Caption: Booklet - Information on UI Chicago Professional Schools (1937) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
tained and a fee of $5.00 for each c animation paid advance. In the case of a ubjeel which i i mtin nous r more than one erne ter, an « nination covering a year's work may be allowed foi a single fee ($5.00). A student who has completed the work of a ernester is considered to he still under registration for the purposes of this rule up to the end of the r e g i t ration period for the next semester. 20. Reports Notices are sent in the middle of each semester I parents, or g u a r d i a n s , of s t u d e n t s who are deficient either in scholarship or a t t e n d a n c e . Incompletes are not p e r m i t t e d in courses e ept in the case of illness excused by the Dean. In all o t h e r cases, reports of incomplete w rk by an instruc r will he recorded as failures, 21. Removal of F a i l u r e s A failure in a major subject can be removed only by repetition of the subject in course either in thi University or some o t h e r approved i n s t i t u t i o n . If the failure is removed by r e p e a t i n g the work at the University of Illinois it m u s t be m a d e up the first time the course is presented. The students total chedule including the r e p e a t e d w o r k may not exceed the normal schedule for the period, unle s his record in all other courses a v e r a g e s 859! • Student who may desire to m a k e up failure- b \ ummer work elsewhere must receive the i nsent i the II I of the department and the Dean in advance Pr J m. n r the rem \ al of failure in minor lb be m a d e b the H e a d of the d e p a r t m e n t erned with the appi val of the Dean. Si l e iminations for the removal ^i failui in niinoi ubjeel ai held durin the week preceding the tie i oll( tic ii. Th iminations may 1 had nly U] n the i mmendation of the Head i the de| irtment concerned with the appi val ( th l } >n. I widen • ol a< t u a l a d d i t -nal w 01 k <\^\\c ubj( i inn i be presented before i rni on i grant I ; ial i (>ui\ one uch exan na II in .i given ubjeel will b permit! i Koi tl in ition tl i cgulai f < 00 • I Student! in the ('<»lh i M Ine wh fail the