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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Students had to be at least fifteen yean old and wen admitted to .».. i „, venit) after passing, with a grade :vent) | '" ... bettei • U l oi .,...„„ xty-fivc questions that might stump t o a a y i gr« questions I 2. 3, 1. 5. , Describe the Leyden Jar, and explain .U theory. rhroughwhal waters will a vessel pass, and in uh,t direction sail, in going from Glai Adrianople? In exchanging gold dust for cotton, b) what weight would each l < weighed? >p.usc who, 1776, member, and mm. What is Emphasi i Students were required to wear a uniform of "cadet-gra> mixed cloth of the same color and quality as that worn at West Point." I he COat W3 lingfcbreasted, buttoned to the chin, with a Standing collar; the vest wai also single. breasted; and the pants had a welt of dark blur on the OUtsidc seam*. Tuition was $15 a year for Illinois students and "$20.00 p.-, annum t foreign students." The word "foreign" meant out-of-state About discipline the founding fathers were firm, eloquent, and ambiguous. " T h e University designed for men, not children, and its government rests in an appeal to the manly feeling and sense of honor of its students. It has but one law. and that i DO RIGHT. If any student shall show himself so weak or corrupt that he in not, when thus treated, refrain from vicious conduct, lie will i :ive permissi >J to leave the institution. Among the courses taught that first year were Astronomy, Butler's Analogy, Elocution, Evidences of Christianity, Historv of Inductive Sciences, Mental Philosophy, and Penmanship. Classes were held from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The 1 1 1 Time Table appeared under the elegant title. "Scheme of Recitations and Exercises." In addition to the compulsory two hours (A manual labor a day, Student wen- required to drill three hours weekly under a Civil War officer and \vei marched to and from daily chapel. Literary societies were among the first campus organizations. Regent Gre ,ry assigned the boys iltemativel) into two groups: the Adelphi. and the ™«n*thean. The girls' society was called the Alethenai. Ih, first student u n a P " ^ PPeared in the fall of 1871 and was a pamphlct-siicd B athh called The Student. dj!^ rT ° l Sl '* " C Cit SpirU O gC a jUni re and ' " ,; 0 w h S T S ha '^ *' ° ' * ° « - The senior cla 8 X S s lllls a ' , " T '' •""' "'" ' - ' " fthrd iKed for skill h > l" - ac< lamation i ontr«t« , i, . i recitation •„1,i ,i , ••• ' orations, shootiiiR toothpicks durinc pn mtedon December'sTnTfi I ^ W ^ "'""" "** ' *»»*"** '"""• appeared in the weekh , / " ' ' '"""' *' '" '' To. ,.„. ,„„,„ , , " >'" '•" '"> i o n D c iibci I ' • •o'wwhal novel ,,...,. ,,„,. „, . ni ™ "- *"* fin \ :
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