JR., B.S., Aurora College, 1960 BRENT COLE SEAGER, B.S., Michigan State University, 1958 ,146 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Recreation September 19 FRANCIS COLIN COATES, Diploma, University of Otago, 1957 THOMAS LESTER GOODALE, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College Cortland , 1961 WALTER CARL JOHNSON, J R . , B.S., 1958 STANLEY LABANOWI... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1958: ... number of students admitted to the first-year class from 190 to 200 effective 111 September, 1958. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this action was approved. ,886 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 INCREASE IN TUITION FEES FOR THE SPORT-FITNESS SUMMER DAY SCHOOL 10 T h e Dean of the College of Physical Education h i s requested and the Dean of Admissions and Records, the Vice-President and Provost, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1958: ...lectrical Engineering Vendor Clancy Construction Co., Urbana Cost 5 288 40 ,892 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Department Electrical Engineering Physical Plant Office S u p p l y Storeroom September 19 Cost 36 1 8 6 00 Item All labor and tools required to install cables, ground mat, and screen, and to assemble and install antennas for D. F. Field Station Antenna Array Ten sedans, four-door Two station w... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1958: ...nd Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1083 ,1084 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S J a n u a r y 16 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of September 19, October 28-29, and November 21, 1957, press proof copies of which had been sent to all members of the Board in advance. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 863 to 100... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1959: ...ial Cheng Kung University, 1959 JOHN SEWARD ENDICOTT, B.S., University of Colorado, 1954 WILLIAM JOSEPH GARCIA, JR., B.S., United States Military Academy, 1959 ,142 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 JERRY WATSON H A L E , B.S., Virginia Military Institute, 1956 ARTHUR THOMAS HORKAY, B.S., 1961 H S U N - S H E N G H S I E H , B.S.E., University of Michigan, 1960 WILLIAM T I N - K A N HUNG, B.S., Taiwa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1959: ...Galleries within the building may be named for other donors to the project and, f course, special collections will also bear the names of the donors. 1 Deduct. ,898 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 Among the important groups of art objects which will be housed in the museum will be the "Emily Nichols Trees Class of 1905 and Merle Jay Trees Class of 1907 Collection," the Ewing Collection of Balinese ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1960: ...structor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1960, 5,500, supersedes 7-18-60 . HARPER, ANNE Y., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, September 19, 1960-August 31, 1961, 4,650 a year 8-8-60 . HARRISON, JOHN C , Instructor in Library Science Graduate School of Library Science , ' time, academic year beginning September 1 1960, 4,000 8-13-60 . HART, MR... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ..., 1961, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, 3,000 10-14-60 . NOLAN, ROBERT L., Assistant in Physical Education for Men Chicago Undergraduate Division , September 19, 1960-June IS, 1961, 500 a month; in addition he will also receive 22.22 a month from the Athletic Association for services to it 10-26-60 . O'CONNELL, WILLIAM, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ... service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1960-January 31, 1961, 1,875 10-14-60 . W I L F , M R S . R U T H T,, Research Associate in Chemistry, yi time, September 19, 1960-August 31, 1 1, 2,750 a year 10-4-60 . WINDWER, STANLEY B., Visiting Instructor in Chemistry, one year from September 1, I960, 6,500 30-10-60 . WOLOSHIN, ARTHUR A,, Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...ost's Office, beginning September 1, I960, at an annual salary of 5,040. 11, JOHN A. STANKOWIAK, Laundry Manager, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Professional Colleges, beginning September 19, 1960, at annual salary of 7,800. On motion of Mr. Herrick, these appointments were confirmed. INSTITUTE OF LABOR A N D INDUSTRIAL RELATION5 ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6 The Director of the Institnte of Labor and ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ... Rosemont College, 1960 WILLIAM D E MARCO, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1959 THOMAS JOSEPH M C H A L E , A.B., A.M., St. Louis University, 1957, 1960 ,140 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 In Social Sciences ARLINE F A Y CARY, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1960 GEORGE EDGAR PENCE, A.B., McKendree