Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Ml I J i , 1 U A II .ll VVI I I OST \M> I 01 M> l M !l a I hi il I J j \ 1 H . norel || i th R I I ; \M\ lllini V$\ ni tact with the I I to \ n I iI If it has not, fill out ,: l ll • ( pt nd brlnn : • ill otl r PA^ MEN r S T O 1 HE i SI\ BRS1 I \ npi 1. | u must pay tuitt • and full or defei n or to p the in nt plan. ^ 1 1 n and 1r nly und d cii ted only In- the Bui I >fl ^ ho( • to pa) Mir tuition an<l i the installm it pi I air payments each mes r, the fii • payabl I i ition the n n each the llowin months. Sumn char n he two i —half at re ation and hal the montl cha e is levied a linst students payii tuition and - on th Iment plan. J linquent installment a units arc chai ! two p < it. b - I < than SI. An in illment is delinquent i the I y v. nth r , the date payment was due. Additional penalties i 1 he imj 3 u : n't your a >unts to become delinquent. \ Delinquent Notice of amount due will be mailed to th< \u\cnt about th i rangement i in A I the 1 >nth. From this date, a grace peri I or' ten da - II ! rii the account into a current condition. It' this \$ not AODC. the col lei an's offi will be instructed to deny the student admission to cl It' the • ident is unabl to pay the amount past-due. he should call at the Bi Office upon receiving a Delinquent Notice and make other arran mens r payment ac ptahle to that office. [ f a • lent gives the I niversity a check which is returned with ' n < f < nt funds" notation, he must redeem it within a reasonable len h h time, or he i ibject to dismn d from the I University, HOI SING COSTS ' HI ity residence hall charges (for single students) maj be paid on the sai installment plan as is used for installment payment of tuition and ft ah< Students living in fraternities, sororities, and independent!) owned and operated r ideno j or rooming housi also usuall) pay room-and-board b) the month instead of in a lump sum at the start oi eaeh term. Individual arrangements should I di cu ed with the treasurer or busini man.i r or with th< of pi •• housing facilities. 26