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Caption: Booklet - Citizenship at UI (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

an invoi > the stock of fertility in 25 of the main t f of soil in those fourteen areas. In the detailed work that followed the aim was to discover, map. and investigate each diff< nt hind of soil on each farm in each of our 102 counti< , even down to five acre lots. The task lias been completed in 101 counti< . Jt has c si hundreds of thousands of dollars. Tt is worth millions The Illinois farmer now can know what he has to work with : how to work with it : how in short, to cure his farm land if it i ailing. "Every farmer can." in the words of Joseph Wright, th rdent day-by-day chronicler of the university's achievements now evaluate his own rarm. The work of charting this t r e m e n d o u s diagnosis is being done w i t h such scrupulous care that the maps are printed in underground chambers of unvarying temperature and urn Tying moisture in order to prevent the stretching of the paper. T h u s , t h e slightest distortion o l i n e s a n d shadings is avoided. Kqual exactitude i maintained in the university s a g r i c u l t u r a l publications. "In all the thousands of pages recording our experi1 ments/ said Dean MumTHE L I B R A R Y of the c ll< e i A ultur"we have never -n haul- 1 up on an • rror. With the ni lestv < ' tlv true itist he add- '. The university's proofreaders have th( s of eagl< i ( Drama for Expert and Layman h Th d m believi that the im ination of the citj man will tir I—j th imagination ol th armer cerl nlj is—b) pi > i the historic M n w pl< ts "ii the imi fhe> I 9]
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