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Caption: Booklet - Information on UI Chicago Professional Schools (1937) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

mprehensivc Kxamiiiutioti gt M musf i« II yeai u I MI. i the Dean, fail at the c l« e ih \ eai n< the let n m spe undei the direct >n e I >es 22. Raising of D (70-74%) Gra ml the he A gr le of 70 to 74% in a giv< feet y he aised, first, by ati factoi our. letion of work pre scribed by the Head of the tment concc: 1, uch pr* ihed work being the eqi If t in am *t to the regular course; or, econd, 1 repel i of the ourse with the earning ol a higher grade. 23. Definition of "Hour" In the Colleges of Dent. id Pharma* credit 3 reckoned in "semester hour ." A '" inestei hour is one class period of fifty niiniit a week I r one semester, each class period pre ig two hour preparation by the udent; or two h rs laboratory, or three hours in work requiring no out de reparation. In tlie College of Medicine e« t i reckoned in "clock" hours, i.e.. :i 'he 1 3 of the actual time in cla . laboratory 01 n In the College of Medit ine a m subject i- ' 4 or more clock hours, a minor he;: le t! :i ( • In th ' Colleges of Dentistry and Pharm i n in r is 3 semester hours or le . while a major is i re than 3 semester hour . 24. Probation (College of Dentistr. > A student failing to receive a grade I in at least tw third <d his w.uk in an\ hall he placed on probation. 25. ! me Refusal of Further Regiatrati n i^\ A ,>unt o Poor Scholarship ( In tlie -Ih re i Medi ine, a m t w h in j erne itei, fail in one hall i m I the i ^ h foi which he i i n r . l , ..i .i tuclctit w h M ceived g i a d r ol " D 01 I " in thi n ijoi i «»ni « i i c i0( i h0U1 . n |,N ol the se >nd *ei ' '"«"' " * ' oi I ler, oi who I rade in n i i t ill I i u ult) nd oi the third ... fourth . 1 ll dismi •••• non ol the fun
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