College, 1961 7M Spanish MARTHA A N N M C N U T T , B.S., Bowling Green State University,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1961: ...Associate in Electrical Engineering S , eleven months from October 1, 1961, 6,800 a year, supersedes 10-20-61 . HOFFMANN, RITA, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry Medicine , September 19, 1961-August 31, 1962, 4,900 a year 10-10-61 . HORNBEAK, HAROLD L., Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1961, to render service during each academic year, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ..., 1961, 11,150 a year, supersedes 10-20-61 . MACDONALD, JOHN A., Clinical Instructor in Surgery Medicine , Vs time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 19, 1961-February 28, 1962, 200 a month 10-7-61 . MARCUS, P H I L I P S., Instructor in Mathematics Chicago Undergraduate Division , to render service during the first semester of the academic year. September... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ternate for work to be omitted due to construction of eccosorb anechoic chamber 520 Plumbing Nu-Way Plumbing Service, Inc., Chicago 132 430 12 155 6 986 ,52 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 19 Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control Ideal Heating Company, Chicago 14 444 Ventilating Anderson and Litwack Company, Hillside 16 750 Total 182 765 It is further recommended that all contracts o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1961: ... Sixth and Healey Streets 775 Additive alternate for the removal of stumps between the curbs and sidewalks on Sixth and Healey Streets 40 Total 30 815 I concur. ,60 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, none. CHANGE IN CONTRACTS FOR CONGRESS CIRCL... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1961: .... Dilliard, M r . Hughes, M r . Johnston, M r . Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, M r . Williamson; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . K e r n e r . ,92 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 19 CONTRACTS FOR ALTERATIONS IN THE RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS ADDITION 11 The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for alt... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1961: ...rth Romine Street are available in the state appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. ,158 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 Actions on the foregoing recommendations were taken separately as to the property at 204 N o r t h Romine Street, Urbana, and the three properties on West Illinois Street and South Gregory. On motion of M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...tems of business. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to omit the August meeting. President Clement announced that the September meeting is presently scheduled for Wednesday, September 19, 1962. President Clement stated that an executive session has been requested, and was being ordered, for consideration of property acquisitions, patentable inventions, and classified research contracts, an... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1962: ...urpose and that all the Trustees will be invited to attend and participate in these discussions. U n d e r the By-Laws of the Board, the September meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 19, 1962, unless changed by vote of the Board or by order of its President. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to hold the meeting on this date and at Robert Allerton Park, according to a schedule to ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS September 19, 1 9 6 2 The September meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at Robert Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois, September 19, 1962, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...n, one of which will be in lieu of a new ,1112 BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 18 residence for the Superintendent for which the Board of Trustees approved the employment of an architect on September 19, 1962. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watk... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ... Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 49 ,50 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED September 19 The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on February 21, March 17, April 18, and May 24, 1962, press proof copies of which had previously been sent to the Board. On mot... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: , Park Ridge September 19 Cost 2 625 00 f.o.b. Beaverton, Ore. 11 727 00 f.o.b. delivered Item Three oscilloscopes, general purpose, DC-15MC, rise-time 23 microseconds; calibrated sweep range 0.2 microseconds cm to 2 seconds cm Fi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ..., Decatur, Illinois EDWARD J O H N KESTLER, Chicago, Illinois GERALD MICHAEL DRISCOLL, Oak Park, Illinois DONALD ERVIN KIESO, Urbana, Illinois Illinois ,62 Illinois BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 RUSSELL STANLEY KOSS, Chicago, J O H N RUSSELL ERSKINE R U H L , Evan- ston, Illinois J O H N MORTON RUTHERFORD, Glen Ellyn, Springfield, FRANK JAY KOSTER, Oak Park, Illinois CARL W I L L I A M KRELL, Ill... