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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

( , )I1( ,, ( . 0 f Again the plans toi ^ ^ s t o r i e s in Chicago>wo ^ determination to comj ^ Medici™ and College o. Dcntbti b c c j ] B „ o w c d l<( | a p § c but foi VVillard'i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ [hr ^ ^ m o n t h f l o £ n, >tiatloni m c securing federal fo»J^ g U m f r o i n the RFC. Th< complicat d rant of PWA pproved a grant or ^ — ^ ^ University loan filled 77 p , j , ird transaction involving * ^ Uinur{l r n i w , i t y of Illinois Foundation t T^ctres minutes, ana ^ e b o n d issll( . ^ 0t Trustees was named as trus ^ bu iidings in Chicago drew U thcr the clinical The completion ° ^ p h a r m a c ) for the finl time. Dr. Raymond facilities of median , ^ ;. x c r l l l i v c . d ean of the Chicago college did mud, B. Allen,.who wasiapp^ E ^,Imcnt in the Coll- .-of Pharmacy h ime t b T h ^ r L country in 1912; the College of Medicine, second; and the CnWeec of Dentistry, seventh. In 1936 Willard started the long {nor. that led to a PWA grant for a "new Union Building. Again with the University of Illinois Foundation • trustee, a loan from an insurance company waj arranged. Alumni contributed $250,000 for the furnishings. Work on the Union, at the front door of tl. campus on the south side of Green Street between Wright and Math 5, began in 1939. There was disagreement among alumni, students, and the community in general as to just where the front door to the campus was. Various sites e. up for consideration. After mam factors, including traffic pattern md relation to power plant service lines, had been thoroughly discussed, there was little doubt that the Times Square of the campus was .it Wright and Gr n. - The Union was designed by Ernest L. Stouffer, '18. Universit) architect, and Howard L. Cheney, '12. and John C. Leavell, consultii n hite The doors of the beautiful one-and-a-half-million-doll.ir Illini Union opened on February' 5, 1941, and the first major event held in it was the Founder's Da) celebration. The formal dedication of the building was the highlight oi the 1941 fall Homecoming. e r a l P U b l i C W r k S fUndS W r alM SCClUrd t0 h d huM {hc NatUnJ Ce Re S ll c BU lld ng a°n d t o m a k c r x t , I i v ' P HosnlT , / ' ^ «- additions to the Library, McKink) X aIui [t ^ ^ C h i ^ ; '1'ini Inion Huildm,. 1 mourncd and ^ i . No one^ould ^-^ ^ ** Protested In sentimental ,USUfy3 h o w c v c r wt would tab* M !. ! • > "'• provedi willing to Vpio\ take t,» ' '" i " " fining n U^HU- th turn loan ^fimonTZ • k from an ins,.,-,,,,,,"" " " ' " " ' ''''" ' 8 "" '•""• vwu financed b> » Under C |,;, l *eboilen 0 f tj, ' """ "> •"" ^ c o m p l e t e d in 1942. [Tie finl furs <ls r i, <l ur lant ^•old one, „,,.,. k i, 1 'ii'T'" " '""' "' ' " ' ' P ' rcpl*«ng the thirty )r ll P">Swm had gathered „ " " " » ' ol 1940. Bui before the building '"- ***< or ,,„',;:; • ; " ; - - . . " , „ ,„,,,v,,,uL ^r 1141 in S ? ±e 0,d landmark s houain ; — ' "Pair,, and not? s U s ' *»trictioni prevented .11 but the b * l v l T , " " ""' '"'"« T h "",/ " ''"'"' •' """ •' '"•« I 7 ^ x i*d bwtd build. ,,uehgif. I | 11 ^ ^'Mo„ ^ ^ "HP-n^ tol Mi ind MM M, , I , M
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