UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 956]

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Entrance examinations, fees, 778 fund, appropriation, 778 balance reappropriated, 207 budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 281, 674 Entrance requirements, See Admission. Entrekin, G. P., degree, 900 Epperson, A. T., degree, 137 Epperson, E. B., degree, 137 Eppstein, S. H., appointment, 13, 420, 917 degree, 542 Epstein, B. B., certificate, 789 Epstein, L. A., degree, 237 Equipment, appropriations, Agriculture, 613 balance reappropriated, 776 Business Office, 530, 650 balance reappropriated, 776 Engineering, 194, 207, 215, 357 balance reappropriated, 359 Journalism, 509 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 649 balance reappropriated, 776 Military, balance reappropriated, 776 Military Bands, 488 budget, approved, 782 Medicine, 333, 730 gifts, electrical, 493, 494 humidifying air, 493 purchase, agronomy research, 492 Engineering, 634 Photographic Laboratory, 366 Power Plant switch, board, 540 Radio Station, 366 regulations, 599, 601 State appropriation, 265 Equitation classes, fee, 96 Erbeck, G. A-, degree, 437 Erd, R., contract for instruction of, 458 Ergosterol, investigation, budget, 333 gift, 31, 884 Ergiin, F. R., degree, 235 Erhard, W., appointment, 340, 737 Erhardt, R. K., degree, 137 Erich, J. B., degree, 136 Erickson, Mrs. Aline, appointment, 673 Erickson, E. L., appointment, 107, 290, 682 Erickson, P. J., degree, 245 Ericsson, H,, Company, bid, 475 Ermentrout, J. C, degree, 56, 906 Ernest, J. H., appointment, 284, 676 retirement, 754 Erzinger, Eleanor V., degree, 903 Eslinger, K. N., degree, 237 Espevik, Anna O., degree, 246 Espy, W. N., appointment, 302, 695 Esry, V. H,, degree, 245 Estep clock maintenance fund, budget, 351, 748 Esterquest, R. T., appointment, 549, 746, 772 Estes, E. E., degree, 898 Etchings, gift, 480 Etheredge, Maude L., appointment, 331, 728 member of McKinley Hospital executive staff, 432 Ettinger, A. C., declination, 384 fellowship, 382 Ettington, P., degree, 905 Eubank, L. D., scholarship, 771 European Culture, Museum of, budget, expense, 283, 675 wages, 294, 686 tea set, gift, 53 Evans, A. P., degree, 898 Evans, C. R., degree, 436 Evans, Mrs. Edna V., appointment, 40, 286, 678 Evans, K. E., degree, 237 Evans, R. C-, degree, 241 Evans, W. L., Jr., degree, 242 Evans, Yvonne L., appointment, 571 Everett, S., appointment, 395* 420, 560, 691 Everett, Verna L., appointment, 278, 420, 670 declination, 415


Ewald, J. D„ degree, 237 Ewald, S. J., degree, 237 Ewert, E. E., appointment, 340, 917 Ewing, D. H., declination, 201 scholarship, 197 Ewing, Frances C., degree, 896 Ewing, P. L„ appointment, 339, 736 Examination books, regulations, 602 Examination records, transcriptj fee, 628 Examiner and Recorder's Office, Chicago, University seal, 73 Exchange professors, statutes, 580 Executive Committee, authority, bids for Medical Building, 454 purchases over one thousand dollars, 367 election, 146, 554 meeting, 70, 86, 90, 390, 432, 454, 486, 515. 5^8, 646, 776, 781 Exhibits, Century of Progress, disposal, 60 Expense and equipment budget, 356 action deferred, 754 approved, 782 unused balances, transfer, 556 Experimental gas plant, fire, 167 Experimental Zoology Laboratory, water purifiers, 132 Extension, budget, expense, 272, 664 adjustment, 612 salary, 346, 744 adjustment, 612 summary, 743 correspondence courses, regulations, 139 Director, Senate member, 576 extramural instruction, appropriation, 756 committee, 175, 196 policy, 450 regulations, 754 scholarships not accepted, 79 Visual Aids Service, balance reappropriated, 776 See also Agricultural Extension Service. Eyster, H. C, degree, 887 fellowship, 196 Fabert, Mrs. Ellen L., appointment, 316, 710 Fabian, F. C, appointment, 67, 344, 741 Fabricant, N. D., appointment, 373, 758 Faculty, clinical, Medicine, 372, 757 club, service, 139 Graduate School, statutes, 580 organizations, meetings, regulations, 598 President a member of each college and school, 575 recreation, women, budget, 726 See also Staff. Fadura, E. R., degree, 243 Fagen, I. H., contract for instruction of, 52 Fahey, J. L., certificate, 394 Fahnestock, M. K., appointment, 305, 698 Fahr, Ruby M., degree, 903 Fahrion, F. J., degree, 894 Faingold, J., degree, 252 Fair, Florence L., appointment, 331, 728 Fairbank, E. H., degree, 905 Fairbanks, B. W. t appointment, 40, 420, 709 degree, 133 Fairlie, J. A., appointment, 291, 684 leave of absence, 535 Fairview Park Cemetery Association, lease, 493 Falconer, E. G., degree, 547 Falk, A, B., degree, 909 Falk, P., degree, 252 Falls, F. H., appointment, 337, 734 Falstein, M. R.f degree, 911 Fancher, Marjory L., degree, 246 Fanckboner, A. F., degree, 413 Fannin, W. R,, degree, 240 Fans, electric, Summer Session, appropriation, 214 Fanti, Mary D„ degree, 414