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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962 [PAGE 1448]

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of the University of Illinois, Class of 1907, and a member of the faculty of the University from 1917 until her untimely death in an airplane disaster in 1948. In 1938, she became a full professor and Chairman of the Division of Business English, in which field she was one of the pioneer teachers and achieved a national reputation. She served on numerous faculty committees whose services were directly related to student life and welfare. She also was one of the Vice-Presidents and a Director of the University of Illinois Alumni Association for a number of years. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has also been consulted and supports this recommendation. O n m o t i o n of M r . P o g u e , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a p p r o v e d . D E G R E E O F MASTER O F EXTENSION EDUCATION (6) The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends authorization of a graduate program designed to meet the professional needs of men and women in the Cooperative Extension Service or related fields of education, leading to the degree of Master of Extension Education. The program was developed by the College of Agriculture and has the approval of the Graduate College and the College of Education. The Senate Coordinating Council indicates no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education of Illinois. Submitted herewith are a supporting memorandum giving the details of this program, and a formal outline of the proposal which 1 recommend be approved for submission to the Board of Higher Education. Copies of both documents are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. O n m o t i o n of M r . W i l k i n s , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a p p r o v e d . REVISIONS IN THE CURRICULUM PREPARATORY TO THE TEACHING OF BIOLOGY (7) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended certain revisions in the curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science, effective for students enrolling in the curriculum in September, 1962, and thereafter. The revisions include a recommendation that the minimum number of hours required for graduation be 120 hours, not counting the first two years of work in military science and physical education, instead of 123 hours presently required. The changes also include new courses and rearrangement of certain present courses. A complete outline of the revised curriculum showing the changes in the present program is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Senate Coordinating Council indicates that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval. O n j o i n t m o t i o n of M r . W i l l i a m s o n a n d M r . W i l k i n s , t h i s r e c o m mendation w a s a p p r o v e d . REVISIONS IN GENERAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM (8) The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends that the present requirement of twelve semester hours of social science-humanities electives in the curriculum in general engineering, be increased to eighteen hours, the change to become effective the first semester of the 1962-63 academic year. T h e additional six hours required will be provided for in the curriculum as follows: Second Semester, Sophomore Year: Drop Civil Engineering 200, General Surveying, or Mechanical Engineering 182, Manufacturing Processes, 3 h o u r s ; and add social science-humanities elective, 3 hours. Second Semester Senior Year: Drop engineering science elective, 3 hours, and add social science-humanities elective, 3 hours. The Senate Coordinating Council indicates that no other Senate jurisdiction 15 involved. I recommend approval.

On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved.