Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Mil I \ i N IHSI M I S I ROM ( L A S S A p , in v. A \i must !< iwa) from • mpui b > ol illness tl hoi ,|, ,, Is i I-CI the student ihould noi the f}„ ] Mm 01 \\ I >"n rticc will then be not I. A repon oi . McK lie) I i tal ind thei la il I x'ttli will N the i ina' \ itudenf i the ii • f missed immediately u| nh turn >nccrning the v ik mi |,, rn such EXCUSED IBSKNC IS FROM FINAL EXAMINATIONS S .in b issued only bj the student's < .Hi , Tin mdi such exa nust be rumented b\ a noti from the H< dth Servi .i pri - phj m. b\ a notice oi hospitalization or by ad |uate data nib• • 11 c m DROPPING V ( 0 1 USE uv dro| ursc be you have fallen behind to a eriou ( • : through 1 k ol industry oi ability the dean of mr college • qui u ' th< rade oi "i foi the course, Tin withdrawal i ried t through u» > the r ular change slip, signed by the cour c instru tor i < Hid app i -it" d by the d m the appropriate >1 1< T h e dean writ' upon th I mgc slip, "Withdrawn, pting the grade of !'." I he R < Icr then r instructor, who returns the grade ol "I •" a the official grade the WMHDKAWAI FROM THE UNIVERSITY \ lent who lea> the University during any term must officially withI iw, ' >therwi the coui he has been taking will go on his n 'ah ( al -nt. counting a failure ). Withdrawal pro dure is as follows: 1) ( learance papei from the dean of your college. 2) II • the clearance paper signed by the various I niversit] offi rs indii it. v) Return the clearance paper to the dean of your college for approval (4) I posit the clearai • paper at the Recordei Office. 'I he • pro dm must be followed In a student who is ahout to graduate. Wl n it i ident that a student ahout to withdraw is failing any or all o hi ur the colic dean may note on the clearance papers that failing grade ire to be re orded. The college dean also may have the student placed on pro1 • on or dropped for poor holarship at the date he withdraws. I ich a dent tils to i\\c hi clearance paj rs with the Recorder, the colli c dean maj file tl In omc n a student w hosr school work has not been poor mav be I to petition and gel approval from the dean of his college before he ma) reg r . in. Tin ruling applies (1) when a student diops out of the Uni'• • during the final three weeks ol classes in any semester oi the last twin any Summer Session, and (2) when a student's status ..mnot he determined !)'• of < i II led grades. EXAMINATIONS You ha • been taking i animations all through your school days, You will contin le to take a variet oi kinds oi examinations throughout your years as an undei iduate .'it the ' ^niversitj oi I llinois. Entrance examination* may be taken to gain admission to the University o to emovc i] ific deficiencies foi admission. Thi • examinations .«I •> help both « yOU and the ' mVei it, leain moir ahout v m r gifts -wu\ ahilities. 12