UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1686]

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Whitesitt, J. E„ fellowship, 1484 declination, 1488 White Weld & Co., bid, 1356 financing housing project in Chicago, offer, 569 Whitfield, G. A., degree, 1250 Whitfield, G. B., Jr., degree, 789 fellowship, 679, 877, 1481 Whiting, D. A., degree, 823 Whiting, Geraldine E., appointment, 256 degree, 1251 Whiting, P. B., certificate, 842 Whitlatch, Mrs. Betty P., appointment, 1130 Whitley, S. E., degree, 598 Whitlock, R. F., appointment, 357, 1186 Whitlock, S. M., degree, 799 Whitlow, L. A., certificate, 1330 Whitman, G. B., appointment, 95, 117, 928, 950 Whitman, Mrs. Mary R. B., appointment, 676 Whitmore, C. M., degree, 822 Whitmore, Consetta M., degree, 1238 Whitnah, D. R., degree, 808, 1538 Whitnah, Mrs. Florentine E., appointment, 276 Whitney, R. M., appointment, 106, 115, 939, .949 Whitson, Mrs. Evelyn, appointment, 302, 1138 Whitten, H. P., degree, 416 Whitten, Mrs. Wanda, appointment, 1139 Whittier, D. H., degree, 1537 Whittington, M. P., degree, 802 Whorton, Gladys P., appointment, 603 resignation, 732 Whowell Motor Sales Co., purchase, 376, 669,

6 7 1 , 712, 1291


Wightman, Mrs. Mabel, appointment, 1139 Wikblom, Corinne, appointment, 310, 1x47 Wikoff, V. C , degree, 818 Wilber, Catherine J., degree, 1551 Wilbert, R. J., degree, 819 Wilbrandt, R. L., degree, 811 Wilbur, W. L., degree, 807 Wilcock, R. C., appointment, 704, 1015 degree, 782 Wilcox, C. H., degree, 1545 Wilcox, D. W., degree, 1571 Wilcox, E. D., degree, 1550 Wilcox, J. C , degree, 1559 Wilcox, Mrs. Jean H., appointment, 296 Wilcox, K. B., degree, 413 Wilcox, K. M., degree, 827 Wilcox, R. H., appointment, 95, 115, 928, 948 Wilcox, T. G., degree, 1283 Wilcox, W. C , degree, 788 Wild, H., Surveying Instruments Supply Co. of America, Inc., purchase, 468 Wildberger, Mrs. Jeannita G., appointment, Wildeman, Claire A., degree, 800 Wilder, H., appointment, 358, 1187 Wildhagen, A. R., appointment, 290, 1127 Wilensky, J. M., degree, 811 Wiles, Ada J., appointment, 270, 1106 Wiles, Jo Ann, appointment, 69s, 1334 degree, 1390 Wiley, C. C., appointment, 124, 958 Wiley, F. R., appointment, 269, 1106 Wilhelm, D. L., degree, 591 Wilhelm, Deena L., degree, 590 Wilhelm, F. L., degree, 1243 Wilhelm, J. R., degree, 1553 Wilhelm, R. E. A., degree, 827 Wilhelmy, C. S„ degree, 1396 Wilhelmy, O., appointment, 1479 Wilk, B. R., degree, 814 Wilk, Mrs. Dorothy M., appointment, 283 Wilk, K. E., degree, 1556 Wilke, R. R., degTee, 1550 Wilken, D. R., degree, 1550 Wilkening, E. C , degree, 814 Wilkens-Anderson Co., purchase, 526, 838, 852, 1520 Wilkerson, Mrs. Julia L., appointment, 1163 Wilkerson, L. E., appointment, 1231 Wilkes, R. M., certificate, 1338 Wilkes, Rachel C , appointment, 696 Wilkey, Dorothy J., degree, 1566 Wilkin, Mrs. Anita E., appointment, 373, m o Wilkin, E. K., degree, 1568 Wilkins, C. T., appointment, 76, 909, 1449 Wilkins, D. H., appointment, 1446 degree, 1388 Wilkins, Mrs. Dorothy E., appointment, 294, Wilkins, J. W., degree, 1553 Wilkins, R. G., degree, 822 Wilkins, W. E., degree, 807 Wilkins, W. J., Jr., appointment, 364 Wilkinson, C. W., appointment, 60, 75 declination, 405 Wilkinson, E. R., degree, 1396 Wilkinson, Evalyn S., degree, 800 Wilkinson, J. L., fellowship, 402 resignation, 684 Wilkinson, Margery A., appointment, 1170 Wilkinson, P. F., degree, 1559 Wilkinson, W. D., degree, 1246 Will, F. L„ appointment, 81, 697, 914, 1453 leave of absence, 1408 Willard, A. C , appointment, 58, 891 Willard, J. C , degree, 41J Willard, Mrs. Olive M., appointment, 286 Will County District 210, contract, 1305 Willems, D. G., degree, 589

1130 312, 1150

Whyte, L., appointment, 265, n o r Wichert, Florence T., appointment, 312, 1149 Wick, R. S., degree, 1385 fellowship, 877. Wickert, Mrs. Thema, appointment, 318 Wickes, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 261 Wickhara, Lois H., degree, 1399 Wicklund, L. S., degree, 818 Wicklund, Roraayne C , degree, 817 Wickstrom, G., Jr., degree, 1562 Wickwire, G. C , appointment, 82, 915 Wideman, Suzanne J., degree, 811 Wiebe, R. H., fellowship, 680 declination, 684 Wiebe, R. P., degree, 794 Wieck, Julia L., degree, 1556 Wiederanders, R. E., degree, 827, 1527 Wiedermann, A. H., degree, 804 Wiedling, C. C , degree, 1562 Wiedman, C. G., degree, 577 Wiegand, A. J., appointment, 1500 degree, 139s Wiegand, R., appointment, 400, 909, 1449 Wiegert, P. E., degree, 1240 fellowship, 579, 1482 resignation, 1234 Wiehe, R. E.. degree, 786 Wieland, C. L., degree, 811 Wieland, R. E., degree, 1568 Wielgus, Laura, appointment, n Wien, N. A., appointment, 355 Wienke, J. W., degree, 799 Wienke, R. E., degree, 578 Wienman, A. M., appointment, 1529 Wier, J. M., appointment, 136, 572> 972 Wiese, E. L., appointment, 299, 1136 Wiese, J. L., appointment, 64s, 1189 Wiese, Marjorie J., appointment, 1128 Wiese, R. L., degree, 808 Wiesman, D. E., degree, 809 Wiggins, Margaret, appointment, 310, " 4 7 Wiggs, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 277 Wiggs, T. A., certificate, 1330 degree, 593