UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1689]

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Women's Gymnasium, remodeling, appropriation, 434 Women's residence halls, See Busey Residence Hall, Evans Residence Hall, and Lincoln Avenue Residence. Women's Rotary Club of Chicago, gift, 55*.


Woeltjen, A. E., degree, 1573 Woeltjen, Lois A., degree, 1249 Woerner, D. E., appointment, 690, 1446 degree, 580 Woerner, L. G., j r . , degree, 414 Woest, C. L., degree, 804 Woest, Mrs. Pauline P., appointment, 297 Woesthoff, Margaret, appointment, 11, 1308 Wohler, Wilma, appointment, 401, 447 Woiciechowski, N. J., degree, 829 Wojcik, H. J., degree, 588 Wojnarowsky, Emilia N., degree, 823 Wojniak, F., appointment, 359, 1187 Wolatz, Mrs. Eleanor H., appointment, 1150 Wolbers, C. P., degree, 416 Wolcott, Katherine T., degree, 1556 Woldt, Laurel S., appointment, 314, 1151 Wolf, A., appointment, 354, 1182 Wolf, A. A., appointment, 361, 1189 Wolf, C. G., certificate, 1330 Wolf, G., appointment, 1179 Wolf, H. A., degree, 813 Wolf, Herbert Sheldon, degree, 594 Wolf, Herbert Solomon, degree, 583 Wolf, T. G., degree, 451 Wolf, Margaret J., degree, 590 Wolf, S., degree, 1541 Wolf, S. C , degree, 1565 Wolf, Verna M., appointment, 315, n 53 Wolfberg, Joanne F., degree, 808 Wolfe, D. L., appointment, 264, 896 degree, 1547 Wolfe, D. M., degree, 1556 Wolfe, E. C , appointment, 174, 178, 1009,

1014, 1231

Wones, E., Jr., appointment, 358, 1186 Wong, H. Y. M., degree, 153° Wong, H. Y. K., degree, 1545 Wong, J. B., degree, 1240 Wong, J. Y., degree, 1534 Wood, A. E., appointment, 265, 1102 Wood, C. G., Jr., degree, 1556 Wood, Mrs. Cordill H., appointment, 401 resignation, 573 Wood, D. L., degree, 59* Wood, E. C , certificate, 1338 Wood, E. S., appointment, 572, 1187 Wood, E. V., degree, 786 Wood, F. H., appointment, 1424 Wood, G. D., appointment, 274, 275, 1107,


Wood, G. M., degree, 594 Wood, H. C , degree, 827 Wood, T. H., degree, 802 Wood, J. W., appointment, 153, 988 degree, 1401 Wood, Mrs. Lissi C , appointment, 1131 Wood, P. E., degree, 1553 Wood, Pearl A., degree, 1566 Wood, R. F., appointment, 258, 1094 authority to sign name of President

B o a r d , 602, 1404


Wolfe, H. E., degree, 589 Wolfe, H. N., degree, 1401 Wolfe, Marian M., degree, 1559 Wolfe, Myra S-, degree, 807 Wolfe, R. S., certificate, 1330 Wolf Envelope Co., purchase, 1466 Wolff, B. E., degree, 1556 Wolff, E. A., degree, 803 Wolff, J. R., appointment, 356, 1185 Wolff, Mrs. Lorraine R., appointment, 305,


Wolff, R. W., appointment, 142 declination, 405 Wolff, Ruth H., decree, 593 Wolfowitz, J., appointment, 1351 Wolfson, K. G., degree, 1534 fellowship, 513, 681 Wolfson, M., degree, 795 Wolfson, Mrs. Rosalind R., appointment, 1133 Wolinsky, J., degree, 1557 Wolinsky, Sheila R., degree, 1557 Woll, Barbara J., degree, 1559 Wollbrinck, W. R., degree, 590 Wollermann, L. A., degree, 1542 Wolleson, E. A., appointment, 239, 1078 Wolnik, E. W., degree, 588 Woloshin, Evelvnne C , degree, 590 Woloshin, I. H., degree, 1577 Wolski, A. J., degree, 1552 Wolski, J. D., degree, 1249 Wolski, Joan A., degree, 1577 Wolszon, J. D., degree, 809 Wolter, Janet M., fellowship, 683 Wolter, Kathryn M., degree, 800 Woman's League, fund for needy students, addition, gift, 548 Womeldorph, R. C., appointment, 123 resignation, 778 Women, Dean of, budget, 64, 262, 897, 1098 Women employees, rest periods, 1431 Women's Auxiliary of the College of Medicine, gift, 554 Women's Group System, gift, 1468

Wood, R. L., degree, 423 Wood, Mrs. Violet F., appointment, 289, n 26 Wood, W . A., appointment, 104, 938 leave of absence, 574 Wood, W . H., degree, 418 Wood, Warren L., gift, 1214 Wood, Willard L., appointment, 354, 1182 Woodard, Mary L., appointment, 260 Woodbridge, H. C , degree, 45i> 794 Woodburn, R. L., degree, 807 Woodcock, H. M., appointment, 645, 1036, 1045 declination, 1235 Woodman, E. M., appointment, 145, 730, 981. 1448 resignation, 405 Woodmency, Colene R., degree, 811 Woodroofe, Louise M., appointment, 154, 512, 989 Woodrow, H., appointment, 83, 916 Woodrow, R. B„ Jr., degree, 585 Woodruff, B. E., degree, 1563 _ Woodruff, F. H., & Sons, contract, 440 Woodruff, L. W., appointment, 354, 1182 Woodruff, W., appointment, 1447 Woods, B. M., appointment, 186, 1004, 1021, Woods, Woods, Woods, Woods, Catherine, appointment, 329, 1171 D. S., degree, 792 Doris E., diploma, 1575 Mrs. Dorothy B., appointment, 277.

Woods, G. T „ appointment, 120, 163, 953. 999 Woods, J. D., degree, 1388 Woods, J. E., degree, 592 Woods, L., appointment, 334> i ' 7 5 Woods, Margaret M., appointment, 276, 1112 Woods, N. C., Jr., degree, 1401 Woods, R. B., certificate, 489 Woodson, Charlene M., degree, 800 Woodson, J. B.. appointment, 167, 170, 695,

876, 1002, 1006
