UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1311]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Bloom, P. S., gift, 165, 911 Bloom, Roberta, degree, 451 Bloomer, T. C , degree, 123, 434 Bloomer Heating & Ventilating Co., contract, 940, 1074 change, 1050 Bloomfreld, J. G-, appointment, 733, 773 Blootnfield, R. L., degree, 864 Bloss, Betty H., degree, 1230 Bloss, F. D., appointment, 1053 Blosser, L, G., fellowship, 840, 1090 Blostein, L. E., degree, 274 Blotner, H. L, degree, 449 Blucke, R. W., degree, 1235 Blue, J. E., member of advisory committee, Blue Lake Coal Co., bid, 24 Blueprint dryer, General Engineering Drawing, purchase, 522 Bluestein, B. R., degree, 430 discovery, patent rights, release, 1068 Bluhm, Carolyn R., degree, 853 Bluhtn, H. H., degree, 1239 Blum, Eleanor, appointment, 664, 1088 Blum, H. Z., degree, 1235 Blum, L. L., appointment, 881 Blum, M. A., degree, 471 Blum, S., degree, 1222 Blume, J- T., Jr., degree, 466 Blumenschein, J. F., degree, 1021 Blumenthal, B. C , degree, 1240 Blumenthal, H., appointment, 54. 875 Blumentlial, H. D., degree, 276 Blumhagen, Jeanne B., degree, 471 Blumklotz, B., appointment, 54, 875 Blust. R. H., certificate, 496 Bly, J. R., degree, 1016 resignation, 255 Blyth, C. R., appointment, 177, 1191 Blyth & Co., revenue bonds, student and staff apartments, at TJrbana, 1078 B'nai B'rith, Anti-Defamation League, gift, 1167 Chicago Women's Lodge, gift, 66 Boand, A. V., Jr., appointment, 831 degree, 475 Boardman, Mrs. Phyllis C , appointment, 736 Boardman, R. S., appointment, 251 Board of Trustees, budget, 541, 732 executive committee, election, 286, 1042 officers, delegation of signatures, 287, 1042 election, 286, 1042 standing committees, 287 tour of Chicago Professional Colleges, 954 Boas, W., appointment, 753 Boatman, L. F., degree, 439 Boaz, B. A., degree, 462 Bobbitt, G. F., degree, 125 Bober, M. M., appointment, 1191 Bober, R. G., degree, 127 Bobick, M. T., degree, 269 Bohsin, Roberta J., degree, 465 Bobsin, W. H., Jr., degree, 466 Boccio. J. J., degree, 473 Bock, L. L., degree, 466 Bock, Sara, appointment, 781 Bockman, R. L., degree, 1232 Bockman, T., Jr., degree, 1239 Bockstahler, T. E., degree, 930 Bode, J. L., appointment, 743 degree, 1216 Boden, W. E., degree, 1030 Bodett, R. C , Jr., degree, 1217 Bodine, L. W., degree, 116 Bodman, M. T., degree, 277, 1015 Bodz, Dolores J., degree, 465 Boeman, J. S., degree, 123, 455 Boes, H. T., degree, 116 Boettcher, C. E., degree, 268 Boettner, H. E,, degree, 1217 Boetto, C , degree, 858 Boffo, L. S., appointment, 925, 1005 Bogart, E. L., appointment, 625 Bogen, G., degree, 124



Boget, Gladys, degree, 1029 Boggess, W. R., appointment, 577, 590 salary adjustment, 1056, 1059 Boggs, J[. H., Jr., appointment, 35 decimation, 108 Bogin, S-, degree, 449 Bogner, N. F., degree, 1019. 1021 Bogner, R. F., degree, 269 Bohbrink, J. R., degree, 861 Bohl, R. W., appointment, 615 degree, 263 Bohland, Rosella, appointment, 797 Bohleber, C. A,, degree, 1213 Bohlman, V. R., degree, 126 Bohn, F. O., degree, 851 Bohning, Anne, appointment, 55, 877 Bohon, Lois D., degree, 458 Bohon, R. L., degree, 1197 Boikan, W. S., appointment, 48, 869 Boiler, Cook County Experiment Station, purchase, 235 Boiler repairs, Abbott Power Plant, contract, Bokenkamp, H. J., appointment, 612 Bokenkamp, R. W., degree, 438 Bolam, E. H., degree, 271 Boland, Mary B., degree, 856 Boland, R. J., certificate, 1034 Bold, E. J., degree, 848 Boldebuck, L. A., degree, 1220 Bolden, E. L., Jr., degree, 447 Bolden, T. E., fellowship, 344. 1096 Bolduc, Mrs. Barbara B., appointment, 94, 423 resignation, 255 Bolduc, O. J., Jr., degree, 1025 Boles, R. E., degree, 1237 Boley, C. M., appointment, 754 Boley, L. E., appointment, 643 Boley, M. H., appointment, 51, 872 Bolin, L. A., degree, 1217 Bolka, Mrs. A_nn F., appointment, 798 Bollero, Mrs. Dolly K., appointment, 77$ Bollero, M. J., degree, 1233 Bolliger, J., Sons, contract, 299 Bollingen Foundation, Inc., gift, 1165 Bollyn, E. C , degree, 1032 Boloten, M.. fellowship, 1094 Bolte, Huklah, appointment, 794 Bolte, O. G., degree, 1240 Bolton, B. E., degree, 1220 Bolton, J. D., & Co., purchase, 353 Bolton, Mabel S., degree, 1023 Bolton, W. E., degree, 1020 Bolz, H. H., member of advisory committee, 36S, ii77 Bonaguidi, Lorraine A., degree, 1030 Bond, A. K., degree, 1222 Bond. Carla J., degree, 1027 Bond, D. R., degree, 1222 Bond, E., appointment, 251, 679 Bond, E. E., appointment, 180, 687, 831 Bond, Elizabeth J., degree, 436 Bond, Elizabeth M., degree, 44* Bond, Ethel, appointment, 384, 647 retirement, 428 Bond, J., degree, 1019 Bond, J. H., Jr., fellowship, 1092 Bond, Treasurer, 286, 347 Bond coverage, policy, 199 Bonds, investment of domestic insurance companies. legislation, 528 Small Homes Council housing research project, 817 bids, 886 resolution authorizing issue, 887 student and staff apartments, deposit agreement, 1190 financing, legal services, 999 second unit, 1078, n o i Women's Residence Hall, authority to issue, authority to sell. 211 Bondus, J. G., degree, 1025