UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962 [PAGE 1526]

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Department Physics


Cost $ 4 805 00 f.o.b. delivered 3 045 00 f.o.b. delivered

One electromagnet, four-inch, w i t h one pair cylindrical pole c a p s One power s u p p l y One current regulator One mobile c a b i n e t One detector, nuclear magnetic resonance, field r a n g e 4 to 64 m c in 4 bands, proton range a t 4.27 m c / k g 940 to 15,000 gauss, lithium range a t 1.66 m c / k g - 9 , 6 0 0 t o 38,400 gauss; and one crystal calibrator for a b o v e One c h r o m a t o g r a p h , gas, with flame ionization a t t a c h m e n t , recorder a n d fraction delivery s y s t e m ; t o be used in the bio-synthesis of b e t a nitropropionic acid, f a t t y acid analysis, and t h e s t u d y of t h e cellular constituents of spores One language laboratory, 27 place, with all 27 to be audio-active-compare system One physiograph comprehensive system and accessories t o be used in teaching the universal measurement of t h e various body functions such as brain activity, circulatory action of t h e blood, contraction of the muscles, a n d kidney function One electron microscope w i t h accelerating voltages from 50,000 t o 100,000 volts; a s t i g m a t o r built i n t o ; resolving power 10 a n g s t r o m units o r b e t t e r ; double condenser lens system; magnification range 200 t o 250,000 times; and one year service c o n t r a c t The Henry Clinton H u t c h i n s Collection of 400 titles relating to Daniel Defoe and other eighteenth-century literary figures One recorder, T V t a p e , used, w i t h three narrow t r a c k head assembly (0.0005 in. track) One two-speed, 7 ^ a n d 15 i.p.s. conversion One test meter One module test assembly Five rear doors for t a p e m a c h i n e racks Redactory service and printing and binding 1,500 copies of Advances in Neuroendocrinology, b y A, V. N a l b a n d o v , approximately 808 pages per copy 175 u n i f o r m s f o r A r m y a d v a n c e d R.O.T.C. s t u d e n t s 90 uniforms for Air F o r c e a d v a n c e d R.O.T.C. s t u d e n t s For 1962-63 school year Cleaning services for Air Force R . O . T . C . basic uniforms for t h e period J u n e 1, 1962, through J u n e 30, 1963 (estimated total pieces 13,575) t o replace services provided during t h e first half of the cleaning period b y t h e Paris Dyeing & Cleaning Co., which h a s ceased operations A p p r o x i m a t e l y 72,000 i d e n t i f i c a t i o n card (I.D.) prints, size 2H x 3?<, of students for first a n d second semesters and s u m m e r session for school year 1962-63 Eight i s s u e s ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y 32,000 copies per issue, sixteen 11 in. x 17 in, pages per copy) Illinois Alumni News, July, October, N o v e m b e r , December, 1962, F e b r u a r y , M a r c h , April, J u n e , 1963 Two issues (approximately 95,000 copies Per issue, eight 11 in, x 17 in. pages Per copy) Illinois Alumni News, Fall, *962, and Spring, 1963

Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif.


Spectromagnetic Industries, H a y w a r d , Calif.

P l a n t Pathology

F & M Scientific Corp., Avondale, P a .

3 395 00 f.o.b. delivered

University H i g h School

Carroll Seating C o Chicago

Veterinary Medicine

E&M Instrument Co., Inc., Houston, Tex.

10 738 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed 2 870 00 f.o.b, delivered


Erb & G r a y Scientific, Inc. Oak P a r k

28 500 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed


C. A. Stonehill, Inc., New H a v e n , Conn. R a d i o Corp. of America, Chicago 43 245 00 f.o.b. delivered

Office of Instructional Television

University Press

W a v e r l y Press, Inc., Baltimore, M d . E s a u i r e Uniform Co., St. Louis, Mo,

11 800 50 f.o.b. delivered 30 135 75 f.o.b. delivered 3 000 00 f.o.b. picked up and delivered


Military P r o p e r t y Custodian

R o y a l Cleaners & Laundry, Champaign

Security Office

C h a m p a i g n Blueprint, Champaign

2 768 40 f.o.b. delivered 21 506 00 f.o.b. delivered

Alumni Association

Tazewell Publishing Co., Morton