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Caption: Dedication - YMCA Building (1908) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

FACTS A B O U T THE IQO; ASSOCIATION 1908 It 1 the onlv distinctively religions interdenominational organization in the [Jni rsit 5 7So members. 10:0 enrolled in Croup Bible Classes. i n v re helped to secure employment. Reported earnings $ . J ^ J . 3 8 . The Association fosters a wholesome social life. 25 general social event were held las: Budget of expenses $.|.^oo.oo. Average attendance at religious meetings 207. A Strong New Student campaign: 2000 men assisted during opening days: .jo trains were met: hundreds f men a dm finding rooms. It brings together in Christian fellowship men of all classes, stations and interests and stands for clean manhood. F A C T S A B O U T THE NEW B U I L D I N G Total length is4 feet. Total width 84 feet. Built of bruk and stone and has three stories and a basement. BASEMENT: Barber hop. restaurant, lunch room, smoking room, bowling allcv. FIRST FLOOR: Lobby, game room, loun^in^ room, check room. ladies room, o€*.e. aud. • num. librarv and writing room, board of directors room. S E C O N D FLOOR 8 organization roon : \.\ dormiton rooms; : gueSl rooms. K T H I R D FLOOR 28 itorv ro< :d * I how ! itk$, i n three sections, each section pro linen closets and trunk roFL'RNTSHINCS M ion style with turned finish tin ." >ut. with r u c p t i o t of ladies foo«l tr h has bY h Inishw, .
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