UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1539]

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Emerson, M. P., degree, 1534 Emerson, R., appointment, 136, 971 Emery, R., degree, 411 Emery, W. L., appointment, 330, 392, 693, 960, 1449 Emig, H. M., appointment, 221, 1057 Emig, Mrs. Madelyn T., appointment, 296 Emigh, C. R., appointment, 644 degree, 1283 Emmert, C. F., degree, 821 Emmert, W. L., degree, 1394 Emmons, W . D., degree, 781 Employees, agricultural, work schedule, change, 705 injuries, budget, 69, 902 nonacademic, policy and rules relating to compensation and working conditions, administration, 1441 regulations, 1441 revisions, 1418, 1426 Employees Council, purchase, 342 Employers* Fire Co., insurance purchased, 711 Empson, C , appointment, 276, 1112 Empson, J, N., appointment, 1125 Emrick, T. L., degree, 597 Ems, R. W., degree, 1567 Enamel standards, study, contract, change, 865 Enamel Utensil Manufacturers Council, contract, change, 865 Encyclopaedia Britannica, contract, 1219 Endowment funds, budget, Agriculture, 91, 924 Commerce, 137, 973 Communications, 165, 1001 Fine and Applied Arts, 152, 987 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 70, 902 Library, 187, 1022 Medicine, 200, 1036 Physical Education, 158, 993 Physical Plant Department, 188, 1023 investment, 379, 567, 568, 834, 1291, 1420, 1497 summary, 56, 196, 889, 1031 Endress, C. R., degree, 581 Endress, Lois M., degree, 809 Endress, R. F., degree, 1554 Endsley, Dorothy J., appointment, 1099 Endsley, T. L., degree, 407 Eng, R.j degree, 809 Eng, W., degree, 1397 Engblad, D. R., degree, 1565 Engel, E. H., appointment, 160 declination, 403 Engel, M. B., appointment, 220, 1056 Engelbrecht, L. M., degree, 585, 586 Engelbreit, J. B., certificate, 1357 Engeljohn, Mrs. Ethel, appointment, 306, 1143 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 4, 602, 1405 Enger, M. L., appointment, 121, 133, 954, 968 portrait fund, gift, 1214 Engert, Barbara G., degree, 588 Engert, Beth E., degree, 591 Engert, R. J., degree, 1397 Engert, W . M. C , degree, 1543 Engh, H. A., degree, 803 Enghausen, D. L., degree, 1252 Engineering, College of, admission requirements, changes, 761 appropriations, balances ^appropriated, 1197 budget, 120, 277, 953, 1113 curricula, changes, 1409 industrial engineering, approved, 1410 degrees conferred, 418, 586, 800, 1248, 1393, 1551 gift, fellowship, Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, 33 Strong, Henry, Educational Foundation, 549 research, 550 scholarships, Ceco Steel Products Corp., 1467 student data sheets, printing, 375

Elfenbaum, A., appointment, 216, 1052 Elfers, G., J r . , degree, 826 Elgert, O. J., degree, 1285 Elgin Lumber & Supply Co., purchase, 1360 Elhardt, W. P., appointment, 82, 915 El-Hifni, M. A., degree, 583 Eliel, L. W „ certificate, 841 Eliot, R., appointment, 159, 697, 994, 1453 Elk in, Mary E., degree, 809 Elkin, S. L., degree, 1554 Elkins, Eva M., appointment, 265 Ell, June L., degree, 452 Ellars, W., appointment, 290 Elledge, G. W., degree, 1560 EHer, R. E M degree, 597 EHermann, C. F., degree, 417 Ellew, P. T., degree, 587 EUicott, H. B., degree, 418 Elling, R. E., degree, 1540 Ellingson, Anita, appointment, 216, 1053 EUingson, E. O., degree, 1567 Ellington, C. V., appointment, 260, 1096 Elliott, A. B.f degree, 585 Elliott, B. A., degree, 1389 Elliott, Barbara P., degree, 1539 Elliott, E., appointment, 508, 1188 Elliott, F., certificate, 1357 Elliott, F . E., degree, 818 Elliott, G. J., degree, 830 Elliott, G. L., degree, 417 Elliott, J. E., fellowship, 1482 declination, 1486 Elliott, J. K., degree, 585 Elliott, L. E., appointment, 259, 1095 Elliott, Lucille, appointment, 311, 1148 Elliott, N. J., degree, 1542 fellowship, 1352 Elliott, Nelda J., degree, 819 Elliott, Q. K., degree, 798 Elliott, R. D., degree, 416 Elliott, R. S., appointment, 126, 961 degree, 1385 resignation, 1382 Elliott, Sarah A., degree, 1397 Elliott, Virginia O., degree, 1401 Elliott, W. K., degree, 1549 Elliott Flying Service, purchase, 502, 1344 Elliott Lumber Co., purchase, 342 Ellis, A. H., appointment, 1224 Ellis, C. D., appointment, 261, 1098 Ellis, D. O., degree, 820 Ellis, F., appointment, 1448 Ellis, Mrs. Gladys H., appointment, .267, 1103 Ellis, J. W., Jr., degree, 798 Ellis, Lucille N», appointment, 264, n o o ElHs, N. P. certificate, 841 Ellis, Mrs. Naomi C , appointment, 183 declination, 403 Ellis, R. G., degree, 1551 EUis, S., appointment, 283, 1119 Ellis, W. C., degree, 1241 Ellison, F. P., appointment, 1377 Ellison, N. C , degree, 809 Elliston, R. H,, appointment, 244, 1083 El-Melehy.M. A., degree, 415, 1534 Elsesser, T. M., appointment, 134, 701, 969, 1377 Elslager, E. F., degree, 575 Eisner, M. R., certificate, 488 Elstner, R. C , appointment, 392, 570, 970, 1377 Elstrom, E., appointment, 323, 1166 Elwell, L. D,, Jr., degree, 4*7 El wood, J. R., appointment, 1225 Elyea, R. E degree, 587 Embree, E. O., degree, 1544 Embree, M. L., degree, 453 Embry, J. C , appointment, 274, n 10 Embs, L. D.f degree, 423 Emch, A., appointment, 80, 913 Emergency Service, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 1065, 1156