UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1372]

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Hartley, J. I., degree, 1214 Hartley, Lois T., appointment, 955 degree, xoio resignation, 980 Hartley, M. C , appointment, 37, 719, 1153 Hartley, M. R., certificate, 1034 Hartley, P. A., appointment, 676 Hartley, T. C , appointment, 834 degree, 159 Hartman, A. M., degree, 1221 Hart man, Barbara, appointment, 747, 764 Hartman, C. G., appointment, 571 Hartman, Mrs, Edith, appointment, 37, 392, 720 resignation, 928 Hartman, Eslie, appointment, 50, 676, 870 Hartman, P. A., degree, 456 Hartman, P. E., degree, 456 Hartman, Rose T., degree, 452 Hartmann, F. W., Jr., degree, 461 Hartoch, A. J., appointment, 391, 718, 1153, Hartong, J. R., degree, 113 Hartrich, H. F., degree, 458 Hartshorn, R. W., degree, 277 Hartung, R. G., degree, 1029 Hartwell, V. P., insurance purchased, 522, 1163 Hartzell, C. M., Jr., degree, 1234 Hartzell, F. M., degree, 1018 Harvey, F. E., degree, 458, 1207 Harvey, Lottie O., degree, 1212 Harvey, R. A., appointment, 690, 706 Harvey, R. B., degree, 1234 Harvey, R. W., Jr., degree, 467 Harward, T., appointment, 834 Harwood, R. F., degree, 1228 Hasbargen, G. J., degree, 438 Hasch, Dorothy R.f degree, 863 Hasch, J. J., degree, 260 Hasegawa, A. T., degree, 1249 fellowship, 106 Hasegawa, S., degree, 1243 Hasemeyer, Wilma L., degree, 1230 Hasenyager, B. F., degree, 861 Hashimoto, K, G., degree, 1228 Haskell, G. P., appointment, 382, 559, H44 Haskin, J. W., degree, 471 Haskins, D. E., degree, 122 Hass, Caroline H., degree, 471 Hass, G. M., appointment, 55, 876 Hass, T. W., degree, 471 Hassakis, D., degree, 443 Hassakis, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 741 Hassan, H. H., degree, 1199 Hasse, W. A., degree, 1217 Hasse, W. H., degree, 443 Hasselberg, B. L., degree, 265 Hasselquist, Suzanne G., degree, 465 Hassen, M., degree, 471 Hassin, G. B., appointment, 683 Hastings, C. C , member of advisory committee, 79, 818 Hastings, J. T., appointment, 380, 634 leave of absence, 1008 Hasty, Helen J., degree, 1236 Hatch, M. A., appointment, 1086 Hatch, R. D., appointment, 643 Hatch Fund, budget, 597, 750 Hathaway, A. S., appointment, 37 Hathaway Instrument Co., purchase, 306 Hattan, Corinne R., appointment, 565, 1147 Hattis, Shirley T., degree, 270 Hatton, D. R., degree, 1029 Hauck, D. W., appointment, 510 degree, 128 Hauert, R. E., degree, 1248 Haug, Elsie L., appointment, 955, 1053 Haugaard, H. I., appointment, 772 Haugan, J., degree, 1241 Hauge, R. W., degree, 1021 Haugens, E. E., degree, 120


Harrington, T. S., degree, 1032 Harrington, Mrs. Kitty P., gift, 66 Harris, A. & Co., purchase, 522 Harris, B. A., degree, 1032 Harris, Barbara, degree, 455 Harris, Beryle V., degree, 458 Harris, C. J., Jr., degree, 1228 Harris, E. H., appointment, SS resignation, 304 Harris, E. N., degree, 269 Harris, H. B., Jr., degree, 1018 Harris, H, H., Jr., degree, 470 Harris, Hildegarde H., degree, 271 Harris, J., certificate, 206 Harris, J. A., degree, 126 Harris, J. C , degree, 847 Harris, T. R., certificate, 206 Harris, L. B., degree, 268 Harris, Marjorie W., degree, 124 Harris, Mary B., degree, 1202 Harris, Mary E., degree, 436 Harris, Pearl, degree, 1229 Harris, R. E., appointment, 722 Harris, R. W., degree, 270 Harris, Ruth E., appointment, 737 Harris, V., appointment, 749 Harris, V. G., degree, 862 Harris, W. A., member of advisory committee, 22 Harris, W. D., degree, 1027 Harris, W. K., degree, 452 Harris, W. S., appointment, 614 degree, 446 Harris, Z., appointment, declination, 45 Harrison, A. B., degree, 276 Harrison, Ann, appointment, 751 Harrison, C. J., appointment, 55, 876 Harrison, D. C , degree, 462 Harrison, E. G., Jr., degree, 860 Harrison, E. J., degree, 1212 Harrison, Ernestyne H., degree, 458 Harrison, Frances L,., degree, 452 Harrison, J. E., fellowship, 342, 1093 Harrison, Norma Y., degree, 1027 Harrison, Mrs. Roberta R., appointment, 114S degree, 452 Harrison Street and Ashland Boulevard, apartment building, construction endorsed by University, 6 Harris-Seybold Co., purchase, 354 Harron, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 805 Harsacky, F. J., degree, 860 Harshbarger, H. G., degree, 119, 470, 1246 Harshbarger, Jeanne M,, degree, 452 Harshbarger, K. E,, appointment, 587 salary adjustment, 1059 Harshbarger Building & Supply Co., purchase, Hart, A. L., degree, 1032 Hart, D. E., appointment, 153, 867 Hart, E. O., appointment, 749 Hart, F, C , Jr., degree, 274 Hart, G., appointment, 745 Hart, H. E,, degree, 1223 fellowship, 1137 Hart, I. W., Jr., certificate, 1034 Hart, L. J., degree, 1032 Hart, Mrs. May T., appointment, 761 Hart, Mrs. Nina L., appointment, 737 Hart, R. F.. degree, 447 Hart, W. W., Jr., degree, 1032 Hart, Zara R., degree, 859 Harte, R. F., certificate, 1126 Harter, G. L., appointment, 1135 Hartford Fire Insurance Co,, purchase, 1261 Hartford Indemnity Co., purchase, 504 Harthun, E. C , degree, 1020 Harthun, Mrs. Esther H., appointment, 768 Hartiala, K. J. W., fellowship, 182 Hartie, G. N,, degree, 1016 Hartley, Mrs. Donna, appointment, 781 Hartley, Henrietta S., appointment, 50, 871

2 3 , 2 8 1 , 354, 1163,