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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1176]

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[May 20

69. United States Public Health Service, National Institute of Health: a. $500 for a study on the mechanism of action of the trophic hormones of the pituitary gland, in the Department of Animal Science, from November 1, 1948, through June 30, 1949 (No. 1819). b. {1,458 for a study to determine the mechanism of action of gonadotrophic hormones on the ovary, in the Department of Animal Science, under the supervision of Professor Andrew V. Nalbandov, for one year beginning March 1, 1950 (RG-1678). c. $ 10,000 for a study on synthesis and maintenance of intracellular enzymes, in t h e Department of Bacteriology, from September 1, 1949, through June 30, 1950 (No. 1094). d. $3,900 for isolation and study of the chemical nature of the principle in pyrethrum flowers which causes dermatitis in sensitive persons, in the Department of Chemistry from September 1, 1946, through January 31, 1948 (No. 186). e. For a study on the origin and interconversions of the nonessential amino acids, in the Department of Chemistry: (1) $16,812 for one year beginning September 1, 1948 (No. 1386); (2) #16,810 for one year beginning September 1, 1949 (No. 1386C). f. $9,646 for an investigation of the inositol containing lipids of soybeans with particular reference to their separation from soybean phosphatide, in the Department of Chemistry, for one year beginning September 15, 1949 (No. 2031). g. $7,560 for a study to determine the basic nutrition of virulent insects, in the Department of Entomology, under the supervision of Professor Gottfried S. Fraenkel, for one year from April 1, 1950 (RG-2075). h. $6,190 for a study to determine the effect of high temperatures on the inactivation of enzymes and on the destruction of micro-organisms and some of the physical-chemical properties of milk and cream, in the Department of Food Technology, under the supervision of Professor Paul H. Tracy, for one year beginning May 1, 1950 (RG-1947). i. For training in clinical psychology in the Department of Psychology: (1) $11,798 for one year beginning July I, 1948 (No. C138.2-A); (2) $13,647 from September 1, 1949, through June 30, 1950 (No. C269.2-A). j . $4,428 for a study on preparation for devices of objective measurements of personality maladjustment, in the Department of Psychology, for one year beginning June 1, 1948 (No. 927—MH-80). k. $9,413 for a study on refinement of objective measures of personality maladjustment, in the Department of Psychology, for one year beginning June 1, 1949 (MH-80C). 1. $19,892 for a study to indicate empirically promising psychological instruments and designs for screening out persons in need of clinical or hospital care, in the Department of Psychology, under the supervision of Professor Louis L. McQuitty, from April 1, 1950, through June 30, 1951 (MHS-17). m. $11,398 for training clinical psychologists in the Department of Psychology for one year beginning July I, 1947 (No. T41.2). n. For a study on instrumental methods for detecting small amounts of chemical contaminants in water in the State Water Survey: (1) $19,966 from July 1, 1947, through August 31, 1948 (No. 666); (2) $21,168 for one year beginning September r, 1948 (No. 666C); (3) $17,496 for one year beginning September 1, 1949 (No. 666C-2). o. $8,986 for a study of the nitrification phase of the biochemical oxygen demand test, in the State Water Survey, for one year beginning September I, 1949 (No. 2141). 70. VioBin Corporation, Monticello, Illinois, $200 in continued support of the investigation of the value of wheat germ oil in the development of resistance to disease, in the Department of Bacteriology, under the supervision of Professor George I. Wallace. Total, Funds for Graduate Fellowships, Scholarships, and Research... .$326 927 23 C. Gifts of Equipment and Works of Art 71. Castleton China, Inc., New York City, a service for twelve in the Laurel pattern china for use in the Home Management House of the Department of Home Economics. Estimated value, $240. 72. Mr. Thomas Dreier, Melvin Village, New Hampshire, a plow with wooden moldboard used prior to 1835, for the collection of the Department of Agricultural Engineering.