Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IN I * iden Halli, I I libiarj uil] b<| a |,| r n the i i durii it d tin and ninj l > i IBR IRY KI «.i i ITI0N8 The I try's m purp to circulate ! ok to the idem ind I m'\ Howeve itudenta are exp d to know and ob I ii P tlt ^ IDEN I 1PB 1TION I' II iid that i i received when i registered mi i each tin librar) mal are checked out. [J you do not h • ou l.P. . with you, the 1 ibran ma) refuse to lend ou th< material ,i , \t LOAN PERIODS Vou e pc visible >r the safety, proper use. and return of all rials cl ed in your name. Most hooks may be checked out for 1 t w ?ks, and, unless thej are in special demand, can be renewed for another tl weeks by applying in person (books will nor he renewed by telephone). i y bor s many b ks ar once as you nrnl, except when the same als are needed by other students or faculty. V( ( i 3 10 STACKS AND SPECIAL MATERIALS To prevent eon fusion and possible loss of or damage to valuable bookv most undei luates do not have access to the Library stacks. However, seniors and hon students may apply for stark permits. Periodicals, rare material and ern rnt documents may be used only in the Library Building. RESERVE BOOKS Resen >oks are those set aside by an instructor for use oi his students in preparation tor a special assignment or project. Usually, there are only a few e h hook, and these must he shared within a short space of time by 11 ib< )f the class. Accordingly, reserve hooks are to be used during the day in the r m where tl v have been set aside. You may borrow them tor overnight use. but must return them by 9 a.m. the following day. Reserve books borrowed on Saturday r i T the weekend ai due hack by 9 a.m. Monday. FINES I: u do not return a hook borrowed for the usual three-week period by the r tim« tnd have not renewed it in person, you will he subject to a for the first hour, and five cents for each additional hour it is fi will 1 1^ cents a day. Ii the hook you do not return is a reserve book, your fine 5 cent 'I he Library will attempt to phone or notify you lue, This notification is a voluntary servi b\ methin that ours by right. Failure to receive a r son for cancellation of your fine. I ni ity transcripts will be withheld and you may in" //////'/ yow Library accounts are cleared. LOST IU)OKS in writing when a hook the Library, and is nor notice from the Librarj not i iter f sta •- \ l < book ihould be reported immediately to the desk from which it wa owed. ^ i will be charj I a fine on an) hook that is overdue until you onall port it lost. II you do not i\ni\ the hook after a reasonable length i will Ii. e to p the Library (a) the cost of the book M\A (b) a service MI it fLATED BOOKS Theft and mutilation ol librarj materials, as well as foi rj oi sij»nntui