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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 [PAGE 923]

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[April 8

Davis, Mr. Fornof, M r . Jensen, Mr. Karraker, M r . Livingston, Dr. Luken, Mr. McKelvey; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Green, M r s . Grigsby, D r . Meyer, M r . Nickell.

TEMPORARY SALARY INCREASES FOR TEACHING STAFF IN MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY (8) Executive Dean Allen has recommended the following temporary salary increases for the teaching staff of the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry, including members of the Pharmacy faculty teaching in the College of Medicine, for the summer quarter of 1944, to be distributed over the salaries payable for the months of June, July, arid August, 1944: 10% of annual salary in pre-clinical departments in Medicine and in all departments in Dentistry; 5% of annual salary in clinical departments in Medicine. In the pre-clinical departments 64 persons are involved, with a total of $16,405, and in the clinical departments 116 persons are involved, with a total of $18,535. T h e reason for this increase is that, as a result of the accelerated plan, members of the staff are required to teach continuously through four quarters covering the entire year instead of only in the two semesters as formerly. This added service was rendered without additional compensation in 1942 and 1943. On the Urbana campus those who teach in the summer semester receive additional compensation and such an arrangement should also be applied to the Chicago Colleges. T h e proposal is for the year 1944 only, without any commitment as to a permanent arrangement. In the Chicago divisions a substantial sum from the regular salary budget has lapsed unused into the General Reserve. T h e University is also receiving added income from student fees due to the addition of one quarter to the calendar and because tuition for all Army and Navy trainees is paid on a nonresident basis even though they may be residents of Illinois. I recommend that this temporary increase in salaries be authorized and that a non-recurring appropriation of $35,000, or so much thereof as may be required, be made for this purpose from the General Reserve. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r n o f , t h e s e i n c r e a s e s w e r e a u t h o r i z e d a s r e c o m mended, and the appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Jensen, M r . Karraker, M r . Livingston, Dr. Luken, M r . M c K e l v e y ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Green, M r s . Grigsby, Dr. Meyer, M r . Nickell. BEQUEST OF CORA M. BRUNNER (9) The University has been notified by Knapp, Cushing, Hershberger, and Stevenson, Attorneys for the estate of the late Mrs. Cora M. Brunner of Evanston, Illinois, that in her will which will soon be presented for probate the University is named as a beneficiary. It is estimated that Mrs. Brunner's entire estate will amount to approximately $50,000. H e r will provides that the net proceeds of her estate shall be divided into 100 equal parts and that "Forty (40) parts thereof (shall be given) to the COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Urbana, Illinois, in memory of my husband, John Brunner, for the purposes of research and advancement in engineering education." It is impossible to determine what the value of the bequest to the University will ultimately be. T h e will provides that "any and all estate, inheritance or succession taxes which may be levied against my estate or against any legacy or bequest under this Will, shall be paid by my Executor out of the Forty (40) parts bequeathed above to the College of Engineering, University of Illinois, and said legacy shall abate to the extent of such taxes. . . . " No bequests can be paid until after the lapse of nine months as provided by Illinois law. A copy of the complete will as received by the University has been given to the Secretary of the Board for record. T h i s report was received for record.