UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1370]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Hamill, R. C., appointment, 56, 878 Hamilton, A., appointment, 545, 569 Hamilton, B. F., degree, 1032 Hamilton, Mrs. Barbara C , appointment, 586, 598 resignation, 1096 Hamilton, C. S., degree, 465 Hamilton, Emilyanne C., degree, 1225 Hamilton, F. A., degree, 864 Hamilton, G. A., degree, 1020 Hamilton, H. D., degree, 1199 Hamilton, J. A., appointment, 560 Hamilton, J. H., degree, 467 Hamilton, Juanita, appointment, 792 Hamilton, Mary A., degree, 1236 Hamilton, Mary L., degree, 1236 Hamilton, R. D., degree, 277 Hamilton, R. E., degree, 264 resignation, 45 Hamilton, R. H., Jr., degree, 1214 Hamilton, R. T., appointment, 762 Hamilton, S. S., lease, 132 Hamilton, Tom Sherman, appointment, 376, 585, 596 research, gift, 67 salary adjustment, 1058 Hamilton, Tom Sherman, Jr., degree, 1239 Hamilton Manufacturing Co., gift, 1169 Hamlin, E. A., degree, 1029 Hamlin, H. H., appointment, 424, 880 Hamlin, H. M., appointment, 98, 380, 628 Hamlin, W. E., degree, 930 Hamm, Harriet E., appointment, 736 Hamm, K. L., degree, 112 Hamm, R. R-, appointment, 774 Hammack, J. E., degree, 1241 Hammack, R. W., degree, 459 Hammann, W. C , fellowship, 1090 Hammel, Beverly B,, degree, 1025 Hammel, G. E., degree, 1032 Hammer, Helen A., degree, 446 Hammer backer, L. J., degree, 1228 Hammerschmidt, H., contract, 950 Hammerschmidt Brothers, contract, 334 Hammersmith, C. P., degree, 1241 Hammitt, B. E., appointment, 747 Hammond, C , Jr., degree, 452 Hammond, Carolyn W., degree, 474 Hammond, D. E., degree, 1232 Hammond, S., appointment, 626, 1142 cancellation, 109 Hammond, W. C„ appointment, 51, 872 Hammons, Mary E., degree, 458 Hamp, L. R., appointment, 386, 638 Hampel, J. D., degree, 277 Hampel, N. F., certificate, 206 Hamper, W. R. T,, degree, 1223 Hampton, V. J., appointment, 546 Hampton, W. J., appointment, 746 Hamrick, R. G., degree, 275 Hamson, E. M., degree, 1024 Hanawalt, C. F., degree, 277 Hance, J. M. t degree, 452 Hance, Margaret, degree, 452 Hance, R. W., degree, 462 Hancock, R. S., appointment, 377, 1140 degree, 441 Hand, H. C., appointment, 380, 629, 1142 Handel, L., book, printing, 1064 Handelsman, N., certificate, 206 Handicapped children, teacher of, classification discontinued, 173 Handler, J. S., appointment, 98, 676, 878 Handley, Juanita, appointment, 798 Handley, P. F., Jr., degree, 461 Hanes, W. W., appointment, 746 Haney, Mrs. Edna, appointment, 766 Haney, J-, appointment, 790 Hanford, Patricia A., degree, 446 Hanft, W. E., degree, 128 Hang, D. F., appointment, 381, 610, 1144 degree, 853 Hanke, Dorothy E., appointment, 748, 75°

Hall, R R., appointment, 871 Hall, G. S., degree, 857 Hall, H. D., degree, 847 Hall, H. F., degree, 847 Hall, H. K., Jr., degree, 430 Hall, H. S., appointment, 229, 627 Hall, J. D., degree, 122 Hall, J. M., appointment, 53, 874 Hall, J. R., degree, 1027 Hall, J. W., appointment, 377 degree, 1197 fellowship, 339 Hall, Jean, degree, 118 Hall, Mrs. Kathryn, resignation, 256 Hall, L. B., degree, 473 Hall, Lucilla, appointment, 570 resignation, 928 Hall, Mrs. Lucille D., appointment, 753, 758 Hall, M. W., degree, 1015 Hall, M. Zella, appointment, 736 Hall, Mollie, appointment, 792 Hall, R. M,, degree, 122 Hall, S. G., appointment, 612 Hall, S. W., appointment, 594 Hall, W., appointment, 755 Hall, W. D., degree, 114 Hall, W. G., degree, 1213 Hall, W. L., contract, 417 Hall, Wayne L., degree, 1022 Hall, W. M,, degree, 119 Hall, Zoe, appointment, 799 Halla, L. G., degree, 1217 Hallada, D. P., degree, 436 fellowship, 340, 1090 Hallbeck, P. H., degree, 1032 Hallberg, A., appointment, 801 Halldorson, Audrey R., degree, 1223 Halldorsson, S. G., degree, 117 Halliwell, G. P., appointment, 229, 615 Hallman, T. B., degree, 1241 Hallock, R. V., degree, 1223 Hallowell, H. C , degree, 459 Hallowell, R. E., appointment, 98, 561, 1145 Hallstein, R. G., degree, 275 Hallstein, W. W., degree, 864 Hallstrom, H. E., degree, 265 Halper, D. G., degree, 1210 Halpern, H., certificate, 132 Halpern, L. J., appointment, 55, 876 Halpern, R., degree, 271 Halpin, Mrs. Elizabeth A., appointment, 756 Halpin, Margaret, appointment, 792 Halpin, T. T., degree, 273 Halsey, J. F., appointment, 209, 229, 302, 618 Halstead, W. P,, appointment, 510 Halsted, Jane A., fellowship, 1090 declination, 1096 Halstengard, T., appointment, 803 Halterman, Jean C., appointment, declination, 156 degree, 118 Haltiwanger, J. D., degree, 851 Halttunen, M. A., degree, 1022 Halverson, Mrs. Jane L., appointment, 752 Halverson, S. L,, degree, 1022 Halvorsen, Marjory E., degree, 1223 Halvorsen, R., degree, 10.28 Halvorson, H. O., appointment, 322, 362, 373, 555,. 1139 declination, 1194 Halvorson, J. F., degree, 126 Ham, C. W., appointment, 385, 613 Ham, J. P., appointment, 977 Hamand, L. M., degree, 431 Hamann, O. W., degree, 861 Hamann, W. C , certificate, 132 Hamant, Barbara F., degree, 269 Hamant, V. F., degree, 275 Hambalek, M. S., degree, 1032 Hambenne, Larae B., degree, 433 Hamburg, Reatha F., degree, 1223 Hamby, \V. D„ degree, 1228 Hamer, P. E,, degree, 461