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STODDARD 1946T h e early postwar period was one of transition and phenomenal expansion. In May, 1945, George Dinsmore Stoddard, a noted child psychologist and commissioner of education of the State of New York, was appointed the University's tenth president. When enrollment at Urbana started to rocket, President Stoddard swept away the old barriers linst decentralization. and st.died University with branches at Navy Pier in Chicago and at (lalesburg were set up, quipped, breathtaking speed. (ralesburg became famous as "the college that was made in a m o n t h . " Stoddard (ailed the housing situation the "worst bottleneck of all." With the precedent-breaking that has c liarac terized his activities, he went to work on tin- problem. I [undreds of small prefabricated houses for faculty and married veteran students shot up on the p a r a d e grounds. The Ice Skating Rink wa turned into a men's dormitory. Students wen housed in the Stadium halls. Acceptance oi jobs Often hinged Oil the answer to the national civ. Will W< find a house.'" A Small Homes Council hadb noi nn/eclm 1944 to carry on research to 113