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ... GRAETTINGER, Associate Professor EARLE GRAY, Clinical Associate Professor Rush P A U L HELLER, Associate Professor EDWIN N. IRONS, Clinical Associate Professor ,68 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 ROY J. KORN, Associate Professor ROBERT O. LEVITT, Clinical Associate Professor MEYER R. LICHTENSTEIN, Clinical Associate Professor ARMAND LITTMAN, Associate Professor CLAYTON J. LUNDY, Clinical Associate... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ... Associate RAYMOND TEPLITZ, Clinical Associate CHESTER B. THRIFT, Clinical Associate CHARLES S. V I L , Clinical Associate EARL A. VONDRASEK, Clinical Associate ,70 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 JAMES R. ZVETINA, Clinical Associate MAURICE M. ALBALA, Clinical Instructor EARL T . ANDERSON, Instructor one year from July 1, 1962 SAMUEL BERGER, Clinical Instructor JOHN D. BEST, Instructor one year fr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...1, 1962 HOWARD G. WILCOX, Assistant one year from July 1, 1962 EDMUND M. ZIOLKOWSKI, Clinical Assistant Microbiology FRIEDRICH W. DEINHARDT, Associate Professor ,72 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 GEORGE F . FORSTER, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor RALPH H . HUBBLE, Lecturer with rank of Instructor W I L L I A M LANDAU, Instructor ELTA W. KNOLL, Assistant, Emerita Neurology and Neurologic... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...ate Professor R u s h , Emeritus GEORGIANA D. THEOBALD, Clinical Associate Professor and Clinical Pathologist, Emeritus CARL APPLE, Clinical Associate Professor ,74 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 JOSEPH S. H A A S , Clinical Associate Professor DANIEL SNYDACKER, Clinical Associate Professor THEODORE N . ZEKMAN, Clinical Associate Professor ROBERT R. HERBST, Clinical Assistant Professor GILBERT ISE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...n leave of absence for military service P H I L L I P I. MOZER, Clinical Instructor THADDEUS S. PIERCE, Clinical Instructor EDWARD A. RAZIM, Clinical Instructor ,76 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 Louis F . SCARAMELLA, Clinical Instructor KARL H . SIEDENTOP, Clinical Instructor KURT SPRINGER, Clinical Instructor ALDO C. SIRUGO, Clinical Instructor JOYCE A. SCHILD, Clinical Instructor Louis T. TENTA... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...ructor SILVIO DAVID MORALES, Clinical Instructor KENNETH S. NOLAN, Clinical Instructor STEPHEN PAWLYNSKYJ, Clinical Instructor ISIDRO PEREZ, Clinical Instructor ,78 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 EVELYN M. ANDERSON, Assistant one year from July 1, 1962 1 JOAN M. ARBOIT, Assistant one year from July 1, 1962 2 PETER M. BAKER, Assistant one year from July 1, 1962 ' ALICE P . BLATT, Assistant one year... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...linical Assistant Professor HENRY L. RUEHR, Clinical Assistant Professor ARTHUR SABLE, Clinical Assistant Professor MARVIN SCHWARZ, Clinical Assistant Professor ,80 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 HARRY M . SEGENREICH, Clinical Assistant Professor CHARLES H . SHAIOVA, Clinical Assistant Professor MORRIS A. SKLANSKY, Clinical Assistant Professor JEANNE SPURLOCK, Clinical Assistant Professor ALVIN SU... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...iate Professor CARL O. ALMQUIST, Clinical Assistant Professor RAYMOND E . ANDERSON, Clinical Assistant Professor CHARLES D. BRANCH, Clinical Assistant Professor ,82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 C. DAVID BROWN, Clinical Assistant Professor ROBERT G. CANHAM, Clinical Assistant Professor JOSEPH P . CANNON, Clinical Assistant Professor JAMES H . CROSS, Clinical Assistant Professor WARD H . EASTMAN, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...ssor JAMES W . MERRICKS, JR., Clinical Associate Professor Rush GEORGE O. BAUMRUCKER, Clinical Assistant Professor JOHN P . BLANDY, Clinical Assistant Professor ,84 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 JOSEPH S. DRABANSKI, Clinical Assistant Professor R. Ross HAEGER, Clinical Assistant Professor WiLLARD C. MEYER, Clinical Assistant Professor FRANK B. PAPIERNIAK, Clinical Assistant Professor COLQUITT O. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...milar program is planned for the Congress Circle campus. Its television programs will originate from the Library building, or will be programs taken off ,90 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 19 the air at the Library, and during the first phase of the University's operations at Congress Circle will be distributed to one of the classroom buildings, to the Lecture Center, and to the Union Building... