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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Number 90 library School Association NEWS LETTER R. ERRETT WEIR McDIARMID has been offered the p. ition of Assistant Director of the University of Illinois Library School and President A. C. Willard has approved the appoint* ment, which is to become effective September 1, 1942. The Assistant Director will s u c c e e d M i s s Amelia Krieg, who resigned the • become head Catalog the Seattle Public Library. Dr. McDiarmid is a graduate of Texas Christian University with the class of 1929. The following year he received his A.M. from the same institution. In 1931 Emory University granted him a B.A. in Library Science. He also holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Universe}' of Chicago, awarded in 1934. From 1934 to 1937 he was librarian of Baylor University, joining the staff of the UniverSlt y of Illinois Library School ln 1937. As Assistant Professor he has been in charge of classes m library administration, and durlng the semester has past headed the school committee 011 ERRETT W E I R McDIARMID instruction. From March 1 Named Assistant Director to September 1, 1941, Dr. MciMMBiiiMi UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN VOL. 5 de 39 MAY 19, 1942 T ^ e Act of August 24, 1 ' J October 3, 1917, authorized Jul> 31, 1V1». O D e OTided for in lection 1103, Act o | £ « *««Wy except for vacations and holidays. i i
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