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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 [PAGE 871]

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[February 24

original agreements include the provisions relating to patents in accordance with the previous policy of the Board governing the same. Since it is not anticipated that much if any additional equipment will be purchased and no patentable discoveries are in prospect, these exceptions are of no great significance. I request confirmation of my action. O n m o t i o n of M r . D a v i s , t h e a c t i o n o f t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e U n i v e r sity in e x t e n d i n g these a g r e e m e n t s w a s a p p r o v e d a n d confirmed. PURCHASES RECOMMENDED (12) The Comptroller recommends that the following purchases, submitted by the Purchasing Agent, be authorized: 1. Seven thousand copies of lithographed soil maps of Kendall County, for the Agronomy Soil Survey, from A. Hoen and Company, the lowest bidder, at their price of $1,955. This company has printed many of the soil maps in the past, and they have proved highly satisfactory. 2. Pyrex laboratory glassware, 140 cases, for the General Chemical Stores, from W . M. Welch Manufacturing Company, Chicago, at an approximate cost of $2,100. This firm is selected becatise of the service it can render. This item is non-competitive. P y r e x glassware is sold through jobbers at prices fixed by the manufacturer. T h e lowest price applies to orders for lots of 100 or more cases. 3. Forty thousand pounds all-purpose soft paste white lead, for Physical Plant Stock, from Sherwin Williams Company, the lowest bidder, at their price of $3,760. 4. One thousand gallons lead mixing oil, for Physical Plant Stock, from Eagle-Picher Sales Company, at their price of $1,220. 5. A collection of 37 Early English books selected from a large collection brought to the Library by C. A. Stonehill, of New York and London, at a total price of $6,500. An itemized list of the books selected, giving the value of each, is hereby given to the Secretary of the Board for record. T h e total of the individual prices of the 37 books selected is $7,875.50, but Mr. Stonehill has made a special price to the University of $6,500 for this lot. T h e selection made by the Library is based entirely on the value of the books to current or projected research, and every item selected has been carefully examined by scholars on the faculty. T h e old and rare book market is rapidly diminishing; fewer and fewer items are becoming available at any price. As the actual books in this collection were submitted for inspection, the Library has been able to examine them and discover their real condition, which is a most important advantage when buying early printed books. Funds are available for these purchases. I concur. O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h e s e p u r c h a s e s w e r e a u t h o r i z e d a s r e c ommended. PURCHASES AUTHORIZED (13) A report of the following purchases proposed by the Purchasing Agent and authorized by the Comptroller as emergency actions: 1. Seventy-four steers for the W r i g h t farm in DeKalb County. T h e purchase was made from the Chicago Producers Commission Association at a price of $7,246.33 (one-half of which, o r $3,623.17, was paid by the University, and the other half by Mr. Francis H a r t , t e n a n t ) . Professor J. B. Andrews, who is in charge of the operation of this farm, and Mr. H a r t went to Denver, Colorado, with a representative of the Chicago Producers Commission Association to select suitable stock. T h e transaction has been completed and the stock delivered. 2. Thirty tons pure wheat bran, for Feed Storage, from the Valier & Spies Milling Company, the lowest bidder, at their price of $40.21 a ton, or a total of $1,206.30, f.o.b. Urbana. 3. Coal purchased: ( a ) Twenty-eight cars (approximately 1400 tons) washed screening coal to be shipped during the balance of February, 1944, and placed in storage, requested by the Physical Plant Department, from the Peabody Coal Company, Chicago,