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ... N 228-58522 United States Navy NObs-86688 United States Navy Nonr G 00101-62 United States Navy NOw 62-0609-d Total BOARD OF TRUSTEES A mount to be Paid to the University 103 355 00 September 19 Effective Date September 1, 1962 Purpose Science concept development in the elementary school through inquiry training Medical supervision, control, and coordination of clinical evaluation studies in canc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...ordinator, Tried, ten months from September 1, 1962, 4,800; for the convenience of the University she will receive board and room valued at 31 a month 8-3-62 . ,110 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 BIANCHI, DOMINIC R., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, 4,000 6-18-62 . BIEGLER, THOMAS, Research Associate in Chemistry, September 18, 1962-August 31, 1963, 6,300 a year, supersed... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...-62 . CORNELL, HARRISON K., Educational Script Writer for Television College of Journalism and Communications , one year from September 1, 1962, 7,000 7-9-62 . ,112 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 COTTER, ALICE W., Assistant to the Dean of Women, August 15-31, 1962, 250 7-9-62 ; and Head Resident, Allen Hall South , ten months from September 1, 1962, 5,200; for the convenience of the University she... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...90 a year 7-17-62 . FLENNER, M R S . JACQUELINE W., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, 4,400 6-11-62 . ,114 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 FLOWERS, RAYMOND W., Research Assistant in Medicine Medicine , one year from July 1, 1962, 4,900 7-9-62 . FOGHT, MRS. MARTHA, Research Assistant in Zoology, one year from August 1, 1962, 5,200 8-24-62 . .... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...0 7-30-62 . HART, ALICE G., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1962, 2,668; this is in addition to her present appointment 7-9-62 . ,116 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 HARTLEY, THOMAS C , Associate Professor of General Engineering Civil Engineering S , one month from June 16, 1962, 911.11 additional and superseding 8-1-62 . HABUNA, ICHIRO, Research Associate in Microbio... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ... nine months from September 16, 1962, 7,800 7-3-62 . JOHNSON, PETER, Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1962, 6,500 a year 7-30-62 . ,118 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 JOHNSTON, S U A N N K., Assistant Extension Editor E , one year from September 1, 1962, 5,000 8-21-62 . JONES, ROBERT E., Lecturer in Psychology, with rank of Associate Professor, one year from September ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...ications Research College of Journalism and Communications ,, two months from June 16, 1962, 1,666.66; this is in addition to his present appointment 7-17-62 . ,122 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 MITCHELL, JUNE D., Assistant to the Dean of Women, one month from July 1, 1962, 500 6-11-62 ; and Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence South , ten months from September 1, 1962, 4,800; for the convenie... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...Vi time, two months from June 16, 1962, 911 7-9-62 . PERRY, HAROLD J., Visiting Lecturer in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, 10,700 8-8-62 . ,124 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 PFLEDERER, MARILYN R., Instructor in Music, 83 100 time, and Counselor on the University Council on Teacher Education, 17 100 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, 7,400 7-2-62 . PHILLIPPE, M R... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...ths from September 16, 1962, 4,000 8-8-62 . SWAIN, MERLE D., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1962, 450 a month 8-21-62 . ,128 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 SWENSON, GEORGE, Professor of Electrical Engineering C , and of Astronomy, two months from June 16, 1962, 1,444.44 a month additional and superseding 7-25-62 . SYSE, SANFORD D., Instructor in Speech and T... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...ine months from September 16, 1962 7-13-62 . WOERNER, JACK L., Assistant in Agricultural Engineering C and S , one year from September 1, 1962, 5,000 8-21-62 . ,130 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 WOLFE, MARTIN S., Research Associate in Education University High School , academic year beginning September 1, 1962, 6,400 6-27-62 . WOLFE, M R S . SHARON, Research Assistant in the Institute of Communic... