Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

(1) In ordei that athletes maj complj with the general I niversity rcquin I and also, it they wish, may be eligible to can I mfni M militarj trainin 1 vanced work in the Reserve Officers Training Corps, th< following rule govern: Members ol varsity teams are excused from basic militarj training period when absences are due to actual conflicts with practice sessions, out oi town trips, or home games of the teams to which the\ belong, and are nor required to make up such absences. Such absences are reported to the Commandant by the Secretary of the Committee on Student Affairs. All varsity athletes taking basic military training normally register for sections which do not interfere with regular practice hours for the sport concerned, and which do not meet on days normall\ used for games with othi universities. W h e n a conflict arises, the case is decided bv the Dean of Students after he considers recommendations from heads of the department concerned. A student seeking to be excused from military training for any reason not mentioned above, or one wishing to have his military training deferred, must first register for military and then submit a petition through the I leadquarters of the D e p a r t m e n t of Military Science, Naval Science, or Air Force Science to the Dean of Students. Petitions are granted only for exceptional reasons. LIBRARY FACILITIES T h e University of Illinois Library is the largest state university library in the nation, and is third largest among all American university libraries. Th< :eneral library and the 32 departmental libraries contain over 4,000,000 volumes, plus large numbers of pamphlets, music scores, maps, sound recordings, and other library materials. T h e University is famous for some of its special collections which, when added to the standard book collections, make the University of Illinois Library not only a good library, but a great one. You may become confused by such things as the number of departmental librari , the locations of books or periodicals, or how to use these extensive facilities. "Your Library." a booklet prepared by the library staff to answer most of these and other questions about the Library, is available in the I nderL'raduate Library and at the reference desk in the General Library Building. You will also save time by learning to consult the staff of the Library's Information I sk, located in the second floor foyer near the card catalog. A large percentage of the books needed bv freshmen and sophomore- are kept in the Undergraduate Library, first floor, General Library Building, R( ren books and periodicals are in the General Reading and Reference Room on the second floor. T h e highly informed reference staff is there to help on. T h e Library also include ! departmental libraries, which are listed, with their locations, on Page 55. R dec, Hall library facilities .ire being developed. The University Library < already is operating one such library in Lincoln Avenue Residence, where the 1 niversit Librar} has provided about open t o residents. 1.000 basic reference books. Student tani are employed from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., Sunday through Friday, when tli<- L A k l i b r a i A la; r undergraduate reference library is planned lor a basement location 15