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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1868-1880 John Milton Gregory, the first i m -f ti University, interpreted the controven 1 } i the Land-Grant Act to mean that such courses as literature and languages should 1< available for tu> dents who wanted them. But III in* people did all agree. Opponents of Gn object ) courses relating to the i I; s or "dead lai Tiny wanted only those cours - taught vvh h .i d i m t. pra< tic al valu< ultur 1 ii If Gregory had not fought th ssui w Universit) might have developed onl\ school. Gregor) served ?ent for tl n and harassing years, lie rvsii*n n 1 \: time he told the fa< ulty, " I am too hcav\ a load i cares, and ir: sometimes seemed needless opp He w tO remain a part of the I niv one i his l.ist requests b I v buried on the rain pus. The markei a plot bctwci n the prev< nt-da\ Mail Administration Butldii hrai daily 1< i omi moo mranii ul M * > K MONI MI NT, i K \r.>i i vol 11
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