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...e year from September 1, 1962, 2,700 7-3-62 . NEE, MICHAEL D., Fellow Intern in Government and Public Affairs, one year from September 1, 1962, 2,700 6-22-62 . ,132 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 NUESE, CHARLES J., Fellow Teaching Intern in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, 3,000 6-14-62 . OHTAKA, YOICHI, Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee in Microbiology, one year from July 1,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...resignation effective September 1, 1962. HATANO, SHIGERU, Lecturer with rank of Professor of Anesthesia Surgery Medicine resignation effective August 14, 1962. ,134 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 HEATH, EDWARD H., Counselor in the Student Counseling Service; Counselor, Council on Teacher Education, and Instructor in Physical Education for Men declination effective September 1, 1962. HEDISH, NORMAN... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...crobiology resignation effective September 1, 1962. SUSIMA, STANLEY V., Associate Professor of Pharmacy Medical Center declination effective September 1, 1962. ,136 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 SWOISKIN, BERNARD L., Instructor in Orthodontics Dentistry resignation effective September 1, 1962. TUCKER, WILLIAM P., Research Associate in Chemistry resignation effective August 1, 1962. T U M A N , VL... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...of Veterinary Medicine 1 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees 356 Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana 1,000 ,138 BOARD OF TRUSTEES GRADUATE C O L L E G E D e g r e e of M a s t e r of A r t s September 19 In Art Education GEORGE CHRIS BLANAS, B.F.A., B.A.E., School of the A r t Institute of Chicago, 1954, 1958 WILLIAM EDWARD HEATER, JR., B.S., State University of New York College for Teachers Buffalo , 195... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...EN LOURENS HERMANUS V A N NIEKERK K E N N E T H MARTIN V I S T E , J R . , Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences SHARON K A Y V I T Z T H U M ROBERT ALLEN ZEBELL ,154 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 In Physics ANDRAS MIKLOS BARDOS, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum In Speech BARBARA THELMA ABBIT Correction Science In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ...oceeds of the sale of revenue bonds to finance the construction of the Assembly Hall. I concur. O n motion of Mr. Swain, this change in contract was authorized. ,96 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS FOR PARKING FACILITIES 23 Construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls will remove approximately 310 temporary parking spaces, primarily used by occupants of the Graduate St... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ... schedule of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, and the University paid the additional costs. This arrangement was intended in the contract for the ,98 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 addition to Orchard Downs, but through oversight was not included in the terms recommended to the Board. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend a change in the... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ...ulture Radio Doctors, Champaign 3 102 00 f.o.b. delivered ,100 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Agriculture Administration Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics September 19 Cost 3 250 00 f.o.b. Chicago 10 800 00 Item Thirteen film transfers of one-half hour plus one minute spot, 16 mm. negative, double system Bound with one print from video tape Professional services for the... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ... Ind. Heffernan-Sherman Co., Champaign 13 147 48 f.o.b. delivered and installed 7 087 00 f.o.b. delivered 4 927 14 f.o.b. delivered ,102 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Housing Division September 19 Cost 4 194 72 f.o.b. picked up and delivered 4 453 60 2 258 75 6 712 35 f.o.b. delivered Item Laundry service for Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls for the period October I, 1962, through June 30, 1963 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ...ecided that he wanted to live permanently in Hawaii, where he built another famous garden estate, he very generously gave "The Farms" to the University; and in ,108 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19 order that the "Woodland Property" Robert Allerton Park, so named by the Board would be operated at no expense to the public, he endowed it with farm lands, the income from which is used for the operation... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ...lege of Law was present for a part of the meeting. 531 ,532 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED June 19 The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on September 19, October 17, and November 9, 1962, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 49 to 261, inclusive. REPO... