Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 27 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station URBANA, ILLINOIS, F E B R U A R Y , 1918 CIRCULAR No. 210 THE FARM MACHINERY SITUATION BY E. A. WHITE 1 In answer to the call for more food, the citizens of Illinois will plant every square foot of ground possible in 1918. To accomplish this end, farm machinery is a necessity, and it becomes a patriotic duty as never before to give attention to the early purchasing and care of implements. The United States Government has officially recognized the necessity of farm machinery by giving to the raw materials for its manufacture a rating in Class Bl, next to the materials tor munitions. It now devolves upon us to rise to the occasion and do our "best" to insure that we go into the fields this coming spring Mechanically equipped for the great drive. * An Adequate Supply of Machinery Is Necessary.—The present labor shortage can be partially offset by an adequate supply of machinery to insure the proper planting, cultivating and harvesting of a large crop. Stock should be taken of the machines on hand, keeping "» mind the labor conditions and the crops which should be planted. If there is any possible doubt of a sufficient supply being on hand, take a trip to the dealers and order what may be necessary. Look over now machines, and see if there is not some new implement which could be used to advantage. 'Assistant Professor of Farm Mechanics, College of Agricultun