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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 547]

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[March 13

EMIGH, C. ROBERT, Research Assistant in Physics (C), February 14-August 31, 1951, $3240 a year, supersedes (2-16-51). EUBANK, DAVID F., Clinical Assistant in Pediatrics (Rush), in the College of Medicine, one year beginning September 1, 1950, without salary (2-27-51). FOWLER, EDSON F., Clinical Instructor in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, one year beginning September 1, 1950, without salary (2-22-51). FRAZIER, R A L P H P., Instructor in Education, on the University Council on Teacher Education, on three-fourths time, six months beginning March 1, 1951, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, $250 a month, supersedes (2-21-51). F R E U D , BENJAMIN B., Visiting Professor of Physical Sciences, in the Undergraduate Division in Chicago, five months beginning February 1, 1951, $600 a month (2-27-51). GRICE, G. ROBERT, Assistant Professor of Psychology, eight months beginning January I, 1951, to render service during t h e second semester of the academic year, J5000 a year, supersedes (2-19-51). GRIMM, N E L W I N C , Supervising Engineer in the Institute of Aviation, seven months beginning February 1, 1951, S6200 a year (2-16-51). GUY, GEORGE V., Instructor in Education, on one-half time, six months beginning February 1, 1951, S1500 a year, supersedes (3-5-51). HARNER, CASPER G., Clinical Assistant in Dermatology, in the College of Medicine, January 2-August 31, 1951, without salary (2-22-51). HARRIS, HOMER E., Clinical Assistant in Dermatology, in the College of Medicine, January 2-August 31, 1951, without salary (2-21-51). HAZLETON, HOWARD A., Business Manager of t h e Chicago Colleges and Divisions, six months beginning March 1, 1951, $10,000 a year, supersedes (2-27-51). H I L L , M R S . ROSEMARY F., Research Assistant in Chemistry, in the Graduate College, February 15-June 30, 1951, S275 a month (3-3-51O HOLSHOUSER, D O N F., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), nine months beginning December 1, 1950, J5300 a year, supersedes (2-27-51). HOROWITZ, JOAN, Research Assistant in Psychology, February i-June 15, 1951, to render service during the second semester of t h e academic year, S266.66 a month, supersedes (2-20-51). H Y D E , JOHN S., Instructor in Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, eight months beginning January 1, 1951, J1800 a year (2-26-51). KELLER, SEYMOUR P., Instructor in Physical Sciences, in the Undergraduate Division in Chicago, five months beginning February 1, 1951, S320 a month (2-26-51). KELLY, ALEXANDER P., J R . , Clinical Assistant in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, seven months beginning February 1, 1951, without salary (2-21-51). KNIERING, ROBERT F., Research Assistant in Medicine, in the College of Medicine, January 12-July 11, 1951, S2930 a year, supersedes (2-22-51). LARSEN, ROBERT P., Assistant Professor of Psychology and Clinical Counselor in t h e Student Counseling Bureau, on one-half time, six months beginning March 1, 1951, 32500 a year (2-21-51). LEVENSON, M R S . BEVERLY, Research Assistant in Chemistry, in the Graduate College, February 15-August 31, 1951, 33000 a year (2-22-51). M A I R E , L E W I S E., Assistant in Surgery (Rush), in the College of Medicine, five months beginning February 1, 1951, without salary (2-21-51). MAJARAKIS, JAMES D., Instructor in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, on threefourths time, one year beginning April I, 1951, #3000 (2-27-51). MARTZ, R U B Y V., Acquisition Assistant in the Library, February 19-August 31, 1951, S3300 a year (2-21-51). MAURICE, CHARLES G., Assistant Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, in the College of Dentistry, six months beginning March 1, 1951, $6000 a year, supersedes (2-26-51). MCARTHUR, E. M A X I N E , Research Assistant in Medicine, in the College of Medicine, six months beginning March 1, 1951, #2930 a year (2-27-51). MCPHERSON, WILLIAM H., Professor of Economics, in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations and in the Department of Economics, indefinite tenure beginning January 1, 1951, #7578 a year, supersedes (2-28-51). M E H L , BERNARD, Instructor in Education, on one-half time, six months beginning February 1, 1951, $1500 a year, supersedes (3-5-51).