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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
.ii<- taken In .ill ent< ng i i lba|. iclp both yoi d the I nivrrsity learn m < .bom mi ind abil flfered in all I niversttj mi i ormall n Jimen ami sophomores. It you know the subject matter oi .1 i ICM ) examination will allow you to gain edit r youi knowled with tak the course, You then can .1 elera your edu ion riri m e advanced Information about proficiem mina t in be ob ined I HI the Office of the Dean oi Vdmissions and R < the office • the department concerned. 5 .7 txamin u are held at the clo oi each scm ter. If • » have to miss a final examination, you must • the dean 1 ir liege fo- the examination takes place (sec Page 12 . v . '//• arc n only upon recommendation of the head th< depart: nt ncd or 1 his authorized representative, and with approval dan ( the coll . Questions about special examinations should be 1 the I c of the I Van of Admissions and Record-. CREDITS AM) TRANSCRIPTS All - for which you register are noted on your permanent records in of Admissions and Records. Duplicate- of current records oi their err e kept in the offices of the college deans. Your questions about lits nd recording of grades can be taken to whichever office seems more appropriate. For example. the question is about college requirement courses taught within dleg or college standards, go to the office of the dean of your college. For inform tion about transfer credits, for a transcript of your credits, and for en ! information about registration or recording of personal data, go to th< fice of the Dean or Admissions and Records. UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS ADDRESSES Regulation -ate that every undergraduate student must maintain his correct. current addresses—both at home and on campus—on file in the office oi id mi ions and Records. Although this is a requirement, it also is a service to you, since it enables you to receive all official communications, to be located by friends visiting th< campus, and ro be reached in case of emergency. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY T h e University requires all undergraduates to be able to write good English. Students who pass Rhetoric 102 with a grade of " C " or " D " must pass an 1 _ h qualifying examination before they are permitted to graduate. This ex nination mav not be taken until one full semester after the student has compi' I Rhetoric 102. A student who must take the qualifying examination, but who has not done 0 during his sophomore or junior years, will not be permitted to register tor his cnior year < pt with special authorization of the Provost. A transfer student with SO or more credit hours, including freshman rhetoric id with a grade of " C " OX " D " in the last rhetoric Course taken, must take a lualifying examination on the first day of his first semester at tlic I diversity. Failure to pass the English qualifying examination means the student must register Rhetoric 200. It he fails this course, he must repeat either the course th< difying examination. At least one term must pass after the failure before the qualifying 1 animation can be repeated, 11 ] i
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