UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1376]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Hill, Iris, appointment, 789 Hill, J. C., degree, 128 Hill, J. E., member of advisory committee, J. K., degree, 471 K., degree, 277 M. J., degree, 1226 Marian S., degree, 1228 Martha A., appointment, 153, 682 R. C , degree, 852 R. D., appointment, 616 R. K., fellowship, 340 declination, 344 Hill, R. R., degree, 443 Hill, Robert Samuel, degree, 1228 Hill, Robert Seymour, degree, 443 Hill, Ruth W., degree, 1209 Hill, Mrs. Shirley, appointment, 302 Hill, W. G., appointment, 637, 1147 Hill, Y. M., degree, 262 Hillebrand, H, N., appointment, 559 Hiller, Alma E., appointment, 967, 977 Hiller, E. T., appointment, 38, 98, 568 retirement, 257 Hilliard, T. C , certificate, 1176 Hillner, E. F., degree, 1028 Hilsenhoff, L. W., degree, 473 Hilst, A. R., degree, 435 Hilton, H. H., appointment, 337, 606 Himes, T. J., degree, 1241 Hinchcliff, K. H., appointment, 230, 580, 597, Hinchion, R. B., degree, 462 Hinchliff, Virginia, degree, 847 Hinderer, C. O., Jr., degree, 1236 Hinds, H. S., certificate, 1176 Hinds, W. R., appointment, 799 Hindsley, H. E., degree, 1221 Hindsley, M. H., appointment, 386, 637, 652, Hine, M. V., degree, 467 Hines, C. O., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1096 Hines, D. B., fellowship, 1091 declination, 1096 Hines, E., Lumber Co., purchase, i84> 937 Hines, Helen E., appointment, 734 Hines, R. H., degree, 276 Hines, V. A., degree, 931 Hines, VV. T., degree, 116 Hines, W. W., degree, 858 Hinman, V. G,, certificate, 292 Hinnen, L. K., degree, 1233 Hinrichs, A., Jr., degree, 1214 Hinrichs, Marie A., appointment, 919, 926 Hinshaw, T. II., legal services, 989 Hinshaw, W. W., appointment, 772 Hirison, A. P., degree, 264 Hinton, F. E., degree, 446 Hinton, Mary L., appointment, 661 resignation, 928 Hinton, R. A., degree, 445 Hinton, R. W., appointment, 741 Hintz, R. A., degree, 862 Hintz. R. E-, degree, 858 Hinueber, G. C , degree, 462 Hioco, D., fellowship, 231, 927 Hippard, W. R., Jr., degree, 1023 Hippie, Mrs. Eleanor K., appointment, 391, 718 Hirata, Y-, degree, 1025 Hire, W. M., appointment, 751 Hiroshige, K., degree, 441 Hirsch, Mrs. Augusta K., appointment, 180 degree, 158 Hirsch, F. E„ appointment, 686 Hirsch, H. M., degree, 260 fellowship, 339, 1089 Hirsch, L. L,,, degree, 1246 Hirsch, M. M., degree, 1246 Hirsch, R. A., degree, 128 Hirsh, M., degree, 1228

1070 603, 1005

Heyer, A. W., Jr., appointment, 967, 977 degree, 1010 resignation, 1194 Heyer, Mrs. Ida J., appointment, 768 Heyman, Anita F., degree, 1231 Heymann, H., appointment, 153, 834 Hibbs, \V. G., appointment, 48, 868 Hick", F. K., appointment, 682 Hickenlooper, Edith H., degree, 1207 Hickenlooper, Irby, appointment, 754 Hickey, Mrs. Anna L., appointment, 760 Hickey, C. D., degree, 1232 Hickey, Mary, appointment, 798 Hickey, T. J., degree, 1237 Hickman, C. A., appointment, 1070, 1086 Hickman, C. L., degree, 1030 Hickman, D. D., degree, 853 Hickman, Janet E., appointment, 98 resignation, 45 Hickman, R. Z., appointed trustee of Retirement System, 288 member of committees, 287, 288 Hickmott, R. L., degree, 259 Hicks, Mrs. Freda M., appointment, 799 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 287, 1043 Hicks, G. B., Jr., degree, 1029 Hicks, J. H., degree, 275 Hicks, Jane, degree, 1223 Hicks, R. G., appointment, 607 Hidy, W. R., insurance purchased, 504 Hieronymus, T. A., appointment, 579. 929 Hieser, Lucile, appointment, 593, 604 salary adjustment, 1060 Hiett, M. E., degree, 852 Higgins, A. B., degree, 1011 Higgins, E. D., degree, 459 Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. G. W., gift, 66, 911 Higgins, 7. V., degree, 1229 Higgins, Peggy, memorial, gift, 911 Higgins, R. L., degree, 1248 Higginson, G. D., appointment, 567 Highet, R. J., degree, 1025 Highland, F. D., appointment, 956 degree, 162 High School Guidance Conferences, budget, 549 Higman, D. G., appointment, 1147 Hikido, Mae K., appointment, 783 Hildehxand, L., degree, 860, 1212 Hildebrandt, Martha, appointment, 364, 385 Hildebrandt, V. D., appointment, 811, 834 Hildreth, D. L., fellowship, 1089 Hildreth, Mrs. Marjorie M., appointment, 747. 748 Hileman, D. G., degree, 462 Hileman, Mrs. Shirley A., appointment, 776 Hilgenberg, Hildegard, appointment, 703 Hilgendorf, K. K., degree, 122 Hilker, Gloria L. J., appointment, 811, 834, 926 HUkevitch, B. H., appointment, 49, 869 Hill, Alice A., appointment, 734 Hill, B. K., degree, 277 Hill, B. W., appointment, 614 Hill, Chance S., Jr., degree, 465 Hill, Charles S., degree, 1221 Hill, D., Nursery, purchase, 1065 Hill, V. A., degree, 435 Hill, D. L., appointment, cancellation, 109 degree, 158 resignation, 109 Hill, Mrs. Deane W., appointment, 1005 Hill, E. J., Jr., appointment, 302, 880 Hill, E. L., degree, 438 Hill, Eileen S., degree, 442 Hill, Erma W., degree, 1214 Hill, F. J., appointment, cancellation, 109 Hill, H. E., appointment, 646, 766 Hill, H. L., degree, 445 Hill, H. W., Jr., degree, 115, 1197 fellowship, 340

Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill,