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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

THl'R HILL 1933 -1934 Arthur Hill Daniels became acting president and served for one year. At the time of his appointment he was dean of the Graduate School and acting dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. H e had been on campus forty years, and the stories about him are legion. There is a story that a student once presented a dubious petition to him in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Daniels genially okayed it and then pointed out it had to be approved also by the dean of the Graduate School. T h a t afternoon the student appeared at the graduate office and was amazed to find the same m a n there. This time Daniels pondered the matter. decided that the petition was against regulations. and declined to approve it. Daniels' interest in the classics was marked and he was successful in obtaining grants to enable William A. Oldiather. T. W. Baldwin, and Harris F. Fletcher to pursue their research in the humanities which later led to the publication of many scholarly books on Cicero, Shakespeare, and Milton. During 1933-31 the country sank into the depth. of the economic depression, and Daniels year marked the beginning of the use of federal public works funds by the University. 1 93
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