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1964: ...on of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, 2,578 for the period 5-28-64 . SAUERS, ERNEST S., Research Assistant in the Center for Zoonoses Research, College of Veterinary Medicine, June 1-September 19, 1964, 1,816.67 5-26-64 . SCHAFER, ELTON D., Research Assistant in Physics C , two months from June 16, 1964, 1,022.22 5-1-64 . SCHIELD, MILO A., Research Assistant in Physics C , two months from June 16, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1964: ...4, Vz time, June 15-August 8, 1964, 1,334 for the period 5-1-64 . STEFFEN, THOMAS B. ; Research Assistant in the Center for Zoonoses Research, College of Veterinary Medicine, June 1-September 19, 1964, 1,816.67, supersedes 5-26-64 . STEIN, HERBERT J., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, 2,000 for the period 5-21-64 . STOTLAND, VICTOR G., R... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1966: ...sor of Industrial Administration, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1966, academic year service basis, 13,000 a year, supersedes 10-28-66 . REA, PATRICK E., Assistant Dean of Men, September 19, 1966-August 31, 1967, 7,800 a year 10-11-66 . REED, CORDELIA, Assistant Professor of French, 33 per cent time, Semester I 1966-67, 285.46 a month 10-11-66 . REYNOLDS, HARRY A., JR., Assistant Professor of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1967: ...omen Engineers September-19, 196 7 00 P M Room ijk Electrical Engineering Building University of Illinois Student section The Student Section of the Society of Woman Engineers met on September 19 1967 s at 7s00 P.M. in room 1JH- Electrical Engineering Building. The meeting was called to order by Lynn Granzow. An introduction of old and new members lead the order of events for the evening. Lynn ask... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1969: .... 707 ,708 BOARD OF TRUSTEES INTRODUCTION OF W. CLEMENT STONE December 17 Mr. Swain introduced Mr. W. Clement Stone, a new member of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Stone was appointed on September 19 by Governor Richard B. Ogilvie to fill the unexpired term of Dr. James A. Weatherly who resigned from the Board because of ill health. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board consi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1970)
  • 1973: ...ntion to the schedule of regular meetings for the next two m o n t h s : July 18, Medical C e n t e r ; September 12 having been changed by the Board from the regular meeting date of September 19 , Chicago Circle. O n motion of M r . Howard, the Board adjourned. E A R L W . PORTER E A R L M. H U G H E S Secretary President ,This Page Intentionally Left Blank ,MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TH... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974 Version B)
  • 1975: ...se in March and to work on SITE, Student Introduction to Engineering, held in the spring. linn Richard spoke on Engineering Council which will sponsor a party at the Sting Rock theater on Sept 19 Carol.. Woodyard asked for volunteers to help her with- the SWE conference which is- being held on Sept . 26 and 27 1975 Karen Green described her summer work experience at NASA Our next meeting wfll be o... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1976: ...tional Bank of Chicago. c. T h a t , subject to the availability of funds, the University lease the acquired equipment from the University of Illinois Foundation for the period from September 19, 1976, through June 30, 1977, with the option to renew on an annual fiscal year basis, for an additional six years at a rental rate not to exceed 674,820 annually. That, subject to the availability of fund... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1976)
  • 1976: ...t, subject to the availability of funds, the University enter into a lease agreement for additional supporting equipment with the Illinois Educational Consortium for the period from September 19, 1976, through June 30, 1977, with the option to renew on an annual fiscal year basis for an additional six years at a rental rate not to exceed 312,552 on an annual basis. The supporting equipment to be l... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1976)
