UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1580]

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UNIVERSITY Johnson, B. G., degree, 588 Johnson, B. H., degree, 818 Johnson, B. O., degree, 418 Johnson, Barbara K., degree, 1555 Johnson, Beatrice E-, appointment, 304, 872, 917 Johnson, Betty V., appointment, 394 resignation, 878 Johnson, Carl A., appointment, 352, 1180 Johnson, Clarence A., appointment, 203, 1038 Johnson, C. C„ degree, 1390 Johnson, Carl E., appointment, 394, 905, 1382 Johnson, Charles E., appointment, 44, 394, 981, 1226, 1273, 1448 degree, 784 Johnson, C. F., degree, 1391 Johnson, Carl R., degree, 1567 Johnson, Cecil R., degree, 1568 Johnson, C. W., Jr., decree, 815 Johnson, Claire, fellowship, 1485 Johnson, Cora R., degree, 800 Johnson, D. A., degree, 594 Johnson, D. B., degree, 1535 Johnson, Donald Elon, degree, 1549 Johnson, Donald Eugene, degree, 594 Johnson, D. F,, degree, 581 Johnson, D. H., degree, 810 ohnson, D. M., degree, 1546 ohnson, D. W., degree, 806 Johnson, Dagmar F., degree, 828 Johnson, Doris J., degree, 806 Johnson, E. H., appointment, 44, 872 degree, 784 resignation, 1233 Johnson, E. K., degree, 1252 Johnson, Eleanor V., appointment, 288, 1131 Johnson, Elsie, appointment, 319, 1158 Johnson, Evelyn D., degree, 1550 Johnson, F. E., appointment, 293 Johnson, F. H., degree, 1558 Johnson, F. R., appointment, 364 resignation, 573 Johnson, F. S., appointment, 242, 509, 1081, 1457 Johnson, Florene N., appointment, 302, 1138 Johnson, Fredda, appointment, 1128 Johnson, G. A., appointment, 282, 1118 Johnson, Gordon Clifford, degree, 787 Johnson, Gordon Craig, degree, 826 Johnson, G. F„ degree, 821, 1548 Johnson, G. L,, appointment, 299, 1135 Johnson, G. O., appointment, 145, 149, 5°9» 692, 980 declination, 1233 ohnson, G. P., degree, 820 ohnson, G. R., degree, 1572, 1573 ohnson, Garnet B„ degree, 1249 ohnson, Mrs. Geraldine, appointment, 1168 ohnson, Gladys M., degree, 7$7 ohnson, H. C., appointment, 261, 1097 Johnson, Mrs. H. C , appointment, 319, 1158 ohnson, Harold E., degree, 1561 Johnson, Herbert E., degree, 452. 12$2 Johnson, H. J., appointment, 238, 247, 702, 704, 1086, 1457 Johnson, H. K., degree, 422 Johnson, H. O., degree, 1242 Johnson, Harriette, appointment, 323, n 65 Johnson, Mrs. Hortense S., appointment, 258, 1094 . ohnson, Huldah E„ appointment, 309, 1140 ohnson, Mrs. Ida B., appointment, 394 resignation, 777 Johnson, Irene L., degree, 1242 Johnson, Iraia M., degree, 1237 Johnson, J. A., appointment, 277, " U Johnson, J. B., degree, 828 Johnson, J. E., degree, 1557 ohnson, J. O., degree, 816 ohnson, James R., degree, 1238 ohnson, John R., degree, 1570 ohnson, J. T., degree, 802




Johnson, Jerome W. f degree, 1563 Johnson, John W. ( degree, 1540, 157a Johnson, Mrs. Jean S., appointment, 295, 113a Johnson, Jeannette R., degree, 828 Johnson, Joan M., degree, 1536 Johnson, Jo Ann, appointment, 1097 degree, 1390 Johnson, Josephine A., appointment, 248, 701, 1087 Johnson, Mrs. June W., appointment, 258, 1094 Johnson, Mrs. Justus L., gift, 1471 Johnson, L. C , degree, 1397 Johnson, L. L., degree, 1567 Johnson, L. R., degree, 799 Johnson, L. T., appointment, 159, 994 Johnson, L. V., degree, 785 Johnson, Mrs. Loretta, appointment, 1137 Johnson, Mrs. Louise D., appointment, 297 Johnson, Louise M., degree, 1242 Johnson, M. E., degree, 1549 Johnson, M. Jeanette, appointment, 1160 Johnson, M. O., degree, 815 Johnson, M. R., degree, 802 ohnson, Mable A., appointment, 9 ohnson, Margaret, appointment, 327, 334, 1168, 1169, 1176 ohnson, Margery R., appointment, 306 ohnson, Marguerite C , degree, 1558 Johnson, Marjorie A., degree, 828 Johnson, Marjorie M., degree, 581 Johnson, Mrs. Muriel S., appointment, 1133 Johnson, N. C , degree, 1401 Johnson, N. E., degree, 1242 Johnson, Nettie F., degree, 1242 Johnson, O. C , degree, 809 Johnson, Mrs. Oma L., appointment, 268 Johnson, P. B., degree, 797 Johnson, Paul E., degree, 804 Johnson, Percy E., appointment, 99, 933 Johnson, Patricia B., degree, rsS5 Johnson, Phyllis A., degree, 1238 Johnson, R. A., appointment, 72, 690, 905 Johnson, R. B., appointment, 394 declination, 1233 Johnson, R. C , degree, 1555 Johnson, R. D., degree, 593 Johnson, R. E., appointment, 82, 915, 1491 Johnson, Ralph Harry, appointment, 147, i59» 697, 983, 994 leave of absence, 1280 Johnson, Ralph Henry, degree, 1562 Johnson, Robert Harold, certificate, 603 Johnson, Robert Hugh, degree, 1551 Johnson, R. I., degree, 1556 Johnson, R. J., degree, 1395 Johnson, R. K., appointment, 184, 1019 Johnson, Richard Lee, degree, 803, 1545 fellowship, 776 Johnson, Richard Lynn, fellowship, 1481 declination, 1487 Johnson, Robert L., degree, 815 Johnson, Ray O., appointment, 298, 1135 Johnson, Roger O., degree, 1555 Johnson, Ralph W., degree, 8JO Johnson, Robert Warren, degree, 1576 Johnson, Robert William, appointment, I77i 1013 resignation, 1382 Johnson, Mrs. Rhoda, appointment, 330, 1172 Johnson, Mrs. Rita, appointment, 1140 Johnson, Mrs. Ruth D., appointment, 256 Johnson, Ruth G., degree, 1244 Johnson, S. R., certificate, 1338 ohnson, Shirley J., appointment, 332 ohnson, Mrs. Sieglinde H-, appointment, 1097, i 1 2 1 Johnson, T. H., degree, 1395 Johnson, Treva, appointment, 320, 1159 Johnson, V. K., degree, 781 discovery, patent, application, 2 Johnson, V. S., degree, 1252, 1567