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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 928]

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The Director of Nonacademic Personnel reports that he has now completed negotiations and that an agreement has been reached which fully satisfies the conditions established by the Board and which is likewise acceptable to the Union. Under this agreement, University wage rates will be tied to rates paid by the Building Managers' Association of Chicago and by a group of boards of education in suburban communities west and southwest of Chicago. The immediate effect of this agreement is to provide for a five-cent increase in the present hourly wage of $1.35 (of which increase three cents is the value of six paid holidays not heretofore granted to custodial employees), and to reduce the working time of night janitors by a twenty-minute lunch period to be allowed within the work shift. I have approved this agreement as being in accordance with the principles established by previous action of the Board. O n m o t i o n of M r . N i c k e l l , t h i s a g r e e m e n t w a s a p p r o v e d . CASE OF VIRGINIA KENNY A t this point, M r . Livingston, in the absence of D r . K a r l A . Meyer, Chairman, m a d e an informal report on a meeting of the Committee on Chicago D e p a r t m e n t s to consider the K e n n y case (see Minutes, September 29, 1949, page 8 1 6 ) . A f t e r discussion, on motion of M r . H i c k m a n , the President of the University was requested to investigate this m a t t e r further in conference with the Committee on Chicago D e p a r t m e n t s . OPEN SESSION

W h e n the B o a r d convened in open session after luncheon, the same members and officers were present as d u r i n g the m o r n i n g session. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E FACULTY MADE BY T H E PRESIDENT O F T H E UNIVERSITY T h e Secretary reported that the President h a s approved the following new appointments to the faculty of the r a n k of Assistant Professor and above since the previous meeting of the Board of T r u s t e e s : 1. MARIE A. HINRICHS, Assistant Professor of Hygiene, beginning October 15, 1049, at an annual salary of $5,500. 2. HERBERT O. KUBLY, Associate Professor of Speech, beginning September 1, 1049, at an annual salary of $5,500. 3. WILLIAM H . MILLER, Assistant Professor of Music, on one-fourth time, beginning September I, 1949, at an annual salary of $1,250. 4. GEORGE E. F . PICKARD, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering, beginning November 14, 1049, at an annual salary of $6,500. 5. H E I N Z M. VON FOERSTER, Special Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1949, at an annual salary of $5,000. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o n , t h e s e a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e c o n f i r m e d . MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT STODDARD T h e Board considered the following m a t t e r s presented by the President of the University. CANCELLATION OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR J O H N H. GARLAND (1) Associate Professor John H . Garland of the Department of Geography was granted a sabbatical leave of absence on full pay for the second semester of 19491950 (Minutes, March 10, 1949, page 292). H e has asked permission to postpone the leave until such time when he will be in a position to utilize more fully its benefits.