  • 1979: ...y 21, Wednesday Medical Center March 21, Wednesday Chicago Circle April 20, Friday Urbana May 16, Wednesday Medical Center June 20, Wednesday Chicago Circle July 18, Wednesday Urbana September 19, Wednesday Medical Center October 17, Wednesday Chicago Circle November 16, Friday Urbana December 12, Wednesday Medical Center On motion of Mr. Lenz, this calendar was approved. RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1980: ... THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD President Forsyth called attention to the schedule of regular meetings for the next three m o n t h s : J u n e 20, Chicago Circle; July 18, U r b a n a ; September 19, Medical Center. H e also announced that a n executive session had been requested and would be convened after the meeting to consider reports of pending litigation. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION Following ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1980: ...le has recommended to the chancellor the appointment of Dr. James C. Lin as professor of electrical engineering on indefinite tenure and head of the Bioengineering Program beginning September 19, 1980, on an academic year service basis at an annual salary of 40,000. Dr. Lin, a former professor at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering an... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1983: ...ARD, associate director of the Career Development and Placement Center since August 21, 1978, and prior to that assistant director for four years, has requested leave for the period September 19, 1983 January 18, 1984. H e will study integrative career counseling and academic advising models in the context of reduced resources and an ever-increasing demand to expand services. ROBERT SIMERLY, head,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1984: On September 19, 1984, the Buildings and Grounds Committee endorsed the concept of providing such additional facilities: the initiation of architectural planning; and the recommendation that proposals for site selection a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1984: ...al support. Special appropriations are being requested by the University in the coming legislative session. ,1984 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 41 The Committee of the Whole met on Tuesday, September 19, as well, to receive a report from Director Jerry I. Newman of the College of Medicine at Peoria. Members of the student body and staff reported on various aspects of the work of the college. BUSINESS PRE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1988: ...hen -2- ,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign r Societ 3 y of W o m e n Engineers o Engineering Hail 217 333-3558 1308 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801 SWE Executive Meeting September 19, 1988 OFFICER REPORTS President - Lorelei Hunt -There will be no executive meeting on Monday Sep. 26,1988 . -SWE General Meeting will be held on September 28, 1988, in Rm. 273 Illini Union at 6:30pm. Offic... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1989: ...ints. LRP is currently planning an "Etiquette Dinner" for the Spring Semester. Get excited All officers must fill out membership forms now The Be Professional Conference is scheduled for Sept. 19th and 20th. Lorelei is really organized, and it is going to be awesome. Everyone attend We need an itemized list of all your anticipated expenses for SORF purposes. We are considering having a barn dance ... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1990: ...ge of Medicine at Chicago, beginning December 1, 1990 1 , at an annual salary of 40,909. SANDRA F. YOUNG, university archivist and assistant professor, University Library, beginning September 19, 1990 1 , at an annual salary of 29,500. ,152 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S January 11 Administrative Staff J O H N M. LOWENBERG, deputy associate chancellor for development, Chicago, beginning October 1, 1990 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990)
  • 1994: ... head of the Department of Chemistry, professor of chemistry, and professor, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, as head of the Department of Chemistry, beginning September 19, 1994, with an administrative increment paid on an academic year service basis of 5,000. Dr. Bohn will also continue as professor of chemistry with indefinite tenure, on an academic year service basis with... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1994: ...ently acting head of educational policy studies, professor of educational policy studies and professor of history, as head of the Department of Educational Policy Studies, beginning September 19, 1994, on a twelve-month service basis with an administrative increment of 3,000. Dr. Anderson will continue to hold the rank of professor with indefinite tenure on an academic year service basis at an ann... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1994: ...David L. Swanson, currently acting head of the Department of Speech Communication and professor of Speech Communication, as head of the Department of Speech Communication, beginning September 19, 1994, with an administrative increment paid on an academic year service basis of 3,000. Dr. Swanson will also continue as professor of speech communication with indefinite tenure, on an academic year serv... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
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