UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1366]

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Graduate College, admission requirements, Graham, R., appointment, 596, 643, 644 revisions, 993 Graham, R. G., degree, 934 work in journalism, 16 Graham, R. L., degree, 1031 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, Graham, Ruth E., appointment, 180 Graham, Sara, appointment, 373, 663 72 Graham, W. H., degree, 461 budget, 620, 699, 758* 788 Graham, W. R., degree, 1234 catalog, reprint, 901 Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White, archicurricula, 1072, 1097 tectural and engineering services. East business, 1180, 1256 Chemistry Building, change in estimates, education, 1179* 1254 food technology, 1179, 1253 law, 1178 electrical distribution system improvestatistics, 1180, 1255 ments, 999 degrees, authorized, aeronautical engineerElectrical Engineering Building, 177 ing, 16 fire protection improvements, 402, 954 agricultural engineering, 16 Physics Laboratory repowering, 1128 communications, 407 Graham, Crowley, and Associates, Inc., gift, speech, 16 166 conferred, 112, 157, 257, 430, 474, 846, Graham-Hoeme Plow Co., Inc., gift, 165 929, 1009, 1197, 1248 Grain dealers, improvement of operating effielectronic digital computer, appropriation, ciency and services, research and educabalance reappropriated, 70, 485 tional programs, gift, 1167 construction, authorization, 204 Graivier, L., degree, 456r 1204 contract terminated, 204 Gram-Jensen, Lily, appointment, 794 funds, reallocation, 204 Gramley, W. E., Jr., degree, 463 housing, 172 Grampp, W. D., appointment, 723 power supply, 1116 Grams. L. R., appointment, 686 purchase, power units, 522 declination, 842 resistors, 351, 902 Granbcrg, C. IS., appointment, 153, 698, 699 teletype sets, 902 declination, S42 tubes, 937 Grandt, A. F., appointment, 97, 584, 1192 electron microscope, appropriation, 204 Grandy, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 776 faculty publications, annual compilation, dis- ; Grandy, R. W., degree, 1032 continued, 1130 Grange, E. D., degree, 128 fellows, appointment, 43, 106, 155, 182, 231, Granite steps, Library, purchase, 1065 254, 3<>3> 338, 374. 426, 512, 840, 927, Grant, D. H., degree, 116 958, 979* 1007, 1055, 10S9, 1136, 1193 Grant, F. S., degree, 441 fellowships, appropriation, 971 Grant, Isabelle F., appointment, 663, 1088 Illinois college nominee plan discontinued, Grant, Mary, appointment, 562 Grant, N. Ii., degree, 115 1073 postdoctoral and nonresident, stipend, 1073 1 Grant, O, B., degree, 1233 laboratory, library, and supply fee, students Grant, Ruth A., degree, 861 in Chicago Professional Colleges, 325 Grant Hospital, affiliation with Cook County purchase, cryostat, 307 School of Nursing, request, 1084 electrometer, 61 Grassel, C. M., degree, 1248 electronic work benches, 306 Grasselli Chemical Co,, purchase, 1259 Graduate Pedodontia, budget, salary adjustGrassfield, J. R., degree, 456 ments, 1136 Grass Instrument Co., purchase, 355, 902 Graduate seminar in computing machine methGrassmick, E, R., degree, 1028 ods, budget, summer session, 383 Gratch, Hermine, degree, 454 Grady, J. C , degree, 1230 Gratzinger, M., appointment, g7, 833 Grady, Shirley E,, degree, 1225 Grauer, H., certificate, 1034 Graening, H. A., degree, 1232 Grauer, M. J., degree, 461 Graf, D. G., degree, 128 Graves, A. F., degree, 461 Graf, Thelma, appointment, 770 Graves, C. M., appointment, 748 Graff, W. A., degree, 430 Graves, D. W., appointment, 1005 fellowship, 106 Graves, J. S., certificate, 496 Graffin, J. W., appointment, 423, 868 Gray, E., appointment, 49, 869 cancellation, 1055 ; Gray, E. J., appointment, 742 Graffy, J. H., certificate, 1034 Gray, Edna R., appointment, 592, 603 Gragg, Lillian M. P., degree, 433 salary adjustment, 1059 Gragg, R. K., degree, 859, 1201 Gray, G. E., degree, 850 Graham, A. A., degree, 464 Gray, H. M., appointment, 153, 379, 625 Graham, Aileen, appointment, 791 relieved of duties as director of Institute of Graham, Charles John, degree, 1223 Government and Public Affairs, 4 fellowship, 1095 Gray, J. C , certificate, 1034 Graham, Charles Joseph, degree, 1239 Gray, J. L., degree, 1218 Graham, E. P., degree, 863 Gray, N. L., degree, 461 Graham, G., degree, 436 Gray, P. H,, appointment, 747 Graham, Helen J., degree, 452 Gray, R. N., degree, 864 Graham, T. G., degree, 461 Gray, S. H., degree, 855 Graham, J. P., degree, 269 Graybar Electric Co., purchase, 902 Graham, J. R., degree, 127 Graziadei, G. E., degree, 1241 Graham, J. S.. degree, 462 Greathonse, Dorothy E., degree, 1024 Graham, J. W., appointment, 607 Greatliouse, L., appointment, 747 resignation, 928 Greb, E. P., degree, 1029 Graham, K. C , degree, 864 Grebner, V. D., degree, 461 Graham. Kathryn, resignation, 375 Greeley, P. W., appointment, 58, 879 Graham, Mary F., degree, 458 member of advisory committee, 243 Graham, M ary G., degree, 1223 Greeley & Hansen, contract, 185 Graham, Mary M., appointment, 745 Green, A. E,, degree, 459 Graham, Nora Z., degree, 433 Green, A. P., Fire Brick Co., gift, 67, 905